Sunday, February 28, 2016


It all started here-when-
It was not begun-before
It was said
In the beginning
who said It
when It was
the first
notion before motion
set in-
side the difference in
between mover and moved
when It
is found In
and all around
before sound made it
said or heard
It was on the third day
It was idea, a seed sown
the sky glown
in sacred rhyme
the making of
difference In time
then and what
will be
started over
counting It out
to find our place
only to begin
at one.

Image by Gustave Doré (1832-1883), Creation of Light[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Perso in la biblioteca Umbertos

Leave a light on
so the bugs don't eat the books.
The grandfather clock
must be wound
so our heart keeps ticking.
Stock up on the stories
so you have many maps
and mythos to go.
The journey keeps us young,
but the last leg catches up...
You've lost me-
many times
in the labyrinth of
your enigmatic fantastic
winding fallacious folios
that make ones head spin-
Are they books or bottles
with memories as mixed
Translation tends to
misinterpret and blurs,
slurs, like tears on ink
there's a leak, (I think)
Ahh-look up-
always-the sky
knows how to read infinity
as long as your words remain
contained and
eternally with me,
I'll be happily lost in the library.

Image of painting By Unknown Dutch Master (c.1628) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Alter ego

Having an alter ego
is better than being schizophrenic,
Although its still not quite right
to say it has to do with our
size shifting ego.
It could have been called
alter(nate) reality
-but that was taken by technology.
Parallel universes could work, theoretically.
This would not conflict or cross hairs,
like egos.
Who knows,
maybe being a writer is just ordinary
crazy. After all,
it's a scary thing
to think like Stephen King.
Though the average person
keeps their twisted thoughts
to themselves,
but knows how
alter(nate)ing egos
allow acceptably
multiple personalities.
And many is more than one-
identities, like secrets are sweet,
indulgent even, but one
can have too many of those
personality wise, everyone knows
those are aptly called lies.

The scenery in between

All the faces
in their cars, stopping, going
to and from
look so tired and miserable-
like they are being drug around,
he noticed.
When people walk,
they participate in the traveling.

Going Places,
she said
Look at him,
now he's going somewhere
and his air was lighter
the wind was with him
as they say.

Have you walked anywhere
without a destination,
and seen what's between
point B and A
(where are those located anyway)?

This thing stumbled upon
called ambling along-
not to ramble on too long
but wandering is no easy thing-
thankfully though,
it requires no licensed training.
Practice, yes,
lots of pedestrian practice,
yet even pacing is prior
enough preparation
for lack of destination.

The art of the amble:
when out walking
in a leisurely way
one can confidently say
I went somewhere today
without a point.

Image By Stupich, Martin, creator, Weeping Wall, Flathead County MT[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Spectator Sport

Middle balcony
where reporters are filed
and whores are stashed
doesn't seem so long ago
Middle balcony
up in the branches
the birds mast
where cackles sink
and wails lilt
into the rafters
it used to be so
Middle balcony
cast in the dark
as a side remark
of jesterly hospitality
and for courtly banality
Middle balcony
too far to catch
the rigs and ropes
behind the magic
show down stage
Middle balcony
posts up extras 
for the epic play
with broken legs
and body doubles
Middle blacony
 is a caste idealist 
for the grand finale
leap of revelry 
one must take
into the pit
of the old

Image of painting by Thomas Francis Dicksee, Juliet on the balcony (1875) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

De mure De moon

She walks in the open at night
wrapped in white sheets wet from sweat
that darken in every crevasse
by her movement

She speaks in shapes of words
by the phase of the moonglow
and knows she is watched, barely
as she pulls the threads closer

lightly, it was the way she cast
down her eyes
dutifully does not speak
until spoken at

The careless sashay,
the way her hips open
to accommodate the frame
that holds her

Embellished, a facade
shiny with optimism,
buffed and presentable as
Potemkin villages
de mure

But the light from
her being
there shifted and softened
features receptively

In decent she saunters
the skies, timidly taking her place
outside public walls
where no artificial light falls

She sees purely, clearly
she is not needed to light the way
for others to see, but every so often
she brightly becomes
full of herself.

Image by Luis Ricardo Falero [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

The Count of Poiesis

Should you meet me in the day
-Be Warned-
Under the glaring sunlit lamp
I am grotesque, in the worst light.
I avoid my reflection in hindsight
and it rejects me back.

They still say vampires
once dwelt in caves
nearby, while I dwelt
while growing up.

The solar alarm sounds
strong to vowels, soft with consonance;
sensitive in all tenses, and thirsty.
-Be Wary-
my dreamy stranger-
under the open atria of night,
we are both tied to the ticks
of blood-sucking time.
Transfusing our eternity away,
craving the sap of the skylark.

Composed 10/10/15.

Image by Philip Burne-Jones [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Le Vampire, c. 1897.

The Limits of Infinite Green

Serene, you say
and touch upon
your spinning wheel
earthly orb round aglow
with yellows 
the arrow shows
blues and all its complimenting
hues of pure and azure
blending in
I do not know
as far as colors go,
what on earth you mean
when you say green...
under a green light
asking me to go,
rejected and moving on
a blur, recycled back into
the landscape accepting all
applications of green and
its basic redundancies, likeness
bordering on biopic multiplicity.

Composed 11/3/15.
Image by Vincent van Gogh, Green Field (1889), [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saying Hello to Yellow

Yellow is such an excitable color,
I wonder why it was not chosen on the dollar?
Go for gold, so we are told, now green means greed (or anthropocentric-ecology).

It gives its gist, its tones surround
awash in amber sunlit streams, a honeyed round.
These bees knees.

Evaporate to dissipate, all yellow with its white,
Ideological color-coded representing light.
Puffy clouds up there dispelling do not care.

A wisp, a wind, invisible in blue,
yellow of miasma, a heavy stench to view.

Blinded by the light, illuminated insight.

Details and dust, minute moments under highlight
backlit aura in glow, a heavenly halo gets bright.

It is the color of embrace, a warm greeted face,
a marvelous matter in Persephone's case...

Flaxen, ashen, wheat grain hair looking for more fun.

The Ylang-ylang used fruitfully in Malay
wouldn't tell or like to smell any other way.

Innocent in assertion, overpowering in desertion.

Wrapping around, at the end of the ray
yellow is what makes a beautiful day

Drafted, swilled, mead drunk filled pores.

The dying man's last words, a fluttering flock, a bird
tweeted the suns secret, in the buzz, it goes unheard.
You will find the secret in your Sol.
There's nothing mellow about yellow.

Faces of happy, or warm air, and for daisies,
slowing down, its pricelessly making maybes.

Composed 3/15/15.
Image of painting by Gustave Caillebotte, (1848-1894), [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons."The Yellow Fields at Gennevelliers".

A Charming Third Time

She reached out, compelled
to place her hand on the spinning wheel.
She trembled toward the blur,
despite the risk, she was unable to resist.

She stopped it on an arrow
whose two points of infinity
changed direction in the light,
no two rays the same color.

She drew back and it spun again
wildly as if it had never stopped.
She noticed the colors blending
but never overlapping the white between.

She looked around to see if anyone else
saw, or had seen the giant wheel
before her, spinning on its own accord
humming in its smooth momentum.

Alone and reckless,
she tried to touch it again,
this time to only grab the blue
but landed her hand on an arrow.

She knew the symbols well,
circles, arrows, points of interest, color codes
but could not decipher the definitions-
clearly, each stood for something.

She watched its speed grow
the longer she waited to ask again,
the more dangerous the choices became
even though they always stayed the same.

She closed her eyes and flung her weight
toward the wheel, groping for anything solid
finding herself on an arrow
not knowing how to hold on, she let go.

She watched the wheel whirl,
murmuring about momentum.
She heard one of the 64 arrows
call her name and whisper, The Way.

Image By Internet Archive Book Images [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons. East of the Sun West of the Moon, 1922.

To Prey

Perched upon the precipice, putting it out...There
Toes of talons testing
Tensile strength
the weight of gravity’s grip
Knuckles fisted white feathers
circle around palms, swooping ling lines
under current, jet streams, screams
of circles
sees squarely, keen
seen belly dancing
Flutter, stutter, mutter
pinned in air
circles in the sand, out-lines
the                  bush
Tracing the clock
You Are Here.

Composed 3/27/15.
Image By Justin Connaher ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Pain scale

The bottom bass drum throbs*_*_*_*
catching its reverberating rhythm…echoes in your bones.
Pangs wail unsteady*by back-feed screams**nails scratch black slate.
Rips jagged jerks
                            muscle movements spasm
                                                                       ---and tense-letting briefly a sense
-a single gasp, a breath-       before coming through.
(Inside again),
trembling upon return          inevitable cool rushes    waterfalls through hot veins
hit icy boulders,
white raging waters--direct and dictate
the dermal, thermal, rising
skin, pouring forth
in urgency of some release!
A pressure valve, a double boiler, the kettle calls black______***
incessantly nagging in angry notes.

(I can only whisper in whimpers)
Struck- dumb, now-I refrain somehow
unable to take any more

Composed 9/9/15.
Image of painting By Sir Charles Bell [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Patient suffering from tetanus. 

Bottled Up

I took your advice
and put a cork in it.
(on repeat)
Compression under strict repression,
taut me tension.
When you said
Keep your lid on,
it went flat anyway.
Impatience spoils the fizz…
Bite your lip-
Don't speak when being listened to!
We thirst as one must lust for
quenching and regurgitation.

I heard you the first time-
Flinch it back and glimpse
Anything explodes
amidst the churning sea of noise
a message contained
in a clear bottle

is shaken.

Composed 12/26/15.
Image by Juan Gris [Public domain], Jar, Bottle and Glass, c. 1911, via Wikimedia Commons.


Heavy were my legs
              and blistered were my souls
                      as I climbed
                            dropping stones and sweat
as I went.

An ascent, the carrot grew
                           sweetly downward
                                  in your striking light
                                         I rose to the events
put in my path.

Sequentially steeper
                          pushing me down
                                      the air thins
                                          and blood chills
glimpses in steam.

Packed and thrown
                            the key, precious ego sinks
                                         reaping its slaughtered pleasures
                                               deflowered by appetite
famished and sated.

Starvation and salvation
                                  the lighter the load
                                                 only to reach
                                                       destiny's plateau
wilted and near weary.

Well, I didn't know
                         as good as it gets
                                           is nowhere near Yet
Grace has wings
                         on Time she flies
                                            passively Bye.

Image by Caspar David Friedrich [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Owl on grave c. 1836.    

Eclipsing circles

The sky cracked
its crusty eye of
blue bags, purple circles
in a sign of deprived time.
The sun yawns,
peaks over the treetops,
energized and light.
The stars resign
their flares drown
to day.

The shining sea
crumples its satin sheet,
white-cap crumbs strewn
atop the surface.
The earth smokes
after a torrid night
promiscuous and still
The human hurries
for his mask.
Mistaken for a dream
the pale moon takes it all in. 

Composed 9/26/15.
Image By Donald Davis [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, c. 1970's, NASA ID AC75-1920.

About Clouds and Me to Your Ology

As the pressure builds
                         high and low confront,
trapping in between them a compression and
                          depression, folded in thick layers.

A cumulus of collective thoughts
                          gather gem-like crystalline
shards that slice through thin air.
                         In a Doppler of cirrus
the stratus changes, morphing into
                         unstable mutatus Mother clouds,
hovering, heavy and thick with milk,
                          curdling and separating their wheys and way
lost, aloft out of focus like mist and blur
ragged ropes, pull and bind, fraying edges as taut by
                          knuckles under the pull of Virga.

letting it all go,
unnoticed into oblivion, minute like tears
                          reigning in sheets
down Fallstreak holes
                          through the ceiling
that bears an air of Nacreous ether up there, apart and
                          weighted by the moody swing fronts
of days and nights.

                           The phases fade, leaving
traces of birefringent dreams, seems like
                           floating behind the Fisher King and moon man,
who overcast
his holy net, his wind we felt
mingled with water

we breathe.

1st composed 8/5/15-edited multiple times.
Image By Sensenmann (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Clouds over Yucatan, Mexico.

Phantastic Piano Performance

It was during the intermission
we watched the best performance.
It was out in open the courtyard
during a Metromaniacs matinee,
on a sunny winter Saturday.

The public streamed through
the park with iphones out
snapping selfies and photo-
bombing against the facade of
replicated architecture, others lines,
inspired fed and resaid by other centuries
countries and similies reproduced.

When just then at the break-
a balding, middle-aged, frumpy man
with a black backpack, thick rectangle
glasses, wearing immaculate white tennis shoes
took a seat on the bench at a public piano
painted like our nearest galaxy
covered ephemeral stars.

And he began to play
and play feverishly,
and he plays himself away.
His head hung limp and
gently swayed, his shoulders
carried the notes.
Heavy wafts of ivory notes,
smoke and perfume danced.
And while he played
people paused
For it
over, he knew, winding up
keying down, the piano man
stood quietly as he came,
and wordlessly shuffled himself away
taking his notes
with hymn.

Image of painting by Thomas Dewing, The Spinet c. 1929 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Composed 2/25/16.

Anchors I weigh

When I showed up
I learned from living on top of time
I was not welcome anywhere,
but hospitality persists
itself like religion
there’s room.

My timing not convenient.
A detour is never the fastest path,
unless the destinations are the same.
It is safer submerged, underwater
where whims wont push you around
I found
After holding my breath so long.

She could have killed me.
I know she tried, more than once,
placing her baby bundle on the bow
rock-a-bye, like they do,
rolling for the wake to take me back

Her bare hands would be too brutal
and accidents are blameless
What doesn't kill you
lets you live exhausted
torch smothered.

Insisting on myself
I remain
tethered to the life raft
that was never attached
to Her. 

Composed 10/24/15.

Image by By Ministry of Information Photo Division Photographer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Be careful what you ask for

“Was it really all for nothing?”

                                                “A beautiful tribute, nonetheless.”

“All the more reason to question why, or if I should.”

                                                “Always question what you should.”

“Why can’t you give me a straight answer.”

                                                “Perhaps there are none of those.”

“What I mean is, I mean, what I need to find out is...should I continue?”

                                                “Yes, we all need discovery. That is why we journey.”

“That leads me nowhere.”


Image of painting by Nikolai Ge [Public domain, c. 1890 What is Truth? GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sundays with Mommy (Dearest)

Every Sunday at 1 o'clock my mother calls me
on my landline, she leaves the same message
if I don't pick-up, she doesn't call my cell

She calls to chat about her week
on speakerphone while my stepfather listens
occasionally making comments
frequently making faces
I'm sure.

It has been 10 years since they visited
my home, although we live in the same state
we are far enough apart
to blame inconvenience on transportation
and time

She speaks at me about the small town
I grew up in, the weather, the roads and wildlife;
Breaking News from Monday she shares and
sometimes she even sends me links, in the mail box
(newspaper clippings) that smell of cigarettes

She'll rave about the wine I can never drink,
she melts over the meal Mike made for her,
decadent and deathly to me,
insisting I am missing out
by being this way

She'll brag about her co-workers adult children,
everyone else's kids with a 9-5, who are
making a good living, while I am wasting my little life

My mother had only one child
and I was too much, she let her parents
do the parenting. She did this for me-
apparently this was better
for my future, sighting the hind

As my mothers' only child, the lineage is certain-
there is a 100% chance of never being good enough.

When my mother and stepfather became grandparents (twice)
I thought (once) they would become Grand Parents, instead
they adopted their neighbors' son, they go to his birthday
parties and soccer games, but couldn't make it for my sons
high school graduation.

When my grandparents died, I thought she'd be there for me,
but I knew, I was already too far away.
When my grandparents passed away, I knew she'd need me
and I went home right away.

After 520 Sundays, you'd think I'd find something better to do.

Every Sunday at 1 o'clock my mother calls me
a disappointment
Someday I should stop making
these appointments
and live a little (life)...
Although I know when I get home
her message will be waiting
past 1 o'clock
Next Sunday
for someone else
whose number she now has.

Image of painting by By Vladimir Makovsky, Mother and daughter c. 1886[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Theory of Speculative Direction

If you were lost in the woods,
                                     a compass would work
better than a philosopher
                                     even if you didn't know
how it all worked
                                     At least you would get

If you wanted to map
                                     the Universe one
should listen to a shaman's mantra
                                     not plot it out with an astrophysicist
it would be easier to project
                                     realms by means of real numbers
shooting from the lip, a departure from
                                     the same astral plane
                                     bound by reasonable gravity
Altering the scenery doesn't change the view
                                    from the eye of the bespoken

Plato's cave was not a practice of spelunking
                                     to new depths
or sending our souls soaring to the stars
                                     upon plummeting death and worms.

If I remember correctly
                                     the act of recalling can feel like falling, sleeping or slipping
into the abyss of mind matter
                                     a memory palace, a sin chateau,
a cabana for one's mana
                                     and other obtrusive structures
machinations are machines

Like the disgruntled grandson
                                     who built a Reverse Infinity Instrument
(a.k.a. a Time Machine)
whose Free Will Manual Transmission led him to kill
                                     the wise man he so despised
an obviously inane and obtuse conundrum
                                     based on probablies and anti-definitives
that work every
                                     ninety-nine percent of the Time
but that too was just speculative theory

Composed 6/18/15.

Image By A. Ernyes at en.wikipedia (Own work Transferred from en.wikipedia) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons of Kootenay Lake BC.


White noise words

I have sat and watched the ocean
for hours
and years
and while I don't quite know why
I still feel
in waiting for a reply
for words I already know
will never wash ashore
for me to find
like unbroken sand dollars
glistening gold in the sand
reminds that chasing
never gets
wise by watching-
taking it all in by
each pebble upturned, every
gull and erne, the rhythmic
flap beat and crash, cymbalist
water splashing up word
dancing in wavy mockery
a song whose lyrics
are all pitch and roll
foaming at the lip
while I
sit quietly listening
to hear it again
and a-gain
in a grain
in all ways
voluminous, numerous
white words
that tidally summit
and blend back in
singing to sea 
and here, 
the choir. 

Composed 1/23/16.

Image by RicardoUrbinaM assumed (based on copyright claims). [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons (edited).

Bell jar

I have never seen a firefly
in Real life,
but I know
I would want to trap it
in a Ball glass jar
shrink its Universe
clutched in the palms of my Hands
convinced I was all there Was.
And I,
watching it like (a)
trapped in there,
until it dies
and the mystery is over,
the spark has gone out inside
so I let it Go.

What else could be done?
I lick my finger
circle it around the lip
and mimicking the sound made
of the world spinning around me
while blowing glass.

Composed 5/17/15.

Image By Kobayashi Kiyochika (Japan, 1847-1915) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Times tourniquet

Last week
I had it all
under control.

Last month
I was excited
about the Future.

Last year
I couldn't wait
to be where I am
I cannot say
it right.

Tomorrow will Be
too much
all over again
and then
I fear
of ending up

Image of painting by Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/1498–1543) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

On second hand

I don't believe in capital -T-
But I do buy time
all the Time
whenever it's available.
And I do accept
watches and glances
but not second chances.
I never used to wear a watch
in youth
that is counter-clock-
But Now
the time I live in
I could always use a great Coach
cheering me to go on
to keep up the pace
And what about a beautiful face-
There's something utterlessly
about a Fossil.
And while digging up
and backflash dreams
it seems
my heart slows
my brain knows
the battery is dying
there is no denying
when it quits,
so will I

Image By Watchexpert (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


Something said, It Is
All that I can do As Is
It Is, what It Is.

Image by Fernand Khnopff [Public domain or CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Ends of the Authors we read...

It will be better
for future generations
that you're gone...
You see,
they will be spared from the tragedy
of losing a(n authorly) dear friend, a confidant, mentor,
a loved one
Zero can replace
from (book) end to (book) end
-From America To Italy-
tears between salty seas
I could not be amore triste
(mi manchi)

Lucky am I
to be born too late
to suffer the agony
of losing more,
Italo, Borges, Aldous, and Hesse, all the poets
gone before, so many I adore-
The words cut off, there is The End
of literary legends and magnificent minds,
such as He
Now freed from his earthly libraries
to live for all our eternity.

Image above painting by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 1898 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Image By Lesekreis, taken 10/14/2012 [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

"I can prove to you that every age has interpreted certain events in the light of this apocalyptic text*: events such as comets, cows with two heads, and so on, were all spoken of as signs of foretelling a dramatic day of reckoning for the human race. Specialists are aware of this and write about it, but the general public refuses to believe it. Let's say you have to console a friend who has been destroyed by his wife. The man says to you: 'I can't go on living.' 'Come, come,' you say, 'all of us have been deserted at least once, if not more often in our lives. It happens to everyone.' This argument has never consoled a sad lover. He thinks of his problem as graver than the ones you describe to him. In the same way, the argument that all men are mortal has never consoled a dying man! 'You're dying, old friend, but be reasonable, it happens to everyone!' If he has any strength, he will slap you in the face. So what can you do to persuade people who believe that the end of the world is nigh, that people from every past generation have seen it coming before they did? Do you say that it's sort of (a) recurrent dream, like the dream that our teeth are falling out or that we suddenly find ourselves naked in the middle of the street? No, they'd reply, This  time, it's more important than all the other times."**

*referring to the Book of Revelation
The preceding quoted text is excerpted from the book "Conversations about the End of Time"**

**Eco, Umberto, Catherine David, Frédéric Lenoir, and Jean-Philippe De. Tonnac.Conversations about the End of Time. New York: Fromm International, 2000. Print. p. 181

Friday, February 19, 2016

Call me Callous

I must be sick.
Nothing sounds good.
Everything tastes suspicious.
Something stinks-
and not in just one place.

And I am switching on and off
like a light, from flaming heat
to icy sleet.
I shiver at my ashen image.
All is muted in grey,
like that one fat cloud
shorting the light behind
that does not desire
to move
me, but instead
hovers in hauntology.

I must have thrown out my smile,
I haven't seen it in a while.

Denial is a thick word
that extends in all tense directions.
And when I look back,
it was there and here.

I cannot speak right.
It is not your misunderstanding
it is my bad, I prose,
I left out the important details.

All my forgotten failures
have been waiting for me
to give up,
to add them up,
to throw up
the shit in the fan
and splatter the walls
with my acidosis.

Etching insults on my skin,
wretching my brain,
I am stained with vile regret-
yet, it may be a nasty infection
of my excommunicated ego,
though -I'm still -I think
I must be sick
of myself.

Image of painting By Artist Edward Prentis [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Power-saver mode

I need a volta
the current
situation is shorting
my fulfillment
and stunting my growth

and a volta would do the trick
and a volta sounds like a charge
and a volta would be shocking
to the system

A volta is what I need
to insert into my life, poetry, right
left justified
About us...

After all the loves I've met
it is you I regret
letting plug into me
sapping my signal strength
sucking my juice dry

filling up your,
wishes and kisses
are for children who have it all
in potential

conservation comes
in steady waves
don't save yourself,
do something else
or nothing at all
shutting down...

Image By George Eastman House [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons, Electric lightbulb patents. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Never a need to wonder

Like a nickel found
behind your ear
it happened so fast
nobody noticed how
it got to where
there was
never a need to wonder
about any thing.
More than a sleight of handy
to always have the answers
in your pocket,
where change used to go-
you know
billfolds and money clips
(now it's all just strips and chips)...
Tho' for what it's worth
I bet
we all still like to stash some cash-
like philosophic questions
often posed as origami
or in amor plait fati, ah yes-
currency well spent
we know,
with nary a query
that goes unsolved.
Yet the soul enigma remains-
have we evolved?
And now
I wonder-
what my smartphone would say.

Image of Don Adams by General Artists Corporation-GAC-management. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...