Showing posts with label yellow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yellow. Show all posts

Sunday, April 28, 2019


Green, oh so serene,
            awash in heart
and yellow glow,
            gentle evening strength
And absorb
            the black smoke
and fireballs like shooting stars
             hurled in my direction
             the energy, only-
I scoff-a slip-and then correct
my posture-composure-and breath
                   from inside the top of my
skull, I wait,
for revelation
                    to show
nothing is real
but the indigo
                    I know.

Photo credited by Ross Burgener 2013 [Public domain].

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Eurydice got jaundice

Be cause
the slight sulphuric smell
whisked off the top
by the cool purple night
sent signals, scented
words artists understand
as beckoning

-It is safe to come out Now-

as far as frequency may go
and we hope to scatter awe,
                       curiously as
indiscriminately as dreams

Why choose these
creators, creatures,
to translate such dark
thoughts to bodily form,

two birds on one stone
already shared the whole sky

what more could be said...

How could feeble eye
capture any more light
with one small grounded

such as
belief in something more there
may be, brighter than this thought
could scatter its spotted array
sketched out in perse ink.

Dried pens and then,
bruising egos bright,
all of this goes garish yellow,
away and tinged
in tangibility, catagorically,
and it is no longer clear,

my fellow man,
plans to capture
all of this
so beautifully.

The artist listens
to brilliance breathe regularly
in deep starlight strokes and matches its
rhythm. and tries to remember
every thing that has ever been created
for arts sake.

It is reason enough
to wake.

Artwork by John Roddam Spencer Stanhope (1878) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

I Pink up the phone and say Yellow

God called me on a rotary dial phone with the piggy tail cord.
That is how we met, unofficially, when I was just five
my grandparents took me to a church
and the man in the middle, his name was Revren was happy
to be the center of our attention, he beamed and bowed
although I remember details like pulling out the tiny threads 
from a cotton lemon dress. 
The bald man, Revren, wearing the dark dress, 
a stage costume, I guessed having been to the theater 
much more, before-
he handed me the receiver of the phone, and shouted 
wants to talk to YOU!}
Grabbing the phone, 
I held it up to my ear like a shell,
no ocean, hell, just a loud sound called a dial tone.

When I handed it back after Revren asked me what He said,
I simply shrugged and muttered, { I don't think he was there-
Revren bald man shouted to the audience-That
{Pray} for little me, but I did see
i saw the light 
through the stained glass panes throwing yellow strokes 
liberally down the aisle
and understood others don't see this
from over there, it may be blue. 

My grandmother who had been a teacher,
slapped my hand
for unraveling her homespun delicate
No reason. 

Image credit By Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, titled 'The camera was great but her new phone wasn't working (1964), [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Saying Hello to Yellow

Yellow is such an excitable color,
I wonder why it was not chosen on the dollar?
Go for gold, so we are told, now green means greed (or anthropocentric-ecology).

It gives its gist, its tones surround
awash in amber sunlit streams, a honeyed round.
These bees knees.

Evaporate to dissipate, all yellow with its white,
Ideological color-coded representing light.
Puffy clouds up there dispelling do not care.

A wisp, a wind, invisible in blue,
yellow of miasma, a heavy stench to view.

Blinded by the light, illuminated insight.

Details and dust, minute moments under highlight
backlit aura in glow, a heavenly halo gets bright.

It is the color of embrace, a warm greeted face,
a marvelous matter in Persephone's case...

Flaxen, ashen, wheat grain hair looking for more fun.

The Ylang-ylang used fruitfully in Malay
wouldn't tell or like to smell any other way.

Innocent in assertion, overpowering in desertion.

Wrapping around, at the end of the ray
yellow is what makes a beautiful day

Drafted, swilled, mead drunk filled pores.

The dying man's last words, a fluttering flock, a bird
tweeted the suns secret, in the buzz, it goes unheard.
You will find the secret in your Sol.
There's nothing mellow about yellow.

Faces of happy, or warm air, and for daisies,
slowing down, its pricelessly making maybes.

Composed 3/15/15.
Image of painting by Gustave Caillebotte, (1848-1894), [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons."The Yellow Fields at Gennevelliers".


I walk beside myself Not another parallel path but obtusely, a shadow of a self. I should have become colored, defined, dimensional instead ...