Showing posts with label white noise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white noise. Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2017

Every thing

It used to be about Other Things
It was always about 'other things'.

The more you think about It,
the more It thinks about more.

Stare long enough at any thing
and you lose all light discrimination
inside those black-hole pupils.

It has been said things couldn't be worse-
something about change, smaller
but felt the same with more things
and blame.

It was cluttered with chatter,
static, white noise, white holes
and light bounces off rubber words.

If you blink now,
it will never change.
Time wiggles out of every thing.

Painting by Thomas Wijck (c. 17th century), Alchemist in his study with a woman making lace, uploaded by Chemical Heritage Foundation [Public domain or CC BY 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Minced words atop static

Static carried on air
clings to its own non-being
like white
white of poltergeists
or the white whir

Interference splits
with pixel holders
i'm place
Spliced volumes
inaudible water

These were always empty buckets

As a book is a chalice fore-
Media makes masks
with hollow eyes
think for me-tell me-show me
w/out your feedback
reciprocating back feed
in mixed media-the medium
is largely the message
fully charged.

Image By Darjac (Scanned by Darjac) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

White noise words

I have sat and watched the ocean
for hours
and years
and while I don't quite know why
I still feel
in waiting for a reply
for words I already know
will never wash ashore
for me to find
like unbroken sand dollars
glistening gold in the sand
reminds that chasing
never gets
wise by watching-
taking it all in by
each pebble upturned, every
gull and erne, the rhythmic
flap beat and crash, cymbalist
water splashing up word
dancing in wavy mockery
a song whose lyrics
are all pitch and roll
foaming at the lip
while I
sit quietly listening
to hear it again
and a-gain
in a grain
in all ways
voluminous, numerous
white words
that tidally summit
and blend back in
singing to sea 
and here, 
the choir. 

Composed 1/23/16.

Image by RicardoUrbinaM assumed (based on copyright claims). [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons (edited).

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...