Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts

Friday, November 29, 2024

Tres (trace)


Today, warm raindrops

glass blurs, the blurry glassy,

sharp sparkles sugar.


Evening, it was good.

Leaves all turned into shadows

sky palette blending.


Broken glass, a cup

a puzzling of pieces

holds onto nothing.

Painting by Claude Monet, 'Pond at Montgeron' c. 1877 via Wikimedia Commons in Public Domain. 

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Taken for Granite


a  storm comes ambling aloft

which builds upon itself and

You are there to 

Witness the change

in atmosphere

Almost a reconsideration of

Truth, as it pours down 

Over body and soul.

One becomes

Baffled by the way

Sound carries or


depending upon

the time of day or night while

those spinning hours

make a hum under

Thoughts that echo

Passing through

this chambered grey space. 

We are 



under this veil

Trapped in body and mind

the heartbeat is 

Small comfort

Persistent as gravity

the weight we hold


up against wind and wave

Enduring the 


Even while

strewn about

We become

overflowing, dispersing

Violently sometimes

Breaking down into bits, drops and 


Eroding to dust

before settling


becoming a mountain

Once again. 

Painting by Marianne North (1830-1890) - View near Tijuca, Brazil, Granite Boulders in the Foreground - MN821 - Marianne North Gallery, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew via Wikimedia Commons in Public Domain. 

Sunday, June 25, 2023


June thunderstorm

barrels thru

Humid-but isn't that wet

Anyway-All the little

People say "Climate Change"

But isn't the climate always


People in a room,

Stars that collide and

Rainbows that break the mirror of 


as night and day

do not feel the


Never before is not impossible

or infinity imploding

As in a 

Cause to worry,

never fear

the constant Change

passes thru. 

Painting by Samuel Palmer, 'Summer Storm near Pulborough, Sussex ' c. 1851 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Weather (or not)

There are no problems, I have been told,
simply-events, an occurrence.

It is no coincidence, it suddenly occurred
to me, occur can be like low tide, recurring.

If there are no problems, are we living
in a comfort(able) zone, which becomes

like growing out of shoes,
or them growing apart
from you.

Returning our attention
to the steps we take, looking down,
we notice the children all looking up.

The sky is never the same.

Painting by Eugene de Blaas [Public domain].

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


see here,
it was hot.

Hotter than sin,
at November daybreak
and the swept sky revealed
traces, as wind,
Saint Ana blew through,
while the inferno loitered along
the way gathering a static, cult-ish
hung as tense air, sacrificing
the people clung to silence.

And as the details,
our stars bartered
over our dead bodies,
see here
some slept all the while
some wept themselves barren
and some became swept up by isms,
enrapt in labels, and role playing,
naming and claiming knowing,
the game goes on.

Sere and silent,
surrounding the crackling air-
This is where we
do not care
about whom you cannot touch
Such as the trim horizon
off in the distance,
taut sharply to keep apart
certain matters, reactions
into lumps of coal, carbon-copied
canaries as luminaries
we sing while we may
hear, cause for flight.

Somewhere over there
the water danced with a veil of flames,
the ice smoked with dramatic intention,
the clouds caused accidents low and high,
the land split open its molten chasm, hungry
to matter more.

See here
the red in the sky
is just a reflection...
Starting over.
This is how
Saints from below
wave their victory flames to Autumn.

Anew, we feed Prometheus who fumes immortality
burning his precious people
in the name of Pandora, igniting
fauna and flora to flee
anywhere less sere,
less here
threadbare and awestruck
like lightening.

Painting by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

About Clouds and Me to Your Ology

As the pressure builds
                         high and low confront,
trapping in between them a compression and
                          depression, folded in thick layers.

A cumulus of collective thoughts
                          gather gem-like crystalline
shards that slice through thin air.
                         In a Doppler of cirrus
the stratus changes, morphing into
                         unstable mutatus Mother clouds,
hovering, heavy and thick with milk,
                          curdling and separating their wheys and way
lost, aloft out of focus like mist and blur
ragged ropes, pull and bind, fraying edges as taut by
                          knuckles under the pull of Virga.

letting it all go,
unnoticed into oblivion, minute like tears
                          reigning in sheets
down Fallstreak holes
                          through the ceiling
that bears an air of Nacreous ether up there, apart and
                          weighted by the moody swing fronts
of days and nights.

                           The phases fade, leaving
traces of birefringent dreams, seems like
                           floating behind the Fisher King and moon man,
who overcast
his holy net, his wind we felt
mingled with water

we breathe.

1st composed 8/5/15-edited multiple times.
Image By Sensenmann (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Clouds over Yucatan, Mexico.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Weakday Wether

On a cool lilac late afternoon
high stratus pass over
aloof and sparse.
The sea shimmers silver
reflecting rosy cloud belly's,
bodies move slow and deliberate,
leaden legs with distant gazes
heavy under hanging haze
our orbit blurs the way
of Monday into grey Tuesday.
The way the moody matter may
flux and such and such a way.
January jumped on fragile February,
leaping on faith,
landing on elsewhere.
Doing days in oscillation
weakly such as;
and fridaylie,
calling each day
new instead of namely
what you always knew.

Image By Pseudopanax at en.wikipedia (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, May 15, 2015

May-be a storms a passin'

The way the sky hangs,
on every note between birds,
pending with tension that is thunder.
A surge of need rides the backs,
rallies the clouds around,
now surrounded and we are small,
audible with weakness, loudness,
madness amplified.
And with a warm breath,
the sky relents with rain,
a sweet sigh, cleanses in resilience,
Miasmic mists that appear
thick with self,
but calm all along,
the bird holds its song,
while the storm subsides,
in mutual mercy of May.

Image By User:Imagaril (Own photo) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Parades in March

The sun rises
as the rain 
breaking the dawn
with angry gray

Image By Jon Sullivan [Public domain] "Palm trees in the morning", via Wikimedia Commons. 

Friday, January 23, 2015


Resembling the unwakeness of a Dream
blurred outlines
crisp sounds that echo hollow
sleep standing, meandering adaze
muffling the view
obscured by heavy air
pushing on pores
licking your eyelashes
in salty sentiments
sealed and enveloping
brilliant opaque light
shadows perceptions of depth
an oceans deep breath
fractals that float
bonded in obstinate anti-gravity
careless of time
synchronized now
grey matter of mass
drapes close on the sky
sinking in silky soliloquy 
rolling softer than thunder
momentary miasma
of soggy bliss
soup was ordered as a starter
to wet ones appetite
for a serving full of

by fog.

Image  from Wikimedia Commons "Fog" (Public Domain)

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...