Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts

Thursday, June 8, 2017

A loud thought

are the only creatures
that are meta

as in Assumption
or making
and calling it
as though It is

they said
I was
that is my poetry showing
if you have a sense of humor
or comical elbow
you know
jabs are blunt

This specific species
doesn’t understand
parts as a whole

some were mystified
and thought the Art clever-
Others never
see the holes
by volume of alibis

Let’s confess,
if it bleeds it needs
another way to say
another need-
                      to say.

Painting by John Michael Wright [Public domain], Portrait of a Lady (17th century) via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Theory of Speculative Direction

If you were lost in the woods,
                                     a compass would work
better than a philosopher
                                     even if you didn't know
how it all worked
                                     At least you would get

If you wanted to map
                                     the Universe one
should listen to a shaman's mantra
                                     not plot it out with an astrophysicist
it would be easier to project
                                     realms by means of real numbers
shooting from the lip, a departure from
                                     the same astral plane
                                     bound by reasonable gravity
Altering the scenery doesn't change the view
                                    from the eye of the bespoken

Plato's cave was not a practice of spelunking
                                     to new depths
or sending our souls soaring to the stars
                                     upon plummeting death and worms.

If I remember correctly
                                     the act of recalling can feel like falling, sleeping or slipping
into the abyss of mind matter
                                     a memory palace, a sin chateau,
a cabana for one's mana
                                     and other obtrusive structures
machinations are machines

Like the disgruntled grandson
                                     who built a Reverse Infinity Instrument
(a.k.a. a Time Machine)
whose Free Will Manual Transmission led him to kill
                                     the wise man he so despised
an obviously inane and obtuse conundrum
                                     based on probablies and anti-definitives
that work every
                                     ninety-nine percent of the Time
but that too was just speculative theory

Composed 6/18/15.

Image By A. Ernyes at en.wikipedia (Own work Transferred from en.wikipedia) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons of Kootenay Lake BC.


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Never a need to wonder

Like a nickel found
behind your ear
it happened so fast
nobody noticed how
it got to where
there was
never a need to wonder
about any thing.
More than a sleight of handy
to always have the answers
in your pocket,
where change used to go-
you know
billfolds and money clips
(now it's all just strips and chips)...
Tho' for what it's worth
I bet
we all still like to stash some cash-
like philosophic questions
often posed as origami
or in amor plait fati, ah yes-
currency well spent
we know,
with nary a query
that goes unsolved.
Yet the soul enigma remains-
have we evolved?
And now
I wonder-
what my smartphone would say.

Image of Don Adams by General Artists Corporation-GAC-management. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, May 29, 2015

A Bowl of Gigot

Excerpt from an Interview by Paris Review with Lawrence Durrell (1912-1990)

“I simply approached the three sides of space and one of time as a cook will open a recipe book and say ‘Let’s cook this gigot.’I had no idea what sort of gigot was going to come out of it…sometimes you have to take these colossal chances when you see a ray of light that beckons you particularly.”

A Bowl of Gigot
East meets West-
in this eclectic sweet and sour dish,
with an aftertaste that's beyond delish!

A meal cooked up,
stirred around slowly, boiled down,
its base flavor in the addition of the rue,

that pinch, an herb-of-grace,
mixed with a metaphysical lace,
depending on the chef's preference.

Secret sauces that stew,
Einstein's elan and Jung's Hindu.
It takes no energy to make, nor does it matter-

The way your soup comes out,
with more science than philosophy or art,
its all a matter of personal taste.

A confluence at a continuum-stop-where does it start?
Where Confucianism bumped into Foccault's pendulum.
Food for the soul.

Image of Indonesian soup bowl, By Taken by fir0002 | Canon 20D + Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 (Own work) [GFDL 1.2 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, January 16, 2015

After all

After doing some research
               in Philosophy and Being-
I came to conceptualize,
               thinking is pro-verbial.
After looking closer into,
                and reflecting upon what is Beauty-
I came to see,
                I bear no resemblance.
After debating what is Truth,
                the subjective and absolute,
I came to understand-
                people don't like its sound.
After feeling lost-
                from seeking and pursuing Happiness,
I came to find-
                it's a place that cannot be found.
After digging deeper into History,
                beneath the surface, between the lines-
I came to discover
                the past is exactly where it was supposed to Be.
After searching for the meaning
                of art, music, and goosebumps-
I knew,
                no definition was required.
After pondering all these
                baffling banalities and easily explained enigmas-
I realized,

                the art that is poetry is unexplainably the most beautiful music after all. 

Image by Antonio de Pereda, (c.1636) [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. "allegory of Vanity".


I walk beside myself Not another parallel path but obtusely, a shadow of a self. I should have become colored, defined, dimensional instead ...