Showing posts with label clouds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clouds. Show all posts

Sunday, September 15, 2024


Blessed are thee


chosen to be forgotten

dissolved into distant haze.

Cherished are those

brilliant first rays

alighting the new path

of unknowns.

In the sky

and in the sea,

the clouds and waves

do not recall those passed.

Likewise, made of the same,

and never the same

You and I


Painting by Henry Scott Tuke, 'Looking out to sea' c. 1885 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, September 26, 2022

What Floats


Above all

else in the daylight

my favorite sight

or Phenomenon

occurs in the Sky;

Fallstreak holes, lenticular halos atop

tall peaks

and the mighty Mammatus.

I seldom seek

the Why's

As cycles spin

I think I may see them again,

when the Sun's slanted spears


It all-appears 

Darker, more real,

an occurrence

of grounding

without sounding too


Image credited by Alpsdake, in Public Domain (CC0),'Mount Fuji from Mount Ogochi' taken 10/22, 2000 via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Scar Tissue


What are you doing with this body

The soul asked the mind

To and from bounced as echoes 

Evade their sources


You want to know


You are

Now, is past

Then, next I plan

On finding 

A voice

hat Does 

instead of making sound waves

with air

Going to and from

Self and I 

just to know


Is true

Is false


where questions

make marks

like clouds,


the blue.

Artwork by Konrad Krzyżanowski, 'Clouds' c. 1906, in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, May 22, 2020

May Grey II

After so many May days
that curtain the skies with a fine marine haze
only breaking up under the heat of midday
donning a robe of satin blue wash
without any white spots
there was nothing more to be done

On other thick
midweek days, the same sky
holds up
a solid grey smoke screen
sprinkling into something
like too much timelessness.

Today the sky tosses
shadows and demands
attention with
thick padded clouds which
loom and tromp and roam and all
seem to know each of our names
and where we live precisely
by our current shape.

This high wind
has brought a wash of relief,
like warm atmosphere
even while
things were still moving
I felt still...

and kept getting my focus
pulled into the deep sky
and mesmerized
by the outlines,
the shifting journeys of these
made of magnetic mist
I am drawn

The harder I focus
and try to hold these empty gatherings
in my mind, tracing as they were racing
past, suddenly,
as if met with resistance,
and shyly they all slow
to an amble
and stall directly overhead.

And all that seems given
in the world
for closer observation
is made up
of grey matter
upon further reflection
I think the cloud sees me blue
while it seems white.

Painting by John Constable (1776-1837), c. 1821 in Public domain.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Line by line

Life unfolds this way,
the face now resembles our grey matter
what is inside comes out.

The clouds will unravel again,
you can hear the wind 
moving them along.
I am done
telling others to listen.

Paper, then. My life. Drawn to fire.
All those the people carrying dead burdens
on their cracking lips.
They burned books
into their memories and cauterized the wounds
with chanting and invocations
shaped to sound like smoke rings
they read the signs.

As with people and colors
they gather but do not become,
one another,
as with clouds, the heaviest fall
and we say we needed rain.

In these conditions
the symbols bleed together
and it is red

Painting by Emile Claus, c. 1898, 'Ampelio, old fisherman of Bordighera', in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, August 4, 2017


The clouds pursued an equilibrium of their own.
The jaundiced glow fell over the soft heads of innocent beings
not looking up.
It may have drawn more in, pulled more up
had the wind changed dramatically.
as if the dark atmosphere
and hot air
weren’t enough warning
persisting in taking shape across the glass bubble sky.

It was clear as day to those that study the signs that clouds make,
The ambiance made moody thoughts thunder through.

Painting by Konstatin Bogaevsky, (c. 1920's), Clouds, in Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons. 

Friday, January 13, 2017

Decorating mud cakes

Apathy spreads so easily,
thriving amongst any localized

Ears sprout in fields from yellow seas
of mono-cropping. The wind grinds down
our meals into muted mush, nourish us,
the sun glows, chicken,
adapting itself in ambiance to the best
propagation of pessimism and
immunology in world-wide webs.

Saturation is more suitable for delusional
desires by dreamers who water down rainbows
as casualty.

There is no wonder

Where does the marrow go
when our spines shrivel...

Clouds cure any silly thoughts of happy
or stupid glee, i.e. beauty. Muddy skies slog unmixed 
clods and none bother asking why
Life continues this way.

Over our heads. 
We would never see any reason
for it coming
in all shades of brown and grey.
We wont look up. 

Painting By Rogers, Gilbert (MBE) [Public domain], c. 1919 via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Squiggly lines

Draw the wind for me
                                             That is a line
This is a wave
                                             It is a cloud
it is not raining
                                             It is floating
It doesn't resemble energy to me

Because it can fall or disappear

If I cannot see it, it is not there

                                             What do shadows show
                                   You must move-first to see 
I see stillness, yes
                                   this second, do I breathe
Alive, you must Be.
Not imagine
                                   show me the difference
where water and air masses separate 

conglomerate as clouds 
                                   demonstrating the movement
of nothing.
No thing                     that floats.

Now your turn to draw the water

                              well are not those tears 

Artwork By Вера Владимировна Хлебникова (1891—1941) ([1]) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Loch Smith

Before sunrise on this particular morning
I came to see-
quite unmistakably-
right in front of me
a gaping fallstreak hole
hanging wide open, saying high.

The cat and I,
our curiosity got the best of us
and I suppose
I teetered too close to the edges
which tend to be
slippery slopes of padded History-
also called Epiphanies-
and well,
I fell in or out of sorts,
tumbling through a tunnel
my vision blurred briefly-
We can see-

the mountains lining the dappled plain,
the plane piercing the wall of clouds
intermittent keyholes
blink like red EXIT signs in bright blue blips
appearing further away than they seem-

And although it may all appear
as this lucid dream at dawn
-since the hole has long closed-
I was simply unable to resist peeking out,
fell up, skipped in and
if you've wondered where I have been
before the first light.

Photo By Kittelschürze (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

Friday, April 22, 2016

Sky scrapes

contrails drew all day
as one would fade, another blade
cutting in on blue, gilt by sun
without a red handle
on it to be seen

what chalky lesson
is trying to be relayed
that the entire sky should
altruistically accommodate
and become frayed to mineral slate
from all points of you

grey matter made of our machinated arts...
and those parts of paths remain staining royalty
bleeding lines out
ward, the cons alibi
covering for clouds
on a crystal eyes day.

Image by By Willow2012 (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Tying rainbows on Mt. Moody

Up there-
rolling in cumulus
open fields,
tumbling down with
empyrean echoes-
they sniffled
and heaved a last great sigh
before resting
as simply shaded shapes
or hanging
thunder clouds.
they lay
their puffy heads atop
the solemn iron mountains,
they reflect
your steely glance in silver volumes
of sharp light.
And slice right through
grey matter
with gentle insistence
by ninth degrees.
Up there
the birds begin to
always asking
They then spun
a soothing song
across beryled acoustics
waving conductive wands.

That is where
the avians weave bows
in the rain,
seeking to tame
those tangled tresses
cast over cold
granite shoulders
where shale shawls
lie stoic
dark and morose
under the mercurial masonry,
They are
always adding color,
muffled and soft
making rainbows
with nothing but stone and air
up there.

"I try to think about rainbows when it gets bad,  
You have to think about something to keep from going mad." 
-Gwen Stefani (In My Head, No Doubt)

Image of Mount Rainer in Washington state, US, By US National Park Service ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Thin air

The clouds kept 
getting sucked up
in tall towers,
weaving spindles
of cotton wands.
It makes
it makes
it caused pause
to feel for my feet,
small as they seemed
from up there.

Image By GAURAV MAROO (MY DIGI CAM) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

About Clouds and Me to Your Ology

As the pressure builds
                         high and low confront,
trapping in between them a compression and
                          depression, folded in thick layers.

A cumulus of collective thoughts
                          gather gem-like crystalline
shards that slice through thin air.
                         In a Doppler of cirrus
the stratus changes, morphing into
                         unstable mutatus Mother clouds,
hovering, heavy and thick with milk,
                          curdling and separating their wheys and way
lost, aloft out of focus like mist and blur
ragged ropes, pull and bind, fraying edges as taut by
                          knuckles under the pull of Virga.

letting it all go,
unnoticed into oblivion, minute like tears
                          reigning in sheets
down Fallstreak holes
                          through the ceiling
that bears an air of Nacreous ether up there, apart and
                          weighted by the moody swing fronts
of days and nights.

                           The phases fade, leaving
traces of birefringent dreams, seems like
                           floating behind the Fisher King and moon man,
who overcast
his holy net, his wind we felt
mingled with water

we breathe.

1st composed 8/5/15-edited multiple times.
Image By Sensenmann (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Clouds over Yucatan, Mexico.

Thursday, June 25, 2015


It is better to have your head in the clouds, and know where you are... than to breathe the clearer atmosphere below them, and think that you are in paradise.” 
–Henry David Thoreau

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...