Showing posts with label past. Show all posts
Showing posts with label past. Show all posts

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Basket case

What comes

After all?

So much



we carry on

Or perhaps

Was it


And then-

How much a


Will hold

over so many 


weather worn

by hand. 

Painting by Winslow Homer 'Girl Carrying a Basket' c. 1882 in National Gallery of Art, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Time drop

This morning

behind charred clouds

the moon sank 

as if weighted by 

its alabaster center

yet holding


becoming full

bodied between

plumes of thick night.

Time brings on vertigo.

The past smells of soot,

the smoke dissipates 

as soon as it appears


the ashes of what was once


touch smears what has 


Imagining the days to come

are dreams,

the haze and glow of a child 

in wonder,

hoping for a pony

afraid of the horse

it will be-come. 

Now, like water the falls

in sprinkles

touching my cheeks,

the temperature adjusts

to the soul, a heart

that is cold can hold


clinging to ice

that melts into the ever

present stream

of being 


Painting by Wilhelm Ferdinand Xylander, c. 1884 in Skagens Museum, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, June 17, 2021


I long to be

a book upon

that shelf,

an erect 


gazing quietly


The kind of book

with extra 


blank pages


So we can continue

the story

a little past

The End...

Photograph info: 

Public Library- the work of Leyton Public Library Service, Church Lane, Leytonstone, London, England, UK, September 1944
Two young female library assistants rearrange and classify books at Leytonstone Public Library, Church Lane

Dated: 1944

Saturday, June 8, 2019

This 1 day, death is not near

It is called a veil
or shroud
for the way it
reveals itself
to be a cover
where the light
gets in
there was space for this
of dark(ness) and light(ness)
or public and private.

Lifted into a demanding
we find ourselves
in graveyards
as though this was defiant
or exertion of our will
from youth.

It is between discrete moments
when the warmth moves through
the atmosphere
sometimes sinking in
while touching us deeply.

Our memories turn to life.

Painting by Miner Kilbourne Kellogg [Public domain].

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Sitting and spinning

having sat in this precise spot before Now
I know
others have sat just so Never before. 

Painting by Pál Szinyei Merse [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


The pod pulls past
super slow

And in one way
the future is seen
in a second

Under notions of nightsky temerity
when moon rises and shines
and stars fall and flame out

The past twinkles
inset overhead

A fine line
between the living
and the dying

when we look too long...

Image credit By C.R. O'Dell (Vanderbilt University) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Stacking boxes

We seem to be on the right track.
Some words contains things.

We are confident that the black box
contains all the answers or the y’s-anyway
we need to know

Don't be chicken, unscramble the egg 
before the givens and ganders include
more than two lame ducks and an ugly goose.

Sharp edges, right angles, cubism
is no plaything
for block stacking children.

This black box we found is the thing
to eye-so-late
and define –objectively-we made enclosures
and watched the walls hit home.

The black box must have its corners
where all information clusters 
in tapering space...

The black hole, faucet or vacuum tube
where All
information is contained past and future
flow freely-
both true and not chosen
come together 
only to matter.

Blending by chance, choice, or
opportunity, effect, and someone said
Noise not blur...

Now, this is all there ever was,
Now, with reduced facts, take
atoms, quarks into questionable chunks
of say 100 neurons or 3 seconds-

A moment may be lost-watching-looking
For it. You are it. You cannot feel yourself spin?

I read a note for you
Inside the black box
It says where it is from-
                              there is no gift receipt. 

Painting by Adolph Tidemand [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Photo-graphic memory

Obsessed with photo graphs and charts,
we point our longest sideways glance right
and shoot for the best, hitting hope
happens square in the chest,
stars also aim for the numbers.

Numbness by position,
this poison saps our steady grip,
an aching up the arm from the aorta.

In this contraction,
we miss the moment around the image,
the time between sight and capture
or full appearance formed
in our human haste

to see and to show how it should look
from our island view,
by entitling
what was then as now.

The pictures portrayed only figures,
we made out images
believing in lines like these
holding black and were definitive
made by an arrangement or

Framed in theoretical suspension
of time to believe in what we see
as all white.

Image credit By Internet Archive Book Images [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, May 6, 2016


There is a fleeting sense
I wish to trap it here-
or is it better to say-
bleed it out
to see it in red
so I can relive
a better way to say
write the past,
in the wrong tense
to feel the heal happen.
If I could make it warm
to softly relay innocence
it would become welcome,
doors could open...
But just then-that is when,
I knew in passing,
there's only so much
words may do.

Image of painting by Attributed to Valentin de Boulogne [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Times tourniquet

Last week
I had it all
under control.

Last month
I was excited
about the Future.

Last year
I couldn't wait
to be where I am
I cannot say
it right.

Tomorrow will Be
too much
all over again
and then
I fear
of ending up

Image of painting by Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/1498–1543) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...