Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Should've asked first...

We were connected
to each others gaze
and more
deeply, once
we wished would last for-

with me
conversations, deeply
endless opportunity
together only-

I know
that was then,
but I do not know
when this
more endings.

True, I only speak
honestly in poetry.
Saying more
than I could other-

I only ask
now, how we changed

Don't answer,
I won't repeat.

The blue-lit face,
red cheeks, empty windows
and presence-
elsewhere, I try to focus
on something
as intangible and
deeply infinite,
as sky only to resist
the falling atmosphere.

It is my fault.
I should've asked
you if you think
we get what we deserve

Painting by Philip Hermogenes Calderon (1833-1898), 'Her eyes are with her heart' c. 1881, in Pubic Domain. 

Sunday, December 30, 2018


I said my feet were frozen,
he did not care
but took notice of my canvas shoes
atop the icy mud.

The fire he made,
started by Him,
should have been

but the wood was wet
atop the dirt that was sand,
the grass still green despite the dew
the smoke swirled
inside the pit.

His forehead and eyes settled into the comfortable scowl,
his red cheeks took upon themselves an orange glow
and I knew he felt

I smiled at him over the inferno.
He often mocked
the speed at which I walked
on December nights near the open sea.

After explaining over my shoulder,
like salt,
why the air felt so distinctly different
between us

he said no more about what he could not feel.

we find our way
of accepting
differences by degrees.

Artwork by Felix Nussbaum [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

a disenchantment of nearsightedness

We searched
each other.
Diving in
with our whole soul,
unafraid of the brackish waters,
darkness, mirth or depth
of each other's eyes

Seeking what we had
lost, once had, where did
we put it, over there, outside,
ourselves, and with the things
that keep us

Spinning wheels in alternating
rotations, going nowhere fast,
or beating our chests like hearts
and pinching nerves to make a
sound come out...

Oh No.
There were so many ways to say,
I see where you are going,
you are getting smaller
as you travel

Painting by Lionel Constable c. between 1849-55, Yale Center for British Art [Public domain].

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Rapid eye movement

It was important to him that he remembered his dream 
so he could tell me-
He remembered his ‘idols’ there, men he looked up to 
from down in the trenches of the real world, 
They were all there,  welcoming, 
they treated him as one of the ‘boys’.
And one of the boys 
gave him a box, a puzzle box which he shook
And some pieces fell out, he felt terrible about it, 
He may have been apologizing to me.
He told me 
how frantically he scoured the floor
So he could solve the puzzle completely 
and please them greatly.
And he did but the pieces came out again and again and I was 
Certain the picture was starting to develop- 
he was dreaming of us.
His father and step-mother while visiting us once, told me about his childhood propensity to steal two jigsaw puzzle peices so at the end of the day, he could be the One who finishes. In the next scene, he was sitting in a room with a low table, on a shaggy rug, the puzzle in the box sat atop, but he was certain there were still pieces missing so he was hesitant to try to put it together knowing it couldn't be completed. I asked him if he wasn’t curious to know what the puzzle pictured, He said it was just a silly dream, And the missing pieces weren’t the thing about the dream, it was the idols, he said. I found it puzzling and pinched myself.

Image credit By Mennonite Church USA Archives [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

He kneaded Her

She may be being beaten
As we read this
Hold on, it sounds morbid, but there is nothing that can be done to stop it.
One learns to accept the role of  I-witness, until one cannot bear to watch-
And then instead of gashes and broken bones, he could be pushing
Her buttons, shoving
Thing in corners
And covering them up with
He certainly demands
ATTENTION! Obedience and privacy,
Of course, isolation and abuse are like marriages,
Ownership issues and subtle clues, like Grand Canyon colors,
Naturally, it was about the little words, the little monies,
The precious little time, the violent vices, the weak needs
And the only daughter they despise.
She is cowering, her nose red, her eyes black, her thoughts run away with the
Memories, tapes we tried to unstick, etchings I attempted to erase by
Geography and sandy paper,
Moments that seemed frozen
And then
And then

And then...

Painting by John Reinhard Weguelin, Woman in the reeds c. 1895 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, April 17, 2017

balancing books

The Undo is the indecide, I choose 
never to go there.
I make, instead,
no excuses.

Shortcuts were his favorite for efficiency 
                                           and displaying his mastery.
I liked the long drawn hand kind 
                                           subject to blur and bruise.
(only delete
favorite button, hot or not
spaceback neverwas 
I may erase even you
neverwhere) -white out-

This is the Upside.

Black blends in.

The downside-
no middle ground
                              or bridge
connecting view between the two
of i to I.

Look (t)here, 
describe what you (would like to) see
outside of inside, it comes 
mismatched but attached-
I pick up the left-overs 
this phenomenon called an ex-
ample of symbiosis.

We refill empty with each other
to persist we insist 
on forget.

As the zero is to one,
nothing (t)here without
in redshift.

Painting by Jacob Jordaens [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Engine trouble

The man was not just skinny but scraggly.
His mother kept telling him to get a job. He still listened to his mother.
He worked. He worked in an auto-shop learning lubes and fine-tuning-
Until they stopped making them
like they used to.
His father used to 
drink alcohol like a liquor store sprinter. Naturally, he got thirsty too, and drank
and stank the same as his father, his mother would say every day.

Grease or oil, bitter battery acid or brake fluid and gin, 
and all over again, the evolved monkey man
with the sooty stained hands that exclude him from white paper work, shows silver
linings along his brow.

Every now and then he picks up a brush, a ladder, a little girl and moves just a stroke away
from happiness in his days. His mother said she prays for him.

He should have picked up a shovel or an ice pick, manners or a real lady,
but is too weak to make them work
for him.

He falls into a five year hole. 
He comes out in smooth pieces, 
none fit tight and his well-being wont hold water, slipping on surfaces,
He is sees light
And knows he is being saved for another life, another 
day to die, his mother said ladies first when he listened.

The old lady in a broken down car, pulled over on the roadside waves for help, 
it is all white and frozen, steam surrounds her.
The mechanic stops
himself for a moment 
before moving on, 
simply too skinny to spare anything-
a white canvas, waiting for him to return 
the favor.

Painting by Jacob Jordaens, The Satyr and the peasants (1620) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, January 13, 2017


There was too much to say 
and no single string
to unwind the entanglement
they had become bound by.

There was no effort to try an utterance,
no thoughtless pennies lying around;
that whet glimmer gone out-thirst quenched
that kindled glow to dull grit, brackish.

they say so little about much to Be
done differently, they insist
resistance is futile, 
the pinned up smile, better

And so, the silence stood for resilience,
for this speechless return, old friends 
in darkness, happenstance
this ends loneliness for this time.

Gentler thoughts could do-(no)

Painting by By Felix Nussbaum, 1943 ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Anchors I weigh

When I showed up
I learned from living on top of time
I was not welcome anywhere,
but hospitality persists
itself like religion
there’s room.

My timing not convenient.
A detour is never the fastest path,
unless the destinations are the same.
It is safer submerged, underwater
where whims wont push you around
I found
After holding my breath so long.

She could have killed me.
I know she tried, more than once,
placing her baby bundle on the bow
rock-a-bye, like they do,
rolling for the wake to take me back

Her bare hands would be too brutal
and accidents are blameless
What doesn't kill you
lets you live exhausted
torch smothered.

Insisting on myself
I remain
tethered to the life raft
that was never attached
to Her. 

Composed 10/24/15.

Image by By Ministry of Information Photo Division Photographer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Thorn Tree

I see the lack of resemblance
like you
I am nothing like my parents
despite always wearing my favorite genes
that fit like a glove
I still love
like kin.

Inherited place cards
occupy our dwelling
in life
and death,
where assigned
I never did mind...
until the differences
became clearer
than the need to be near
the trunk of the family tree.

Oil and vinegar
I live separate and away
in my own impermeable cell.
Peaceful and joyous, limitless,
I stored no blame
that my aim was just further
than their eyes could go
Alone, I continue to grow.

Mom made her bed
I said in my head
noticing her envious stare
his following her with a glare.
Stepdad's always mad,
but I'm glad for what I had-
pushing me far away,
finding my freedom today,
to say
it couldn't be any other way.

It is said I will turn into you
by the age of forty-two,
but my posture is still perpendicular,
my vernacular is particular
to my own family, future forward
I step into the newest version
of heredity conversion
with relational aversion.

The carving of a new generation
an artistically starved creation
the recipe for degeneration
juxtaposed by gestation
inherently bound by cessation
the state of our familial relation,
recessive by genetic translation.

 Image credit: By Luca Galuzzi (Lucag) [CC BY-SA 2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons, Thorn Tree, Namib Desert, Namibia.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Happily Never After

Image By GlenAFord at en.wikipedia [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons

One of the hardest things to see
is when to accept that it may never be.
Both of our hearts bleed,
not able to give what each other may need.
Romance I think we have honestly tried-
and your effort cannot be denied...
But when you move to touch me anymore
my skin stings and my body feels bruised and sore.
I said I felt abandoned and neglected
And you say you always feel rejected.
How can we see eye to eye
when it feels like we are living in the safety of a lie?
Waiting for the good parts to come
meanwhile our hearts grow cold and numb.
The problem isn't whose to blame
No matter what we try it stays the same...
I am a thorn in your side,
making you feel obligated and tied
Safe and secure, tried and true
always a work in progress, relationships take two
Ten years is a long time to wait
only to find you've lost your soul mate.
When two people are in love
whatever appears difficult they're able to rise above
stronger together
unlike stormy weather
Circles of speech, a vortex of energy
even simple conversations have lost the synergy
Focused on whose right and whose wrong
I haven't been wanted, cherished, devoured in so long...
I keep waiting, searching for a sign
that you want to be just mine
"Its not important to me" was your excuse,
telling you how I feel is of no use.
Moving on, getting over it, forgive and forget, it's all okay
since nothing really matters that I say,
'I'm sorry's' galore, 'I didn't think of you'
is any of this your fault too?
Can this ever be fixed
without broken promises- left hanging or nixed?
Perhaps my heart is just to scarred
I don't think it should be this hard...
Even now when there's nothing to lose-
but after this long it's plain to see
that it's not me
you choose.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...