Showing posts with label electricity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label electricity. Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2017

Wireless settings

It has been unusual, of late-
compared to panoramic pictures,
sweeping views and one you...
Were you there?
Did you hear the pacing behind?

They did not come today.
The light flickered.
Must be
something wrong with the energy...

It looks all the same golden bar or promise
and warmth and yet
no commerce or conservative estimate
would add up to good conduct.

The dust piles
where entropy adds up to
total homogeneity.

Waiting is a dip in tango-ment
without charge, consentual even between two posts.
These quantum jitters move on
branes hold on to frayed ends
discharged from free will.

Photograph By Ministry of Information Photo Division Photographer, March 1945 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, January 13, 2017

A handle on mesmerism

Just so you know, we were right
to suspect any consonant
that needs a vowel to back it up.
Quintessentially; quasi, quickness, quiet,
quarks and quantum theories,
all innocent until proven otherwise.

We were correct when we assumed
gravity would keep it all together,
but neglected to factor its distributive
properties & aggressive enforcement of
simultaneous eminent domain properties,
allegedly, stayed comfortable until ejected.

We were on the right track,
until it went-left-us
dusting prints and collecting categories.

We were seekers and askers
that could spare no time to wait
for the reply. Why, we all ready
knew, light travels by choice, fades,
in the dark effervescent legacy of We
picks its photonic path of preference or
-least resistance.

We were getting somewhere
further, expanding our reach and
grasp at the fading universe
whose tension untangles energy
by itself through kinesthetics.

We were playing with electricity
and shocked to see, we were the end
that shorted potentiality
with our beautiful brevity.

We were wrong all along
about gravity and letter pairs,
the proof was static, hanging, ringing,
all in the heavy air.

Artists conception By NASA/JPL-Caltech [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. From wiki:
This artist's conception illustrates a Jupiter-like planet alone in the dark of space, floating freely without a parent star. Astronomers recently uncovered evidence for 10 such lone worlds, thought to have been "booted," or ejected, from developing solar systems.
The planet survey, called the Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA), scanned the central bulge of our Milky Way galaxy from 2006 to 2007. It used a 5.9-foot (1.8-meter) telescope at Mount John University Observatory in New Zealand, and a technique called gravitational microlensing. In this method, a planet-sized body is identified indirectly as it just happens to pass in front of a more distant star, causing the star to brighten. The effect is like a cosmic funhouse mirror, or magnifying lens light from the background star is warped and amplified, becoming brighter.


Pair, not pare, as if we needed two
to know communication is necessary
to Foxtrot or Tango binary is Zebra.
We ask only to mishear the confusing
theories or holes in our black clad alibis
for why we were here, inevitable and
loving no matter what sound it makes,
it needs a forest to muffle and cover us
under the pitch-not Vanta Black-not-yet-we shall see
and still sense something deeper is out there...
            Let me ask. No.
            Since you seem knowledgeable-
            Do you think we look cool, all lit up or have we
            lost track
            of trends? Colors can be tricky.
            It could be a culture thing, a sign of life, in slushy seas
            that contain multitudes of whale hymns and plankton
            choruses from eons ago, it goes, it goes,
            (never mind, I don't know the words)
We have a half a million tiny satellites hovering around us,
moons, rocks, bacterium, the hum-dingers
tinier than ten cent meters, that do five hundred dollar dashes---
in a rocket sneeze planned projectory that resembles
the ideal arc to release a stream of (consciousness) these; could be
Defined as:
1. ) a natural body
2.) a device
3.) a branch office or alternate location
4.) a subservient follower of another (led/lead)
5.) a country under domain
Of Another Aliens or

404, Page not Found.

Artwork by Henri Théophile Hildibrand in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, 'Around the Moon' (1872).

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Power-saver mode

I need a volta
the current
situation is shorting
my fulfillment
and stunting my growth

and a volta would do the trick
and a volta sounds like a charge
and a volta would be shocking
to the system

A volta is what I need
to insert into my life, poetry, right
left justified
About us...

After all the loves I've met
it is you I regret
letting plug into me
sapping my signal strength
sucking my juice dry

filling up your,
wishes and kisses
are for children who have it all
in potential

conservation comes
in steady waves
don't save yourself,
do something else
or nothing at all
shutting down...

Image By George Eastman House [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons, Electric lightbulb patents. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Ambient light

Are we hard-wired to be afraid of the dark
to imagine ugly things in indistinct corners
lurking and watching
light-less-ness amplifying every sound
in stereo
our world spins on wires
acrobatic static
a puppet in space
Yay! We made electricity
to conquer and fill the empty void 
with our brilliant vibrant light
enhancing our sight
penetrating every nook and cranny
slaying the black matter with our gamma rays 
with the force of direct and alternating currents
knobs, buttons, censors, trackers
we've become all thumbs
coded languages, levers, tactile sight
and its own glaring response
on the fritz is something to fear
unplugged no more, we're wireless anyway
signal shields
afraid of the dark
fear and trembling is 
to know Life all depends 
on a spark
for our mechanical animal things
and as heavenly human beings
still afraid of the darkness
where the light cannot hide. 

Image of painting (oil) Joseph Wright of Derby [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, 1769 'A Philosopher by Lamplight'.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...