Showing posts with label tension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tension. Show all posts

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Rubber band(ages)

Tensing, pulling, readiness, and resistance

as much as we can 


before     -SNAP-

to hold a purpose 

no more 

holding together


when life recoils, takes cover


and becomes slack

limp before


all comes back 

to holding on-

to Nothing


Photo credit by Oroo, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, June 18, 2021








lost love



        spaces squeezes


One plus One

is Nothing 

if one is taken away.

When divided 

           remains one

Doesn't matter 


holders or containers

for counting

in circles

and talking 

more or less

one share

of the pi.  

As soon as 


can be drawn

like conclusions,

no connections

could be made


the pull, repulsion,



dark matters

held whole and balanced

         by the space


then and Now. 

Image info:

English: About 1,600 light-years away, in a binary star system fondly known as J0806, two dense white dwarf stars orbit each other once every 321 seconds. Interpreting x-ray data from the Chandra Observatory astronomers argue that the stars' already impressively short orbital period is steadily getting shorter as the stars spiral closer together. Even though they are separated by about 80,000 kilometers (the Earth-Moon distance is 400,000 kilometers) the two stars are therefore destined to merge. Depicted in this artist's vision, the death spiral of the remarkable J0806 system is a consequence of Einstein's theory of General Relativity that predicts the white dwarf stars will lose their orbital energy by generating gravity waves. In fact, J0806 could be one of the brightest sources of gravitational waves in our galaxy, directly detectable by future space-based gravity wave instruments.

Dated June 2005

Credit: Tod Strohmayer (GSFC), CXC, NASA - Illustration: Dana Berry (CXC)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

And In the Fourth Place

Nice guys do not race.
Finishing is not the End
All-Be Told to Run.
It may be You have
Anxiety from lack of
Things to want-not Now.
Enstranglement is
too desirous of a Thing
that breathes not-Life.
You got what you want
in the past tense, now what more
does Tension require?

Painting by Louis-Marie Austissier (1772-1830), 'Lady with Basket filled with fruits', c. 1814 in Public Domain. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Glowing Architect

It is 4:02 a.m. and I am already boiling like an unattended pot,
raging my physical states away.

I smell putrid creeping out of every tiny cranny I see
and do nothing but type as look confident, experienced at this
control, as though connected to something, plugged in.

Meanwhile, I am spinning out, fraying and backspacing,
all that was ever tight in the world
unravels at my bare feet.

Materials and shelter, busy bodies building,
there is one right tool for the job,
so why 
have I 
not pulled out my own rusty heart and lubed  
palms or squeaky wheels?

It doesn't fit. May be the wrong size...
I realized this is not what was expected
from how it started, or turn out like
what I tried to right.

You are glowing, they said.

I like the warmth 
on my back as bridges blaze
keeping me orange and distant.
Tension is essential in trades.
Where you see space and room to grow
I have seen structures diminish these.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Pain scale

The bottom bass drum throbs*_*_*_*
catching its reverberating rhythm…echoes in your bones.
Pangs wail unsteady*by back-feed screams**nails scratch black slate.
Rips jagged jerks
                            muscle movements spasm
                                                                       ---and tense-letting briefly a sense
-a single gasp, a breath-       before coming through.
(Inside again),
trembling upon return          inevitable cool rushes    waterfalls through hot veins
hit icy boulders,
white raging waters--direct and dictate
the dermal, thermal, rising
skin, pouring forth
in urgency of some release!
A pressure valve, a double boiler, the kettle calls black______***
incessantly nagging in angry notes.

(I can only whisper in whimpers)
Struck- dumb, now-I refrain somehow
unable to take any more

Composed 9/9/15.
Image of painting By Sir Charles Bell [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Patient suffering from tetanus. 

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...