Showing posts with label identity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label identity. Show all posts

Sunday, August 4, 2024


Every new day-

recovered mind,

rested eyes,

pocket moments

pulled out-

placed under the tongue.


and so savory-

a memory can be...

Distant clouds 

of dreams, residues

shade daylight hues.

But atmosphere

absorbed after

sublimation and slumber

is re-minding 


of one's self.

At least as far

as reflections like these

appear to Be. 

Painting by James McNeill Whistler - 'Resting in Bed', c.1883-1884, via Wikimedia Commons in Public Domain. 

Sunday, February 18, 2024


This name does not belong

to me-

This body will do

For mobility of the restless soul

Escape from all


killing ourselves

Sweet poisons of security

in a sense

Never enough

To fill the seams

To fit to the letter

To tie loose ends

Try to forget

Let go

without remembering

What it was

The name of something

That kept us.

Painting by 'Winslow Homer, 'The Green Hill' c. 1878, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons in Public Domain. 

Monday, February 13, 2017


I have seen those. They do not impress me. Showing off and it makes me want to look away.

This one sticks out, it is different that is why. It is special isn’t it super, ultra, mega, stupendous?

Indeed, like these, none of me. Look now, how nonchalantly they pass through, as though neverthere…

smooth or slimy, a greased wheel on a slippery slope all ways gets through or goes down.

I swear this was much much bigger last time. Different. There were reasons and stones. 
Last time,
I left residue and sticks in a mound.  It has been too long to see where these ended up.  This is why babies have no memory. The train still goes through. 

I heard my name called but it did not sound like mine, at first, I did not respond.  
It could have been any of us.

Now, I hear myself differently. This tunneled voice originating in the upper torso blows out something close to heartburn; milk and tears, wine and years, sweet and sardonic, work and wrest, this too will pass over me.  And I listen for harmony.   

Rainbows are too rich.

Foundations are never solid. 

Those shoes do not fit them. Watch how they walk.

Aliens, angels, guardians, demons, magi, healers, ghosts, and gods, why would omniscient Them’s-obsess with teeny humanity? Have They not learned nothing from us, taking no credit, just having a spot of fun, and making it worth their wait in astronomical units…I found out, I don’t think so

since this is Public, you look like a regular here.  
I am still new. But so glad I found you. Shall we? 
Tell me more…

about all the-while I am just observing too. Don't look 

Painting by Jan Baptist Saive (II) (1597–after 1641) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Believing in Ghosts

A nice break 
to heal...
The real world awaits
-our authentic attention-
not to mention
(Your) Life is not on(the)line
& is most simply an Alt. identity; 
salty audience driven arrogance
boasting and posting 
egotistic in-
Pixelated phantasies thrive
in social (media) circles,
round and empty 
vacuum souls.
Dive deeper into delusion,
alternate versions of you illusory
packaged for others to see,  
so-Pretty-are all empty (boxes),
apparitions inside avatars
for show.

Floating in your mainstream
is not what it may seem
carried with the flow
surface deep on Lethes 
and Styx. 

Not only ghosts 
pass through doors
of intangibility.  

Painting by Théodore Chassériau [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Alter ego

Having an alter ego
is better than being schizophrenic,
Although its still not quite right
to say it has to do with our
size shifting ego.
It could have been called
alter(nate) reality
-but that was taken by technology.
Parallel universes could work, theoretically.
This would not conflict or cross hairs,
like egos.
Who knows,
maybe being a writer is just ordinary
crazy. After all,
it's a scary thing
to think like Stephen King.
Though the average person
keeps their twisted thoughts
to themselves,
but knows how
alter(nate)ing egos
allow acceptably
multiple personalities.
And many is more than one-
identities, like secrets are sweet,
indulgent even, but one
can have too many of those
personality wise, everyone knows
those are aptly called lies.


I walk beside myself Not another parallel path but obtusely, a shadow of a self. I should have become colored, defined, dimensional instead ...