Showing posts with label universe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label universe. Show all posts

Friday, May 3, 2019

Respiration; Inhale

He said we are doing it wrong.
None of us take in enough.
As if this regulation
Was anything more than an expression of self-
The Universe must be
Breathing us in instead of the other way around.
As if all were not made
in exchange
for what was needed most.
As if any-one was not worthy
of inhale.
I follow sounds with reasons.
It was said
We should only speak in exhale,
which blows treble
Over the top of a quiet rustle
A cacophony
Baseless breathing refused to unlatch
The belly of burden, to remember
To breathe.

Painting by Thomas Cole, 'View of the Round Top in the Catskill Mountains' c. 1827 [Public domain].

Friday, April 27, 2018

A certain ring

Not only is my smartphone listening
to every word

there is the Universe
(which must receive so many messages
the black box is always full)

of echoes, ripples, whole
motes of dust
in Brownian motion

I mentioned the name as it came to me.
My daughter likes the little names
I give other peoples pets.
                    A name that starts with a B
she says to me-
                    Baxter! The woman calls
yanking the leash,
                    C'mon, she pleads.

Of course much has changed besides
my voice, my tone, my hair, my skin,
and I need to start over-
and I need a wage
a dear old friend calls me out of the
to catch up, to ask a favor, to present
an opportunity.

Meanwhile, my daughter and I attend a lecture,
I worry she will be bored, get lost in the
so I compare thee
Nobel to Oscar
at the Academies

There the man of the hour,
Professor, Author, Scientist, Poet, mentor
mentions the film industry
as an analogy

Have you ever seen a one-man show?

You know
somewhere, someone
is listening
to a podcast, to music, to poetry, to birds,
to the running water
for a sign of life.

The signal dissipates
not hitting any home.

the Universe reads our clouds.

 Painting by Sophie Anderson (1823-1903), 'Birdsong' in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Leave a message at the tone

The universe has a way of hearing the things we say,
aloud, Eliot knew this too.
No matter whom we direct it to, sound waves ripple
the atmosphere which hears this 
into speech tones, a whistle from the kettle of
the thermoshpere or body-cavity.
The rising sound, or the Doppler effect teaches us
the source
is closer than it appears,
It absorbs  itself and replies
as a twinge, wave or spasm, clenched
in the sinking feeling of a heavy heart
that beats on itself, calling everything an echo
of what was thought, solid enough to move bodies
into empty spaces and fills itself with volume
from heat, or by imagination.
It conceives these shapes and translates them
into words or wishes
which will settle for a collection of particles we
have  heard before
we knew the source. 

Photo By State Library and Archives of Florida (c. 1948), [No restrictions or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Recipe for Primordial Soup

We know
Hold something
Greater than tangibility.
There is no weight, but we feel them
Waiting in us. It is mysterious how they
Manifest themselves as thought
Lines, directions, and energies by focus
And I have tried to gather these threads,
To tread lightly, lilting to myself trying to hear what Paulo Coelho
Whispered once, 'The universe conspires for you', for me,
Then Elliot interrupts and challenges these universal disturbances-i.e.
SILENCE! Shouts Cage with his plump lips, holding full notes In,
And Stein, and Stein, and Stein, and Stein evokes our inner Einstein-Aha! Pre-cisely-
The math of the matter, the matter of math, math matter, the matterless
mathless matter, massless matter, the antimatter-as a mass of totality, see-
Too literal to be unilaterally likable-repetitive is as are (un)retractable. Stet.
Do You-without question-understand the definition? Who knew-
Which one of many contradictory theories 
to listen-too much advice causes root entanglement 
and naturally, chaos unravela such intricate complexities, all
Gathered. Feel! Knots. Grasping for straws and strings 
to locate the (in)tangibility further up the line, at a beginning, 
where it went wrong, where A is for Adam was crossed out, gasp,
the people knelt, Adamant this evening without repast
famished for
an other.

Photo credit:  Archives, Argentina, children eating soup 1938 in [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Name extraction

On the tip of my tongue
I close my eyes to differentiate
sensuality and recall
only to get a glimpse
of another thing
I had tried to re-member
by conceptualizing
behind closed eyes
aimed upward toward the starlight,
the expansion of the universe 
is demonstrated before me.

There, dark matter doesn't care
about bonding and periodicals
or a sense of stability.
The first thought dissolves
into the next
continuum of generations.
The name I need jumps out
shattering the dim bliss.
It has been used before,
it is thinner now
in this event
not solid enough to hold more space
for future

Painting by Isidre Nonell, Thinking (1906) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

It is Uni-verse-all

It is not enough
we must make more
it feels slipping through
air-we grasp at wildly
but remain empty handed.

It is up to us
who know
how it all goes away
shown in the sky
by the expansion of our
the distance between us grows

It is easy to ignore
something missing
never noticed before

It is more than
we can handle;
so small
we were never meant to see,
so vast
we could not ever fathom
its depths entirely.

It is when we fall
our eyes catch
the brilliant flame
and make a wish

for more.

Photo credit: By NASA; uploaded by User:Dipankan001. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. 
Photo details:
English: Resembling looming rain clouds on a stormy day, dark lanes of dust crisscross the giant elliptical galaxy Centaurus A.
Hubble's panchromatic vision, stretching from ultraviolet through near-infrared wavelengths, reveals the vibrant glow of young, blue star clusters and a glimpse into regions normally obscured by the dust.
The warped shape of Centaurus A's disk of gas and dust is evidence for a past collision and merger with another galaxy. The resulting shockwaves cause hydrogen gas clouds to compress, triggering a firestorm of new star formation. These are visible in the red patches in this Hubble close-up.
At a distance of just over 11 million light-years, Centaurus A contains the closest active galactic nucleus to Earth. The center is home for a supermassive black hole that ejects jets of high-speed gas into space, but neither the supermassive black hole nor the jets are visible in this image.

This image was taken in July 2010 with Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Bell jar

I have never seen a firefly
in Real life,
but I know
I would want to trap it
in a Ball glass jar
shrink its Universe
clutched in the palms of my Hands
convinced I was all there Was.
And I,
watching it like (a)
trapped in there,
until it dies
and the mystery is over,
the spark has gone out inside
so I let it Go.

What else could be done?
I lick my finger
circle it around the lip
and mimicking the sound made
of the world spinning around me
while blowing glass.

Composed 5/17/15.

Image By Kobayashi Kiyochika (Japan, 1847-1915) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...