Showing posts with label ocean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ocean. Show all posts

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Still life (goes on)

The canvas bled

the day we wed

all color


the ocean

as a witness 

softly eroding

the world under (our) toes

the rain holds its breath

heaven knows

white noise


sometimes crashing, breaking-

promises, hearts 

sharp words into mulched glass


I am

slipping away

and alone at the altar

Only a silhouette

before the sun

blinding me 

as the man of my dreams

Sandman, Shadowman

roll back into

the fog bank offshore

Off the shelf

broken sand dollars

lie still and stacked


only I notice the omen

among the flowers

and painted pictures and poses, 

as if 

a ring

holds on

to promises 

or runs 


and over diluted...

Only cycles remain.

I left the return

of Spring. 

He was gone,

long before

the painting


Photo credit: me of me

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Solid ground

The earth is severely sere here.

The mud has alligatored,

the clay refuses to mix.

October, at the end of Fall,
the ground is cracking open
as if fault lies everywhere,
lies, blaming saints, spirits
and the howling or screaming
of wind through narrow channels
gives way to funneled expression,
dust devils and whistling

severs connections
and strains the crust, curling up
at the corners

The baselessness of these terra firma's
now below sea level
seem deprived of all
but the wound salt.

And while we stretch out
in our gravel beds
the ocean spreads
its legs, the rivers open slender arms and
canyons yawn, too tired to carry more
and have already
spent all
the time
in the world.

In need of nutrients and lubricants,
and seconds,
we wait for the weather to change
it's mind and stay the way it was
predicted to be by date.

Terrestrial we talk of air and water
as if we did al-
with fire.

We have no choice but to dig our ruts
and pace ourselves
to death.

Painting by Arthur Streeton (1867-1943), date unknown, in [Public domain].

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

How salt takes to wounds

I made it-
not to say that it is done-
that I can breathe now
that I know this.

I am here
by the sea
for me-
pleasures are all mine
in fine coarse grains.

I am aware,
that the measure of success
is off the charts, the beaten path
off the grid,
infinite and yet most
definitely a direction,
like horizon.

It does not move me
but still, I bother
to rise to each occasion,
daytime, in lightyears
despite the erosion, in spite of doubt,
the tides still rise
in order
to pull stars in
circular motions,
like me, reeling.

I am pulled back to sea.
The end begins again
with me
mixing carbon and salt,
separating oil from water
I found a solution
to stop the bleeding.

Watercolor by William Matthew Hodgkins c. 1894 in Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Pale whale

Call me Moby,
he moaned, I am
the white whale with the
golden ambergris,
a blue sheep in a green sea
the tilting eyes
that unfathomably see
and do not forget
breaking glass
and all the colors
not needed.

I have left
footprints, where I have no feet.
Though I manage to move by strokes, I tell
the surface by light in weight bars, falsetto
where exposure to so much blue and grey
was too much to separate species.
It makes one sink
and red
and takes one's breath away
making fountains
without gills.

It is my special skill,
Moby would say.

Five-thousand leagues later,
all blues went grey,
and all green
settled for sheep.

Photo credit By Commander John Bortniak, NOAA Corps (NOAA) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Plea bargain

Their life’s journey is a treasure quest,
tough to solve for any X
with all the mortal obstacles.

They hunt for hints by feeling
for warmth on fingertips, and continents.
Not coming near a single solid clue
that was graspable within 
the fingered seams of coast.

Their tokens stacked tall,
They have amassed considerable ease
and yet

Nothing seemed more natural
Than making maps with more
movable lines, theoretical angles
and following the footsteps before
like ants
Inevitable colonizing, war was natural.

The wrong place at the right time.
Mountains make them move another way,
the learning left no trace

Of the gilt progress. 

Image credit(ed) By Jacob d'Angelo after Claudius Ptolemaeus[1] Nicolaus Germanus (, Cosmographia , 1467 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

How the ship went down

He wont go in, I asked him.
He said it is too c-c-cold.

It is February, someone said.

I thought it was warmer here,
that's what you said,

Spoke the brother man
I just met,
he then looked at

He pretended to be misled
by the change in latitude.
Lightly making light
of this ceremonious process.

I looked around
for any familiar
The sun setting
cast a candle glow
on all of them.

The wind picked up
random pieces,
stirring us
salt and water
with mixed drinks.

Fifty-five and a half million lives lost
every year-two dozen ships sink.

"Relatively," I confessed,
unrelated to any

And we were oceanside
all together,
a family,
not mine but with me doing this rite,

the ships sailed back to the harbor,
we all watched the pterodactyls pass
hugging the shoreline,
then seagulls in vees
watching us hug back.

We saw him now
scale down the riprap,
clutching the carved wooden box
in his left hand,
the waves rushed in to
meet him first

and he did not look back at us
looking over the edge
He would not hear
the group of us
this man, these two men in the sea

fighting to stand,
fighting to let go
the sand, the ashes

and I saw that he was sobbing.
Silently, softly,
his shoulders shook
against the crisp horizon
in the last light
of that day.

He would have wanted it that way
is all his golden child could
grasp onto long enough
to say...

(This evening now gone,
peaceful bones, now resting deep
I thank the tide
for the grainy souls
it keeps
moving us
to live
wasting any more time)

Painting by William Bauly Lithography by Sarony, Major & Knapp [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Simple sunset sought

This is not life-it is living
hot for a time
wet for a while
until salt only remains...

the ocean swallows us
wholeheartedly we wait at
her ledge at sundown
remixing our urge to merge

in gold lights flecks flicker
a flame bathed in warmth
dazzling its prisms by hint
of change for photophores

Photo credit: By United States Navy [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Poseidon's wild night

Pyramid fog under culdesac lamped dawn
dripping the muted color palette excessively
in purples-
white barely sprinkles-mists this early risen air.
The pacific ocean levitates and exudes its salt
over shoulders of waves-
to be gently folded back in
making stardust today.
Amphibious, us, yes, fib-i-ous, I am,
it hydrates the eyes
and settles the nerves.
A saline stench of lust lingers as gunsmoke
while dew sparkles in sweat,
the horizon still gripping the sheets
ablush in disappearing privacy
from the sky sleeping under the sea
buoyed up to blue skies nascency.

Photo By Sowls Art, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bering Sea in fog [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Muffled cries in the marine layer

Everything comes in waves.
Everything that matters
will remain but moved.
Droplets as dew travel
covertly along these liquid lines
where air and water are harmonized
and expressed as external forces
weaving winds.

Victims of our voices;
cliffs conduct the falls,
reefs set the pitch,
reflections in the glass face(s)
blink back sharp silver lights
tossing frothy stinging beads
and foaming at the rabid lips.

The water was left wild.
The sand shows where steps,
the lines, the lyrics, the chorus
soothe all savages, beckons all beasts,
who seek definitive ends
in horizons.

The sirens wail while
time takes its toll in salt
and lets the rest settle.
Absorbed and absolved
in a sea of selflessness.

Image By Pogobuschel (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

White noise words

I have sat and watched the ocean
for hours
and years
and while I don't quite know why
I still feel
in waiting for a reply
for words I already know
will never wash ashore
for me to find
like unbroken sand dollars
glistening gold in the sand
reminds that chasing
never gets
wise by watching-
taking it all in by
each pebble upturned, every
gull and erne, the rhythmic
flap beat and crash, cymbalist
water splashing up word
dancing in wavy mockery
a song whose lyrics
are all pitch and roll
foaming at the lip
while I
sit quietly listening
to hear it again
and a-gain
in a grain
in all ways
voluminous, numerous
white words
that tidally summit
and blend back in
singing to sea 
and here, 
the choir. 

Composed 1/23/16.

Image by RicardoUrbinaM assumed (based on copyright claims). [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons (edited).

Monday, January 4, 2016

Diluted Theories

It began with a wave
the First
to lap its raspy tongue on the shore.
The wave was a force.
Invisible dynamic energy.
The wave carried fields and lengths of Time.
Duration plus location,
across distances of open
or seize to be
and cease to be
settled at any place on the horizon.
Re-conceptualized as
the First notion
that there was more than 
the ocean can explain
than can Be
contained in a grain of sand
just like all the rest
folded back in
to tide and time.

Lost to see…

Composed on 1/4/16

Image by Gustave Courbet [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Fish & Chips

There are many fish in the sea
but none exactly quite like me
Not one true carbon copy.
No nanotech cloning imagery.

Our markings are masterfully made
schooled in survival, games well played
decisions and debts to be made, repaid
resoled, rebooted,

eyes on tails
follow ink splotched surging trails
dreaming afloat where freedom sails.

Migrating maps pre-installed, recalled
streams of consciousness, or so-called
evolution, defragging currently stalled
in sleep-state.

Compress and refract by
blue chip, red chip, intelli-chip hacked,
flowing, downloading, backing-up tracts
for holograms in fact-

particulate of calcium carbonate,
brackish, choking, saline tracing, mineral state.
Four-going feets and fins of fate
sedated intoxicated waste-

carried along ripping liquid lies enmeshed in
holy nets, trawling along with severed ties and
anchored ambivalently under horizontal blue skies
and producing the Lowest Common Diatom

there can Be with so much salt. 

Composed 3/14/15.

Image of painting by Herbert James Draper (1910) "Flying fish" [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...