Showing posts with label meteorology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meteorology. Show all posts

Monday, September 26, 2022

What Floats


Above all

else in the daylight

my favorite sight

or Phenomenon

occurs in the Sky;

Fallstreak holes, lenticular halos atop

tall peaks

and the mighty Mammatus.

I seldom seek

the Why's

As cycles spin

I think I may see them again,

when the Sun's slanted spears


It all-appears 

Darker, more real,

an occurrence

of grounding

without sounding too


Image credited by Alpsdake, in Public Domain (CC0),'Mount Fuji from Mount Ogochi' taken 10/22, 2000 via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

About Clouds and Me to Your Ology

As the pressure builds
                         high and low confront,
trapping in between them a compression and
                          depression, folded in thick layers.

A cumulus of collective thoughts
                          gather gem-like crystalline
shards that slice through thin air.
                         In a Doppler of cirrus
the stratus changes, morphing into
                         unstable mutatus Mother clouds,
hovering, heavy and thick with milk,
                          curdling and separating their wheys and way
lost, aloft out of focus like mist and blur
ragged ropes, pull and bind, fraying edges as taut by
                          knuckles under the pull of Virga.

letting it all go,
unnoticed into oblivion, minute like tears
                          reigning in sheets
down Fallstreak holes
                          through the ceiling
that bears an air of Nacreous ether up there, apart and
                          weighted by the moody swing fronts
of days and nights.

                           The phases fade, leaving
traces of birefringent dreams, seems like
                           floating behind the Fisher King and moon man,
who overcast
his holy net, his wind we felt
mingled with water

we breathe.

1st composed 8/5/15-edited multiple times.
Image By Sensenmann (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Clouds over Yucatan, Mexico.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...