Showing posts with label amble. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amble. Show all posts

Friday, February 26, 2016

The scenery in between

All the faces
in their cars, stopping, going
to and from
look so tired and miserable-
like they are being drug around,
he noticed.
When people walk,
they participate in the traveling.

Going Places,
she said
Look at him,
now he's going somewhere
and his air was lighter
the wind was with him
as they say.

Have you walked anywhere
without a destination,
and seen what's between
point B and A
(where are those located anyway)?

This thing stumbled upon
called ambling along-
not to ramble on too long
but wandering is no easy thing-
thankfully though,
it requires no licensed training.
Practice, yes,
lots of pedestrian practice,
yet even pacing is prior
enough preparation
for lack of destination.

The art of the amble:
when out walking
in a leisurely way
one can confidently say
I went somewhere today
without a point.

Image By Stupich, Martin, creator, Weeping Wall, Flathead County MT[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


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