Showing posts with label pain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pain. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Holding hands

I had a grip.

A naked palm clenched


I had a handle on the thing

softly carrying it with me,

until I noticed

the odd itch of thick blood

sliding down and out 

between my fingers.

Holding on too tight

but feeling nothing 

of pain or wounds

after barely

holding on so long,

I observed myself

doing it wrong.

After all-

the petals had fallen

behind me


choices made for me.

No blessings to count,

no scent

to take in-

and it must have been dead

who knows how long...

Dried and brittle


This is 

how I knew

He loved me not. 

Painting by Carolus-Duran, 'Portrait of Lucy Lee Robbins' by Carolus Duran, dated 1884 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. 

Friday, May 15, 2020


As we aim to silence the pain
which we are fairly allotted
by birth-right

a deafening calm consumes us
while focused on the pleasures
overdue to us
in the treble.

Signals cease to lift
the alarm lever,
if we don't
our lips

to speak
to the self
in the language of the body.

Before translation
the strangeness deters our curiosity
about how one thing may become another
and make melodies
by note, by color, by shade, by immersion,

there is understanding
needs to be met
and lyrics to listen to
while we move

this way and that
away from where it hurts most
toward what we know
says nothing
about us.

Painting by Wilhelm Carl August Zimmer (1853-1937) / Public domain.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wait lifter

Where I have sometimes
pled with pronounced pain,
head nestled in a pillow,

I find myself
and overcome-
weeping with joy
at the alignment,

at how far
these things travel
and come back around.

And I levitate
the world-

at least it feels this way

in the middle.

Image of art installation Title: Levitated Mass by artist Michael Heizer at Los Angeles County Museum of Art in California [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Pain poems

Perhaps, like Plath
               and Sexton, along with
nameless Others,
Ars Moriendi,
the shared obsession
               was rebellion
               (against the self)

We do this our own way

Alone, like childhood
                and candied P's & Q's
they all thought they were
getting and making a way
                 from direction(s).

All I know
                 is that life-
the stuff that makes us up
(in the middle)
                 guts, chakra, vim, what not,
is not the same stuff
                 we put out, project,
hold title(s) to,
but the real stuff must be
                  Here somewhere...

When the pain ultimately wins,
perhaps the prize is popularity
                   in passing
as if believing in the benefits
of retirement (afterlife),
such as a tomb and sarcophagus
                    with a cat and some gold
we would reap the forever fields
                     we would have our Faith
and it would be good
or worth more than Now.

Well, my well must be empty.
I hear echoes in chambers,
growls in caves,
screams behind closet doors,
and pitch so thick all is
                     hollow, except these
twisted guts, gnawing and gnashing
kicking and screaming
frozen and struck dumb-

and still
I breathe
through it.

And even when it becomes difficult-
if not
                     Impossible to stand up-
right-w/ spine straight
and those familiar serrated red daggers
twist while
blue dots with white halos pulsate
                      behind closed i-lids-

I know
All will pass.

Painting by Gabriƫl Metsu [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, September 21, 2017


Silence sucks me through this narrow tunnel and only
in my knitted spiral, soundness burrows behind flat walls,
I am pulled down or out, never to get all the way
through to where
it is all white

Painting By Jean-Guillaume Carlier (1638-1675) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

A lady makes lace

A fistful from elsewhere
Punches back in brass-ware-bare-
knuckles wedged in the apex of this-

cage thatched walls, splintering straws
called shelter and In-side to pro-tect this

Half dives of full lung, skimming the top ten percent
and heart labors with lead levers, knobbiness is us put out
subwoofer, speaks her dropping a guillotine beat tapped

Shine, reflective knowing rust by blood
does not make it more occidental
or evident.

Voluminous was in front of us.
Luminous. Seethe and simmering. Conduct thyself.
It meant we were alchemy in the ancient light and cubed to
feeling how close we must be-coming-a but-ajar-
collided with vaporous transitions in space-not

Inevitable and deaf,
truths collide and cling on crystalline charities,
pyramids and Euclid's. 
Insoluble, diluted, inconsolable.

I heave recycled the air, carbon copies fuse for our survival
fitting with such suffocation as we wear with elephantine
authority sans sin-cerity on extended vocation, retied without
social security

never Was
you are welcome.

Painting by J. Alden Weir [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, May 26, 2017


She cringes. They knew.

Didn’t say, wouldn’t change
nothing, anything
help or hurt

They wait, mercy resides
patience, temperance,
in these, out there
touch and feel
lost and found
not looking, not seeing,
not needing, not wanting
more than, merely
her presence, her past
come back…

Painting By FĆ©licie Schneider (1831 - 1888) (Sotheby's New York, 29 January 2010, lot 867) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Rough drafts

Those screams are breathing
And if this is polishing
it is abrasive.

Artwork by Franciszek Żmurko c. 1896 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Pain scale

The bottom bass drum throbs*_*_*_*
catching its reverberating rhythm…echoes in your bones.
Pangs wail unsteady*by back-feed screams**nails scratch black slate.
Rips jagged jerks
                            muscle movements spasm
                                                                       ---and tense-letting briefly a sense
-a single gasp, a breath-       before coming through.
(Inside again),
trembling upon return          inevitable cool rushes    waterfalls through hot veins
hit icy boulders,
white raging waters--direct and dictate
the dermal, thermal, rising
skin, pouring forth
in urgency of some release!
A pressure valve, a double boiler, the kettle calls black______***
incessantly nagging in angry notes.

(I can only whisper in whimpers)
Struck- dumb, now-I refrain somehow
unable to take any more

Composed 9/9/15.
Image of painting By Sir Charles Bell [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Patient suffering from tetanus. 

Saturday, September 19, 2015


is a simple enough
request of such a pret-ty little word.

this test
of strength without kil-ling
this too

it off, putting thoughts
in some order, neat-ly notice
all the lit-tle things
in the path


time taken
in an alternate real-ity
vacation and breath

moments, like this
to feel
up, forward, through
the r-evolving gates of Dis

to think
about things
like pret-ty lit-tle words


Composed 9/9/15.

Image By Sonia Sevilla (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Emancipation of empathy

The father leaves
the delivery room
unable to wrap his grey brain
around her bloody pain.
The mother knows now
she is alone,
responsible for their survival.

The baby opossum,
smiling and listless,
lays still blinking away flies
from his glassy black eyes.
Rejected by his mother,
he dies alone
in the fresh cut grass.

A mother sits with her grown son,
worry lines her face connecting
the years between them.
Pain wrenches his body,
suffering they endure it side by side;
one will live,
one will die.

Salvation is a single passenger of deliverance
traveling through the tortuous view
arriving as a vicarious vacancy
forgetting and letting the suffering go,
anothers pain, one and the same.

Image By Correggio (Antonio Allegri) (Italy, Parma, circa 1489-1534) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

The disaster in me

gusty winds aloft
strings of faulty nerves
emotional levee buckles
Quaking knees
Heat waves
carried by ripping currents
that pull me deeper
the purple flame
I am a natural disaster.

Image by Leonardo da Vinci, 1517-1518, Natural Disaster [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


I walk beside myself Not another parallel path but obtusely, a shadow of a self. I should have become colored, defined, dimensional instead ...