Showing posts with label change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label change. Show all posts

Sunday, November 3, 2024

And then...


Change is like that strong smell

of cut grass or chopped wood

that stops you still.

Patterns, a symbol can be

an illegible sign, 

at first glance.

Or a certain light at sunset, 

or dark that whispers

Where am I coming from?

You are always going


Next to nothing seems impossible.

I am next.

Painting by Orazio Gentileschi, 'Portrait of a Young Woman as a Sibyl' (c. 1620-1626) from Google Art Project via Wikimedia Commons in Public Domain. 

Friday, August 11, 2023


Everybody's Home

Burns to the ground

At some point

The scenery changes

Like that

Old memory of

Open fields

Filled in with



Vacant and

Antiquated after

Remote working

Everybody's Home. 

Painting by Jules Tavernier, 'Kilauea Caldera Sandwich Islands' c. 1886 at San Diego Art Museum in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Broke girl

They say

When you break 

A big bill,

Into smaller ones

It spends faster...

Change is always 


When offering more


what it's worth.


Enough-as a theory.

Change is more 

Of a fundamental


What you see

Is what you get-


For small pieces

Worth saving. 

Painting by George Elgar Hicks, 'Gypsy girl' c. 1899 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Nickel Linings

When counting blessings

like spare



Adding up to

Less sense

than we thought we had,

stashed In crevices

it is the



For a rainy day

That makes its way


Something found...

Even green

wears off


and becomes something


In time, interesting...

The zinc sky reflects



but unbroken. 

Painting by Matthias Stom, 'Woman counting coins by candlelight' (Allegory of Avarice), c. 1635 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.


Madame Butterfly,

Sometimes we be-


that which hurt

Us, that one we abhor

All the more


and eaten alive.

One can feel this,

as a matter of growth


as cocoon cannot keep


its contents.

From moth to monarch

Color comes to show


I have become many

Delicate versions

Of a creature

That becomes-

Part of


Canaries are placed inside

Coal mines

by us, to save us

from poison unseen.



I have chosen

To hover at the blazing


making smoke rings

with ashen wings

while warm

blooded bodies

Take shelter

soaking in stillness.

I can


fly away.

Painting by Edward Mason Eggleston (1882-1941), 'A Day in June' c. 1932 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Command prompt


You know

I couldn't sit down

for the longest time-until now

and realized-that meant I was staying.

In shock

in a new Purgatory

between the life not gone

and the one not yet begun.

Of course 

change isn't This to That

transition is a stretched out process

that sinks, tears, and wears on the traveler.

Perhaps progress

is just change

that never arrives-per se

or takes a seat...

Painting by Vilhelm Hammershøi, 'Rest' c. 19905 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Another Autumn Awaits


Falling comes naturally

as common as fear 

another body

knocked down-

Learning how to climb

up to the canopy 

out of the arbor awnings

each branch a rung


a ladder 

has no top

The horizon awaits this distant gaze

further than 

a crow flies 

an escape 

too far to grasp, too afraid to take

it all in

to begin again


What is more


body needs to learn

anything except 



before rising again

with an icy wind

at knifepoint

only to return 

home, rootbound


for more.

Artwork by Ellen Thayer Fisher, 'Fall leaves and Acrons' c. 1885 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Run-on sentences

Keep reading as if the book
were a bible-
Take it with you,
I plea-
You can fit in
a few new affirmations
now and then-
Other currency
is needed
to retain

I beg you
to commit
to memory
the lines,
that will save you
from having to make
up endings.

Artwork credited by William Etty, in National Gallery of Art [CC0], Public Domain.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


I choose not to spend pennies of thought
for the benefit of others opinions
who have made no personal investment
into the savings of and for the consideration of
a profitable shared account wherein there is only one
authorized signatory and not that of the opinionated.

Buddhist principles encourage us to
'Let go' of attachment but 'Hold on' to
your spirit, stick with it, lean in-
to the fall, don't hold your breath,
all obstacles are opportunities.

I clear some space and feel smaller.
I create conflict and make a mess.
I clean the slate, gently blowing off all
calcium deposits thin as chalk.

A moment ago, I slept,
Now I know why a funeral is called a-wake.

I have lost it and found a-way
back to the well-
change was inevitably tossed in.

Painting by Kazimir Malevich [in Public domain], 'Woman with pails' c. 1912.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Clear as mud

Enveloped, as I had been
into the dark mournings,
one after the next stroke of
grey palette,

And when standing
among the five foot stalks
of daisies and poppies
where painted ladies
couple up twisting aloft

and what precedes,
a worm, a cloud, a momentary
inconsistencies become solid

Silver change strewn across
the steel
              the bottom
of the well, whereby my feet
have sunk

Artwork by Umberto Boccioni, c. 1902 [CC0] in Public Domain.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Weather (or not)

There are no problems, I have been told,
simply-events, an occurrence.

It is no coincidence, it suddenly occurred
to me, occur can be like low tide, recurring.

If there are no problems, are we living
in a comfort(able) zone, which becomes

like growing out of shoes,
or them growing apart
from you.

Returning our attention
to the steps we take, looking down,
we notice the children all looking up.

The sky is never the same.

Painting by Eugene de Blaas [Public domain].

Friday, August 31, 2018


It occurs to me that a threshold
is essential for crossing over

leaving one place, entering another.

A transference or transcendence
if done intentionally

the past stays outside.

It occurs to me rather suddenly,
despite making plans and beds,

tucking corners and ducking blows,

this was all about some body, 
a place to rest

and what to do with what remains.

I have reconsidered 
that it may be the most selfless thing

to be buried in a plot, or swallowed by a sinkhole, 
instead of scattered

to sea, disbursed widely

a mark(er), a fold or ripple,

a place
where others can go
to meet with Memory.

This is the last thing I can do

for those whom I held the door for,
for those that may be missing and seeking

my presence-

No body
needed more than a place to rest. 

Painting By John Singer Sargent [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons, 'Open Doorway, Morroco, c 1879.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

An Art a part

On PBS the show "Civilization(s)" or some such name,
chronicals the human
                                 amongst humanity.

In a sense, the dawn of man
thru the hours
to the twilight of Idols.

                                  form of self
                            fashioned by and from
                   some self-wanting to express
                                self by making
                                  another self.

Michelangelo famously pardoned his images
(from exile on the mountain),
like Capone on Alcatraz (the Rock)

-sharpness being no more requisite of tooling
than persistence in method(ology).

I doubt they knew
                     who was waiting on the other side. The face emerges
masked in fine dust.
It is a face of surprise
that does not expect
the stranger standing
                                 before Him.

The idea came to me-I did not go to it
                                 and yet
the unexpected visitor
leads the way
                                 by blocking the wrong path-
ways, giving way
to avalanches and mudslides and this (re)arrangement
was an expression                               of liberation
                                from the body.

Water will
evaporate eventually,
the granite
its crystal components.

The two cannot compare

Maker and Made.

 Painting by Lovis Corinth, c. 1904 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


The earth slows down
just enough to focus on a handle
as if made for us,
made for touching and gauging
the sum of all things
with the unbearable lightness of possessing nothing
Time flies, hope levitates, spines flex in-
tensely repulsing gravity
just to keep up-
after the fact, I heard back home
the mighty oaks had toppled on perfect-
ly calm days,
the redwoods, however, stood their ground.
down here, the passiflora
already swallowed the fence
and now nibbles away at the eave.
On this evening
the colors come too quick to name.
It was
the tulips
we were expecting
to Spring,
the wait was too much to hold still.
Over centuries,
it has been discovered
our heads have become rounder.
When I look harder
it seems like
Venus' belt is shrinking.

Painting by Franz Werner Tamm [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Round the bend

At this time
change felt like the fog rolling in
and when driving into the road mirage
and not hitting a thing-

in a blur that stranges the familiar,
stretches out time a little
like a band,
rubber or air-the change

lingered heavier than mist,
more solid than virga,
icy in all the same clear ways that
when you try to cut it out

from what was always
called Now I am-
like routine and rut,
running along the edges fray,
more than decor, drapery, or flax
like flux, anticipated
or a natural change
of season.

It could have been
Only that-

At this time,
comforts naked shoulder
cooled in the exposure,

where same,
felt somehow strange
like never before.

Image credit By U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Moving moments

Fell upon, as light as drizzling
mists indistinct as an inkling.

There was a sense of something strange a-
round the sharp corner.

He walks confidently 
into newly woven webs,
framing the finished work.

The ground sloped, gravity pulled a-
long his footing in a groove.

One in front of the other. 
He counted on this order. 

Crossed over to a new dimension,
blended into this one image.

He is held up
to the sky and draped in silk,

with webbing in the corners, 
brushed by invisible lines.

He finds her hanging
where he left her last.

Never again
does he take
the last passage 

Painting by Claude Monet, 'A corner of the apartment' c. 1875 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Bare witness

It was miraculous-
the way life gets to see itself
genetics 1-oh-1
the children brought here
with great struggle
and left to die
without effort
holes on hearts and all
last names
shorter than
last words.

Watercolor by William Blake c. 1794 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Growing pains

Something happened
he said
but wouldn't say more,
and he changed.

Something just clicked,
she said, at that age
she guessed
but couldn't say what.

Something felt different,
like stepping into the wrong shoe
but I couldn't tell what-
It was
(left or right).

Painting by Thomas Eakins [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, August 4, 2017


The clouds pursued an equilibrium of their own.
The jaundiced glow fell over the soft heads of innocent beings
not looking up.
It may have drawn more in, pulled more up
had the wind changed dramatically.
as if the dark atmosphere
and hot air
weren’t enough warning
persisting in taking shape across the glass bubble sky.

It was clear as day to those that study the signs that clouds make,
The ambiance made moody thoughts thunder through.

Painting by Konstatin Bogaevsky, (c. 1920's), Clouds, in Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Fine. Pretend, thinly.
Smile. Pull the cord. Middle C.
Pluck the inside strings. Up.
Ply your arms, for others.
Cut. Hung. Behave. Trim and Prop her.
Hear yourself first, thought, same.
Note turned to tone?
Silence is preferred by the self
Above all else.

Despite, to spite the intolerably cruel,
Endure. Niceties, stand still. 
Erect, not flinch. Faces. Places.
As though-
As though,
You remember You
From somewhere,  around here….

Painting by Vincent van Gogh, The peasant churchyard (1885) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...