Thursday, May 29, 2014


               Image By Owen Lloyd (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


The odoriferous redwood forest after rain
Smokey cats' suede paw pads on my fingertips
The pitch of a baby's boisterous belly laugh
Sweet watermelon sunny slurping smiles
This poem reflected in your eyes...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May Day, May Day

May Day, May Day

In a moment
the azure pre summer sky
from nowhere
plumed carbon black
ominous clouds amid a serene backdrop.
a bomb with no sound,
Wretched silence plays notes on nerves
Fierce gasps
gusts of billowing ash
snow of fire.
screams of sirens
wail frantically
thumping blades of helos 
cutting skies unseen
A white out all red aglow
this gray day in May.
Constricting breaths
with every gasp and gale.
Stoking and rising
from all horizons
caught in a cage
of an inferno blaze.
The dragon sky is breathing
igniting fear
Fire-nados churn
In the valleys of
glowing golden mansions.

A new day opens the still smoldering sky 
the crimson sun still rises.
The toll is taken
molten fragments
broken shards fused
a jigsaw puzzle with all the wrong pieces
a war in never won
when the smoke disappears
damage has been done
yet evermore
the heavenly blue sky
breaks through
without a scar,
traces of char
cannot touch
that which cannot be sooted or shattered
that which is indestructible
that which is fireproof.
The human spirit is our foundation
that stands eternally supporting
solidly holding on
to the important things
The immortal human torch.
which will always rise above the flames.

Published in the 2015 Embers and Flames Anthology by Outrider Press.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Young Love

Young Love

When our spirits joined presence
it was a miracle in essence

Intrigue flourished and mystified
The feeling could not be denied

You allured and compelled me
Drawn to you, you were all I could see

When I watched you from afar, gazing helpless
I saw a vision of pure bliss

Where my thoughts were once before dripping with sorrow
Living in dread, wondering if I will see tomorrow

I learned a painful lesson
That is was not love or devotion

It seems as is we melted together by the forging heat of touch
Bound by yearning, lust, passion, one can only take so much

It cannot be wrong if it feels this way
This love, I think it is, grows for you every waking day

Red Sea

This poem requires a brief introduction. Growing up you could always find in my possession at least one book I was reading and a poetry journal. At my grandparents insistence when I was 13 the following poem was submitted to the National Library of Poetry where it was published in an anthology entitled "In a Different Light".

Red Sea 

A red sea, a red rose
A painted sky
I have to keep asking myself
A blue bird, a blue glass
Tear drops fall on a little girls pillow
Standing in a barren field with one lone willow
Colors of a rainbow, together they run
On an empty street a man stands with a gun
He is a lost soul in a crowded city
People can only say "what a pity"
A little girl cries for help, blood runs from her wrists
She is another number on a long, long list
Kiss a forgotten person, open your eyes
We don't need anymore lies
Within ourselves there is a war
Break free and let your spirit soar.

Image By Paolo Neo [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

After Sunset

The night falls
heavy in its hours.
Afraid of the dark
of your mind.
Fear what you may find
in the space between you-
and vast nothing.
Openly suffocating,
in periwinkle dusk
rapt in a blanket of night.
You fall asleep-
You fell in love-
I fell for it-

Burglars in the eerie in-between
steal abandoned hearts
and crawl with malice.
Lovers steal
glances and tears
that fall
guilty like night.

In hazy dark cities,
lights blur through salty tears.
Among busy streets
wander empty years
sound of safe, shhh-
alee-whispering wind,
silence is golden.

For in memories and sunsets,
cast behind you,
lingering in the shadows,
of loneliness-

at the fall of night.

Image credit: By Jon Sullivan [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


The trade winds blow, shaking their souls
quaking through the canopies; necks and trunks
whip and lash…
Rising up-racking, building tension
escalating in cleansing saltwater sky
that weeps and purifies, absorbed.
Shared with the earth.

An everyday occurrence-that appears from nowhere.
It seems normally rare, the current passes quickly still
                                                there lingering with explosive force, held tight in calm evening air.
Moving like a phantom; an evaporating apparition,
the mirage-leaving no trace, yet even still-
made anew.

Holding on its back the steamy hot mist
carried on the verge, a balanced cups of tears.
Shifting of power, tilting the scales.
A release of struggle- temporal in state
the come and go electric emotion charge

the trade winds will always blow...

Composed 5/14/14.
Image credit:By Rosendahl [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

A Case Of Silk Pajamas

It came in a package too pristine to open
A box of quiet dynamite,
Muffled with tissue paper
Under a whispered film of disguise
Only restrained by a single golden seal
To be unleashed only by the daring new possessor
Chosen by default, a lack of any better idea,
Smart luck maybe
Or perhaps they chose you, for your lack of opposition to suggestion
Evocative and immaculate
With trembling fingers afraid to touch
These cannot be for me?
These are not mine!
Who do you think I am?
Sheer perplexing gift, not the image I see as me
Shouldn’t you know-
I had been in flannels too long!
Oh, what trouble this gift would cause?
Liberating sensuality should be “handled with care”
Liquid luxury woven in threads,
Fully exposed-naked and draped in material,
Fluid and solid Immaterial feeling
Eyes without sight provided by the darkness of night
The deafening joy of touch screams
In the romance of night, between the sheets
Hugging, whispering, caressing lonely places on my skin
The sense of touch
Weaving webs in my soul
 Pores breathing and gasping for air,
 The air of luxury, the air up here is sweeter
A box of silky chocolates gets devoured
An unquenchable craving develops with just one taste
This gift needs no returning, these silk pajamas are so me!
A warning should be given to the giver
Who never knew
How wearing silk pajamas will utterly change you
Out of the cocoon
and into your arms.

Image credit:By 文同 English: Wen Tong (1018–1079) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons (ink on silk)


Blessed are thee memories chosen to be forgotten dissolved into distant haze. Cherished are those brilliant first rays alighting the new pat...