Showing posts with label lost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lost. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

3rd Act

People teach you

about people.

Loneliness and Solitude



leave more than can be



gratitude & letting go

of things and people 

you were grateful for 


Everything happens...

Burning bridges,

opening doors-

There must be more

than one way

In or out.

One way to look at it

is just that.

People need people

like signposts

for orientation.

Yet never to be 

in the same place

at the same time.

Missing and


can be both 

alone and together.

When you find yourself...

Painting by George Hitchcock, 'Calypso' c. 1906 Google Art Project via Wikimedia Commons in Public Domain. 

Saturday, December 1, 2018

The hardest directions are the ones we follow

Take a left, or a right?
                          Go West-toward the ocean.
So, left or right?
                          Where are you now?
I'm in your neck of the woods.
                            I think you have gone too far.
Left or right?
                            Straight-toward the ocean.
I've come around the bend.
                            Drive-thru to the dead end.
Are there any land marks? I am lost...
                            If you keep going, you will find it.

Painting by Michael Zeno Diemer (1867-1939), Pera Museum [Public domain].

Saturday, October 6, 2018

They carry no identification

The lost souls could not
have been
unwillingly taken
from their way,

Did I mention
they found Us
in sad shapes too,
(round bodies in square
what to do

about maps that don't make a clear path through
tough terrain
& letters that refuse to column, justify, paragraph
or add up to cents?

I swear atop the nameless grave,
I saw the spirits, the others
looking away, must have been
confused by their own disparate
directions toward the destination
all call

There was always more than one way
there and back,
although there never stayed the same.

The tree markers,
bleed and breathe,
resembling each other,
unlike the stone
every body was required
to find
a building for the soul.

Painting by George Elgar Hicks, 'Gypsy girl' c. 1899 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Perso in la biblioteca Umbertos

Leave a light on
so the bugs don't eat the books.
The grandfather clock
must be wound
so our heart keeps ticking.
Stock up on the stories
so you have many maps
and mythos to go.
The journey keeps us young,
but the last leg catches up...
You've lost me-
many times
in the labyrinth of
your enigmatic fantastic
winding fallacious folios
that make ones head spin-
Are they books or bottles
with memories as mixed
Translation tends to
misinterpret and blurs,
slurs, like tears on ink
there's a leak, (I think)
Ahh-look up-
always-the sky
knows how to read infinity
as long as your words remain
contained and
eternally with me,
I'll be happily lost in the library.

Image of painting By Unknown Dutch Master (c.1628) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Theory of Speculative Direction

If you were lost in the woods,
                                     a compass would work
better than a philosopher
                                     even if you didn't know
how it all worked
                                     At least you would get

If you wanted to map
                                     the Universe one
should listen to a shaman's mantra
                                     not plot it out with an astrophysicist
it would be easier to project
                                     realms by means of real numbers
shooting from the lip, a departure from
                                     the same astral plane
                                     bound by reasonable gravity
Altering the scenery doesn't change the view
                                    from the eye of the bespoken

Plato's cave was not a practice of spelunking
                                     to new depths
or sending our souls soaring to the stars
                                     upon plummeting death and worms.

If I remember correctly
                                     the act of recalling can feel like falling, sleeping or slipping
into the abyss of mind matter
                                     a memory palace, a sin chateau,
a cabana for one's mana
                                     and other obtrusive structures
machinations are machines

Like the disgruntled grandson
                                     who built a Reverse Infinity Instrument
(a.k.a. a Time Machine)
whose Free Will Manual Transmission led him to kill
                                     the wise man he so despised
an obviously inane and obtuse conundrum
                                     based on probablies and anti-definitives
that work every
                                     ninety-nine percent of the Time
but that too was just speculative theory

Composed 6/18/15.

Image By A. Ernyes at en.wikipedia (Own work Transferred from en.wikipedia) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons of Kootenay Lake BC.


Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...