“A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds.” -Percy Bysshe Shelley
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
The night that the Accountant
The night that the Accountant figured out poetry
was a simple story
about a man and a woman
and the stories they tell
each other-
who should and who should not
discuss poetry,
since there is no GAP
in poetics or likewise, alibis.
I told him a story about a poem
that was a story
I made up,
I was never really there.
He said, 'Of course it wasn't true.
Being pushed off a bridge was just a
for what-
I don't exactly know, but if I know you,
it was a feeling
you felt that day.'
I confessed
it was true, all of it.
I could have jumped.
He understood
more poetry
than he ever could have
accounted for.
Along this
line lying between non-and-fiction,
a subtraction connects us.
And we reconcile our difference
of opinions in between
heads and tales
black and read
to solve all word problems.
Photo credit by Mathew Brady, Long Bridge, Washington, D.C. in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Monday, November 27, 2017
With the worms
Shaking off his jacket
spotted with purple dots of dew,
he unfurls his wings
and dashes off
to a new perch
higher up.
In the insistent rising sun
my head and shoulders form
an opposition,
casting shadows on
soft golden blades
rooted underfoot.
Stirring begins from the ground
where settled matters to-day
such as History and alternative pathways,
are made with each step one leg takes
at a time
to make movement or progression
of orbit
in order
to get there
only to see the selfsame shrinking
without feathers, but by a hair
and blunted nose not pointed beak.
This is sharp steel light
severing the warm body
from the sound mind.
A murmuration demonstrates
the reason
for gathering
our resources
but taking them
Painting by Léon Bazille Perrault, 'The Bird Charmer' 1873 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Round the bend
At this time
change felt like the fog rolling in
and when driving into the road mirage
and not hitting a thing-
in a blur that stranges the familiar,
stretches out time a little
like a band,
rubber or air-the change
lingered heavier than mist,
more solid than virga,
icy in all the same clear ways that
when you try to cut it out
from what was always
called Now I am-
like routine and rut,
running along the edges fray,
more than decor, drapery, or flax
like flux, anticipated
or a natural change
of season.
It could have been
Only that-
At this time,
comforts naked shoulder
cooled in the exposure,
where same,
felt somehow strange
like never before.
Image credit By U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Thirteen ways of holding one's breath
Thru metamorphosis, emergence of
butterflies and frogs, spread and span
red cheeks, the gymnastic belly below
sticks it with
loins lurching
in love
untold dreams discontent
unwonted wishes, woos and woes,
it comes and grows
Heavy is the moment-
He is gone,
gone, gone, gone
Generations gone by
that beget her,
forget her, the family moves on.
A casket, a Triscuit,
another he dropped it,
and I put it in my pocket.
It is still there, in my jacket,
old as it is, new every time.
He was…
The spider, the car trouble, the anger,
the appliances, the curses,
the denial of utterance
which makes it so
makes it so,
as a bad day, a bad life, a stroke
of bad luck,
against the odds
I would survive,
still born
All in. Cleared the accounts.
It has to happen now.
It will be, what will be, it will,
still there remains
doubt in the dregs.
Remind me:
Remind me:
You were never about you
were about them never being
about you being you, or just you
and not them. They needed you
to be. You knew them before you
knew you were just being
about them needing you needing
them to be about being themselves and
not you being yourself to be by
themselves, not you, being by yourself,
which would mean the end of you,
Sow seeds are the things with feathers.
No, germination was more gentle.
Like television, what harm? What’s on?
That’s always on.
And on lines, tapped for groundwater, mineral
rights and tracking cookie crumb trails,
I was being watched.
I was being stalked, like prey, today.
A seed has been sown.
she wrote, consumed him
of her.
The same thing is
The same thing is
the same thing is
the same thing in
Poison is in the food
poison is in the fear,
the body shrivels
the body resists
What has been done? What did you do?
About that-
Excuse us, excuses us,
in liberty, for just us,
to wait and seek happiness
coining it as pursuit
of private pleasures and
philanthropic altruism,
we donate dirigible good
deeds, after our needs
have been met
and mingled with resistance.
Go. I will
meet you
The next phase of the moon that wanes
knows how the shadows will fall
before the darkness sets us in place.
From inside the cave, gasping for air,
before light,
unafraid of the burn, the yearning to yell
grips the mouthless beast
hidden herself and longs to fill her lungs
with sound of feeling and exhale
the pungent stench of death that goes
the beast falls and the volcano erupts
with more of itself.
If the sky holds you,
you will be carried
the rest
of the Way.
Inspired by Wallace Stevens poem "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird"
Painting By Alexander Mann (1853–1908) (oil on canvas) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
In our places
In winter it is warmest
in the pale sun
and under your light,
even behind the dark glasses
your eyes smile bright
while we talk softly,
without effort
the breeziness knows
understanding the sky
without words
needing to hold us up
against our own presence.
Placed here, like so,
sharing tastes and sounds,
noting the harmony
we share by proximity
and savoring alike. I know
you know, it takes two
to not let go
with one glance,
promise me
one day-
seasons will allow
a change-
when we lift our eyes
holding out hope
over all others
like this
there was no need to explain
how a line catches
all it can tether
together in one sky.
Painting by Johan Christian Dahl, 'Winter at the Sognefjord, February 1827 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Explain yourself
The words were all too long,
became easily tangled and how I kept
pulling at what I thought was an end,
pulling, pulling, pulling, and
thereby taking too much
out of me
the body became barren.
What was understood as a major shift
of power, in direction or by time constraints,
was the anticipated and alternating current
as in that way
opposition acts by force.
Listen, it was my fate,
or decision
to do or not to do.
Small acts, even one
may be a miracle,
after all
this, one thought, one
the risks were all there, caution was
issued too. Accuse, dismiss and relish
the sound of ones voice,
and how it comes out, represents
the avatar or holographic image
taken at the ideal angle
or time.
We were all Free
to walk around and not utter a word,
or like me, never give thoughts away with
to light, to mind, to mouth, to hand
and inevitably, words were dying.
The Words
were writhing and gasping for shape,
despite the hand that rushed
Definitions, unlike synonyms
carry want and need, unable to
extract and dilute the difference
I am and I was.
Painting By Yamashita Shintarō (29 August 1881 to 11 April 1966) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
The colors blended
one moment, one thing divides
Painting by Albert Bierstadt, Yosemite, Twin peaks, c.1859 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Four minutes ago
it was -My Time- to shine, rise
above dark valleys
Painting by Claude Monet, 'Haystacks at Chailly at Sunrise', 1865 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Friday, November 17, 2017
You're glowing
Bright burning Aura, Aura!
Night inside of the forest;
Eye or hand, what immortal
fearful symmetry could frame thee?
Skies what in distant deeps
eyes thine of fire burnt
on wings, aspire he dares
Fire what hand the hand dare seize?
Art what, and what art on shoulder
sinews of the heart twist and thy could
beat and beat when thy heart
dread feet, dread hand and what
What chain the-what hammer the-
brain, a furnace twas thy
grasp the dread and what the anvil?
Clasp and dare deadly terrors!
Spears threw down stars
tears water’d with heaven
See him smile at his work?
Thee make the Lamb smile, at making me
O Bright burning Aura, Or a
Night inside the forest again:
Nor eye or hand, what mortal
fearful of symmetry would frame thee?
This was an experiment with one of Bernadette Mayer’s Writing ideas (http://www.writing.upenn.edu/library/Mayer-Bernadette_Experiments.html) on mirroring an existing poem, which I did hear (sort of) with Tyger, Tger by William Blake (https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/43687/the-tyger)
Image By Fritz Erler, 1897 (Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Angel and...
Clean sheets
The poem stared back
at the two pleading eyes
saying nothing
about white or black
nor was any indication given
as to where a poet
should set up thoughts
for the night
with rigging and taut lines
for a reader to traverse across
in high winds
and find their own
if the stanza is strong enough
to support mass tourism
and photography.
If you look long enough
or blur your eyes
an Image develops,
what comes through
was over-exposed, covered
with a starch of pareidolia
it was still safe enough
to be considered
Painting by Désiré François Laugée [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
It was never about the invention and the potential
Lives it would save,
It was about who would be written into History as the Hero.
Humphry Davey tried to hide his poetry but stole the lamp.
All for naught, while I sat in the reader's circle, stitching
around Cat’s Cradle-the Dissertation,
and getting into mining
text instead of ice-nine, we found something like
and it is spreading.
They were all over the place, Vietnam, Silicon Valley,
East and west coasts, away from the story
and as Vonnegut said,
Disappearing up its own-
The kids are still mining for cobalt in the Congo.
No, no, no better. In any language
even with repetition. When does practice make
better-off schadenfreude
Karma is driven toward the one who hit my car
and drove away.
The grandma laughs at the puke from her grandson.
That makes her son puke too,
and she gets her just desserts
in between the seats.
We both like the smell of horse manure.
Italo is easily distracted at first, every day, I should stop
feeling “death hath undone so many”*.
“In headaches and in worry,
Vaguely life leaks away
And Time will have his fancy
To-morrow or to-day”**, as Auden would say.
Of course, the dryer refused to spin,
the bills keep pouring in, and there are two-thousand
nine-hundred synonyms for drunk, but sober I remain
loaded on the sole adjective, waiting on the verb
of Time.
Meanwhile, inspiration is found in flying buttresses,
among the changing sky, ribbed vaults and pointed arches
that withstood thirty percent more stress.
Oh yes, it was time again
to act as if one never knows
how things come together.
*T.S. Eliot and **W.H. Auden
Painting by Frank Dobson, 1944 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Sans compunction
No point. No point at the end.
How do you know you are there-
At the end, I don’t.
And is it Close or Close? Close.
As meta for unraveling also ravels.
Breathe. I forgot what inspired me.
If used, it still possesses zero dimensions:
Does it matter if there
Or here, or Not? I
appreciate the white
Space(s) left
by you...
As in, moving targets that spin
seem still, hazy-but fuzzy was her favorite.
How do you know when it is done,
Or the piece is a settled preposition?
Just to suppose, juxtapose those positions,
what if feathers deny making a Pound
is the Emperor Penguin still Dressed (Up)?
They were all thought experiments. I thought they were poems.
A poet cannot leave re-normalization-alone.
I came pre-traumatized, I sat subserviently
and listened for the equi-valence on this side,
punctuated by give and take.
The man said most don't know. As a physicist, he fishes.
His curiosity overflowing banks and boxed cats
and asks the layman to believe in nothing proven safe for
The stomach still drops in
conceptual elevators
labeled Science and Art
(rabbit holes).
This poem was composed of notes I took while at an event hosted by the Arthur C. Clark Center for Imagination featuring Rae Armantrout and her condensed chapbook titled "Entanglements" (pub.d by Wesleyan) on April 13th, 2017 (also her birthday).
chiaroscuro in chalk
fights her way through forests
of shadowed beings
Dimly disappearing cusp,
the darkness drinks its last sips
of amber
Spheres spinning so fast none saw
the movement, as vertigo, camouflage
in dancing shadows, the coins spin
The same two choices,
flashing rims and eye lids
make vertigo
Below bodies levitate between
the same two choices
quintessence finds the balance
between particle and wave,
reflecting accord on a fulcrum
or where to draw the line
between light and dark spaces.
Artwork by John Bauer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Fruit bearing
When you peal back all the exterior layers that have built up
around the original seed
of conflict-which stems not from the picking of,
nor the eating of the lowest hanging fruit
or thereby sharing its ripe pungent juices
with another needing nourishment-
generosity doubles its pleasures
and we are both guilty-expelled-and angry at
the circumstance.
The great divergence actually occurred
when it was Found.
Of course, she saw it first, so she is the gatherer,
but inevitably, it is his Discovery.
Her gaze may have given it away,
yet, let it be known, consumption was never her goal,
it was a thirst she learned to live with
his hunger scared the birds.
With his long arm, and extensive reach,
He provided
for himself
bittersweet meats, her nectar, her basket,
the load she carried, the bodies he dragged,
the plates she cleaned, the fires he stoked
he becomes sated with his accomplishments,
being the first to find,
everything a man could ever need or want
and will defend his property
to the end-
He cocks his sharp weapon,
its poison dipped tip enough to take a life
hostage, something stirs, scares him, he aims
while she is busy gathering her bearings and things,
biting her lip and drinking the blood
They divided the chores
between conquer and conquest, bleeding and bled
She seeks
comfort, security,
he finds
himself lost without her
Painting by Emmanuel Benner the Younger, 'Hunters in wait' 1879 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
A Gentle Hand
Not speaking for other species,
a human being shall not deny
the power of touch, tact-tility.
As in a word, requires the
relinquishing of an invasion of space
for a sense of felicity, in kind
where seeming accidental, more so
gently, intentional, affixed upon
shoulder or thigh, put so adverbial or
propositional, it is
in earnest, rightly so,
it feels heavier than
the application of pressure
or happenstance.
This need to reach out
and grasp toward
this living moment,
or clutch the vibration
that is life, date-stamped
within our fleshy fingertips.
It is compulsatory
that we soon become
etched or embossed with entitlement,
as in adept for survival and
toward those celebrating this.
It was a touching thing it was said,
to feel mankind
using his hands wisely, for once
in this way.
Painting by John William Godward [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
The point was never to be asked
as to why or where
for it was only an aim
as if trying may turn
chance into favor.
We looked together
at the same art on the same page,
seeing two very different
before us in this self-portrait and
agreed only how much it resembled
us, individually.
Another reason to dig deeper
and to not avoid the back-breaking
work or big fear,
is discovering
that the work worked perfectly
for making castles with dirt
or other temporary shelters for our
Painting by Colin Campbell Cooper, 1921 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Friday, November 10, 2017
Quicksand in the hourglass
Turned overnight into the shadow,
an ominous space easily overlooked-
devoid of light in this dire dilemma
of grasping at grains, starlit seeds of time,
accepting these days that display
traces of altered spin-
and small places
for sin.
Take out the woven-store the sheer.
Year after year, resort
the bookshelves
by ilk
and most pointed dagger,
those names mean nothing
arm your selves
about the fire and ice, in these
extremities, inside and isolated,
the glass steams up,
the walls smolder around the skins,
and the colder they get,
the deeper they sink
into the thickest of thoughts.
Tucked in this virtuous blackness,
the rest had no peace,
and the sand moved slowly
towards what could only be hours.
Painting by Sebastiano Ricci, c. 1706 in [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
The pod pulls past
super slow
And in one way
the future is seen
in a second
Under notions of nightsky temerity
when moon rises and shines
and stars fall and flame out
The past twinkles
inset overhead
A fine line
between the living
and the dying
when we look too long...
Image credit By C.R. O'Dell (Vanderbilt University) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
If looking-She went crazy
Rarely left alone
for obvious reasons,
when given more than
a minute in solitude
She would start a poem
or worse-
Dependable as ever
they required her presence
while there was still time
together-no stability
stays the same
(after all)
And dutiful too,
as anyone could be,
she served herself last, cleaned up
after others
with a smile [happy]
And far away gaze,
busy going nowhere
(and getting there)
The blame belonged
not to poetry
(See, after all [happy], and getting there, finally)
Painting By Michael Sweerts (Flemish, 1618 - 1664) artist (Flemish) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Montgomery Street Cleaning
The German poet, bartender, magician, wanderer, playwright, refugee, and performer
who was Exiled in Vienna
arrived at the States United in 1933.
Uniting people was a thing in the thirties.
She had drive. She was a hitchhiker. It took her places
she had never been before.
In 1952 she stopped.
In 1952 she stayed around
because of the fog.
Because of the fog, she left
no more. Set up a shop with no-where’s to sell
on Montgomery Street,
1010 or in the closet -1014
in North Beach on the hills of San Francisco
where All the artists cranked
with little more than smoke and mirrors
they beat the Underdogs.
Panned dirt. Found gold.
The difference between street level lingo
and horned poetic motifs.
Looking back now about it All,
she said the shower was the best, it was
on the roof. After a rowdy, stinky night
she would disrobe in the Pacific Bay air
and sacrifice her body to hot beads
pelting her thick Austrian skin under New York neon gas,
atop sirens and broken glasses rolling below.
The steam from her body mixed with the fog in the air
exchanged vows, made love to each other there
with ruth standing in the middle in
all lower cases, cleansed.
She rose above the ruth-less-ness of it All
below her. She sticks out her thumb, finally
making the last word a gesture
of straighter lines and mist ends.
She looks a head, she looks be hind and she finds All is again
circularity, repetition, rhythm,
and heart beats bumming free rides to the top.
Image credit By Internet Archive Book Images [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.
Text after image:
"The bench to remember George Sterling is on a San Francisco hill that commands the Golden Gate Sterling: Tribute By Idwal Jones(S. F. Examiner, November 18, 1926) GEORGE STERLING, touching on his fifty-seventh year, and feeling wearied turned his face to the wall and died. He quitted this life from his little room in the Bohemian Club, and with no more regret than a bird quitting a twig. This was somewhere between 7 o’clock of Tuesday night and noon yesterday. No mat-ter when. For the curtain had fallen on the drama of San Francisco’s Bohemia in which he had been master of revelry for two golden and charming decades. The Dionysian had drunk the cup to the lees, and found the end of life bitter. The reason for living was past finding out. He said good-by to no one. To say good-by would have caused his friends grief. They are many, and they all wept, for he was an exquisite poet, and a charming and loyal friend. I last saw him two weeks ago. We had walked arm in arm through dense fog at midnight, and we..."
Saturday, November 4, 2017
By a heir
On a full moon night
near the solstice,
there was no gentle way
to be honest
under the naturally blue light.
I have long said,
everything travels in waves,
like this; light, sound, heat, idea,
emotion, news and aromas.
It made me angry
to remember
standing there.
He said I should do it,
for the money, for some sense
of justice
I ought to
make an effort,
as if it were worth going
There is no gold in those hills
waiting for me,
He disagrees.
For now, I tell him
I am still too busy.
And he knows how cold it is already
and knows it is too cruel to drop more
on me.
I reminisce how
many moons ago
I dreamt myself right here,
and never needed to remember
how it all happened.
Honestly, there is nothing left there
of value
for me.
I know I will have to go
back there, as the only child, the only one
who will-
It will cost them
only a little peace
when all has been
said and nothing done.
You left part of you
exposed there and turning blue
waiting for you to finally go back
and bury the body
deep in the hills
like treasures of the past.
We finally agreed,
a wave of relief washed over us both
Not Now-
in due time
it will come needing me
and my cold-hearted honesty
in the full moonlight.
Painting by Ilya Repin [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
The moon was the same this morn,
the sun did come around,
the hourglasses agreed with the sky
for once
what was needed was more
some moonrock,
and salt water.
All these things were sought
outside of day and night
in a blur of grey
it was just bright enough to find
the soundness, the source
which would not part
with the wind.
And it came down to all hours.
All Hail-
the spin master, mixing
time with light,
blind to the difference of circles
Artwork by Peder Balke, 1864 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Space flavor
Swallowing photons
every breath man meanders
tastelessly obscene
Painting By Peter Graham (1836 - 1921) (Scottish) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Nets needed their holes
as much as the lines, holed in
meaning, bold definition.
Image credited By Internet Archive Book Images [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Cords work
Cords work
themselves into fetal knots
while dust collects
Boxes commonly contain cherished contents
to be kept out of touch, like death and memory.
Musicians and writers make notes
and draw out descriptions,
Artists picture
new sound, reason,
and likeness in the jagged line
that makes connections.
Verbs hang in midair proposing movement;
chores, change, promises, and poetry
for nouns to untangle.
Electricity junkies,
trying twisted ways to say
what was entangled worked.
Painting by Hans Dahl, 'Girl in a field knitting' c. 1879 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Courthouse, North County Division
Under the gravity of the situation,
somber faces and the grey sky were suitable.
Walls were also reliable in their place,
one could depend on the sole purpose
of holding up-standards
and keeping apart-reactions.
The cement colored building stands unphased
and stained with gutter rain streaks
as if the structure shed a tear and smeared its makeup.
The four-hundred and eighty-four small square window panes
allow white graph paper light, tinged with green edges spill into the
Security Checkpoint.
The cage presents itself guarded.
Red hands enter through the back,
while white hairs breed in single file lines.
This is where we are all turned in, (the gates
are not pearl) they scan for sharp objects
with invisible laser fingers.
with invisible laser fingers.
The grey walls watch over all the pleading people,
mallets mark ballots like bass drums
with skin stretched tight over the top.
Heartbeats happen to match beads of rain on glass.
Indoors, behind dividing walls, we are all dry and
Indoors, behind dividing walls, we are all dry and
held for safekeeping in the big grey house.
Image credit by Carol M. Highsmith (Monroe, Louisianna) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
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Doom and Bloom
And we wake up to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...

1. Of my Soul a street is: Preternatural Pic- abian tricktrickclickflidk-er garner of starfish Picasso...
Today seems like a good day to burn a bridge or two. The sky resembles a backlit canopy with holes punched in it. In California...
This world is not for breath for feelings also come and go. As hard and light as Push and pull Go. Busy hands and bees-electricity, alter...