Showing posts with label wind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wind. Show all posts

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Empirical Spherical

In the sphere where clouds are formed

How high? Out of eye-


Is where mind over matter mixes its



from nothing-


As a periwinkle sky

filled purely with a howling wind

that you can feel in your


like rain

and gravity, the weight, and desire of


the plane pierces through the dark wall


Nothing was there



Painting by Nesterov, The_Nightingale_is_Singing_by_M.Nesterov_(1918,_priv.coll), in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, November 16, 2019


The wind breaks

and I storm off
in bitter retreat,

sucking out the sour

And the shoreline
recognizing its relationship
with the timeline

inevitable as the tides turn

what has been there
and who is dancing at the edge
of falling in

for a pearl.

It comes in waves;
pain, sleep, sound, this feeling
the crashing is closer

becoming brackish
tumultuous and turbid for a trace
of gold
in every full glass
we see through

The warm breeze
blew away
our differences.

How easily mist
the rising and falling
of all things

may be made
than solid or whole,
as in part

of us
is always drowning

and becoming
one and the same.

Painting by Władysław Wankie (1860-1925) 'Fisherwomen on the shore', [Public domain].

Saturday, November 4, 2017


The moon was the same this morn,
the sun did come around,
the hourglasses agreed with the sky
for once
what was needed was more
some moonrock,
and salt water.

All these things were sought
outside of day and night
in a blur of grey
it was just bright enough to find
the soundness, the source
which would not part
with the wind.

And it came down to all hours.
All Hail-
the spin master, mixing
time with light,
blind to the difference of circles

Artwork by Peder Balke, 1864 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, September 29, 2017


The air being pulled
from the right to the left,
lets up only to adjust and
regrip its hold
on hills.

The ants do not recede,
do not retreat in holes.
Armies have assembled
along the walls, there is no
start, no end, like this wind
no safe seal.

The papers pile up under the
evenings in red and
drip down for later.
Ideas fly out the window
lifting hairs, touching
never landing as said.

Painting By Antonio Parreiras (1860 - 1937) – Painter (Brazilian) Born in Niterói, Brazil. Dead in Niterói, Brazil. Details of artist on Google Art Project [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, September 11, 2017

A Lee alee

The moan returned, and it always came at precisely the wrong time. 
In these conditions, concentration pulls away and tapered focus spreads
its photons in flooding streams of white thought.
The wind knows this and is relentless, always. Careless 
to human needs for calm and order, real food and clean water, it blows- 
every which away.

The rising whine coming in all corners should have reminded us, nothing
is sealed completely. Same never remains cremated-
change or would be by the same name. Ashes. Should anyone notice. 
It is justified, to claim not to hear, to feel no steam rise, to believe 
this arrangement is permanent or static. Hope is clean energy.
Electricity is not a friend.

Dear me. It could never end. A break, a breath, and shriek, 
its thick harmonic resonance extending its reach in waves. 
The breeze dances its heart out down in the valley. 
It will twirl itself out haphazardly and we will see 
no steps in the routine. This storm was not predicted. 
Every light word goes out the window. 
The pain sank through.

Painting by Jerônimo José Telles Júnior [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

September steams

There were stars too-
and of course, it was clear as crystals
with a full ball of mercury rising up
near ninety degrees,
moon shadows with a blue halogen aura
shrank and shriveled,
well before sunrise
everything hung in place,

every breath was held
and humid from being inside the body
where courage gathers
like a photo collection,
(in single dimension)
that could be assembled in someway,
in chrono-or-logical order like constellations
that slip and slide down time lines,
yet no sense would penetrate
nor make land fall.

There I was, looking for something else,
out there
with me
dropping leaves
like I let go
of every thing
on dawns tip-toes,
through light night
pretending not to notice
the disturbing peace.

Painting by Martin Johnson Heade, Passionflowers and hummingbirds c. 1870-1883 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, June 3, 2017


About Prometheus,
Not all things combust this way.

The will with wings
plies the sky same as our rows are sown, 
the bird does not always
Fall for it,
and never sweats it. 

The Raven, not Michael nor Quoth
Wingnut, whose pine cabin home was hewn
down in front of mine-by a giant crane

now moves from Ficus to Loquat to Mexican Fan
Palm and gets around others-his heritage gone-
Well, I watch him still,
He plants trees in the front yard.

I watched him with his will 
balanced at 2 o’clock rest,
Perched fifty feet up high 
toward the end of a silver branch

when he notices me
watching Him.

He cocks his head, his eyes drop 
to tiny me,
He lifts his left leg dramatically, 
talon spread wide and up,
his eyes fixed toward me,

Sure he was about to pivot
to change 
the view-
He fell,
He tucked his wings to his sides and plummeted,
He fell.
My heart rattled,
Hart Crane.

And just when I could no longer see him, 
he rose.
Wings wide, he climbed with his will,
promptly doing a flyby down 
the empty driveway.

About intentions, 
Prometheus knows nothing of arson

He can only carry on
hot air to rise-
Legends live too long, 
Atlas lifted all but his eyes,
too busy with the world and all
Fire and Friction.

Meanwhile, I am learning 
to lean on the wind,
like the crane floating offshore
this is not falling.

Artwork By Kawanabe Kyōsai (Artlino archive) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Wont you let the wind in

No poetry-
Silence it said.
It was raining and how could we live without
The yellow porch light, that lit the drops aflame midair
sent falling matches while we inhaled its sultry cologne,
It smelled like kerosene.

Nothing should be said,
but sound jumps and throttles anyway,
hits its edges
and snaps.

Let it fly,
was another way to lay claim on wind and smoke rings.
Seasonings and salt made new flowers, steeping in the dark
deeds have been doled to uncharted territories, stay-
what else is there to see?

The words will escape me just
this day without poetry… 

Painting by Paul Cornoyer [Public domain], 'Madison Square after the rain' c. 1900 via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Glass making

All over the place
pour, poor women and wine,
overflown lips,
she sees her particulates
in liquid stains
held over old flames.

There is no innocent steam,
the trees that finally fell to timber
under scurrying winds collecting
clay clouds, pulling out roots
by the palmful in a disintegration of states.
She seemed mad.

That insistent sun rose its entitled torch,
humming, ho-hum-mums-the-blue iris to day, to
dew, and do the birds hone a tone in
one place, canary, and crow
cemetery or church, middle C
night and gale mocking us.

She giggles at others tripping over
stone heads
and bumping toes on crosses;
no body ever saw her,
smiling some where upon
she cried upon recognizing herself
as naked truth.

It hurts to linger too long
exposed against acclimation.
We shatter in the cold.
We were always restructuring and stacking
cardboard and compressing pixels
over old times, keeping alive,
ashes and splashes
mixing and folding us back in.
This con-trap-she's in,
clearly cracking
from such extremes
of rising and falling
body temperature.

Such is life.

Photo By SMU Central University Libraries [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Firmament (Hi-Q)

Why always the sky?
Does your hair move in the wind?
Breath is not just mine.

Image credit by Brian W. Schaller (Own work), Windy Day Great Sand Dunes in Colorado (U.S.A.) [FAL], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Squiggly lines

Draw the wind for me
                                             That is a line
This is a wave
                                             It is a cloud
it is not raining
                                             It is floating
It doesn't resemble energy to me

Because it can fall or disappear

If I cannot see it, it is not there

                                             What do shadows show
                                   You must move-first to see 
I see stillness, yes
                                   this second, do I breathe
Alive, you must Be.
Not imagine
                                   show me the difference
where water and air masses separate 

conglomerate as clouds 
                                   demonstrating the movement
of nothing.
No thing                     that floats.

Now your turn to draw the water

                              well are not those tears 

Artwork By Вера Владимировна Хлебникова (1891—1941) ([1]) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Under pressure

That summer evening
the sky was pink and raw
and your eyes were streaked in red.

We could feel the cool air
rush between us,
in day and under night.

There were monsoons churning just miles away,
we could feel these winds too.

Sounds became amplified
in dusk and static cling.
You could hear quite clearly this ring,
some say halo
spreading above.

Colors holding onto some blended harmony,
a lilac or plum, some and none.

When we look up, you say away
our trajectory changes its synchronicity,
which was never the same as settling.

We knew the heat wave would break
as much as the cold spell would snap
the last straw, but we watched the change
wash over us.

We know, but forget constantly.

At times like these,
warm rain reminds us
endurance and presence
are more than enough.

Painting by Jean-Honoré Fragonard (1732-1836) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Fair share

A lone loquat leaf
            curled and crisp,
                       tap dances down
the sidewalk

An empty aluminum can
              dented in the middle
                       throws light and marches making
a din down the driveway

The loitering suburban trees
                        fluff their updos
                         while locks of leaves fall down

Two lips pucker in the sun
                          a short Spring song
                           now nearly done
wilting while the bulb goes out

A blurry old man shuffles a shopping cart
                         gripping his estate
                           for near life.
A trim mom runs in the bike lane
                          chasing rolled dollars
                             barreling down the boulevard
A police officer cruises by
                           in his city issued
                              beemer, observing the peace

A couple makes up
                         in the parking lot
as two seagulls squawk over scraps
                         out and out-mollifying
A raven snags the snack pack
argument or a caw on the wind

This is how
gusts, nameless airs,
blow things
out of (pro) portion.

Does that make it more than it is?
If heard
it Is.

Image By Tomwsulcer (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, April 22, 2016


It was up-side-down-which
is not up There
is no up-any-way
that the dhow
knew the way the wind blew
and grabbed it as the how
to get There
the Tao
and even keel held bronze pins in place
on the starboard to cease and assist
sunken ships weight and wait
with least resistance finding that
feels easy like you know
down pat what is
either way anyway
if you don't flow
with it
you'll never know
smooth sailing up-on destiny's dhow.

Image of painting by By Maxwell, Donald [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Gusty or gutsy

If the wind would stop
for a moment, I would know
better to be still.

Image of painting by Winslow Homer [Public domain], The Dinner Horn (1870)via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Whose in the way of whom

What does it matter
if water may hollow stone,
it also melts ice,
and is able to absorb
its likeness
to become more of itself.

Who can blame the wind 
for putting pressure
on structures we've built
opposing its whims,
where we erect our wants;
which is why we tremble.

Unlike the stone
that is grounded
lays low, erodes slowly
and goes nowhere fast.

Water I care
emote a dust in the wind?
Amidst stone cold silence,
I heard the wind whisper
and the water splattered back.

This poem was inspired by the poem Wind, Water, Stone by Octavio Paz.

Photo credit By Sequeira, Paul, Photographer (NARA record: 8464471) (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Description: Homeowners lined a lake beach with cars in order to prevent erosion threatening their dwelling residences. 

Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Devil in the Details-From Notes Taken (Haiku)

the moon set on an
idea, and the wind blew
off the words: (List-in).

Image by By Galileo moon phases [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

A Skybroom or Windwisk

Where there is wind
Why not-
Fill the air with nothing
but conflicting directions?
Roar with static,
bumping jabs of hot-cold
thrust through if it must
as though it is nothing but
A natural occurrence.
A nuisance. Non-sense
of white noise, endless sighs
of discontent, lamenting
leaves fray like nerves.
Shooting blanks, synapses short
fireback with backfeed too high.
Determined to go Nowhere,
Now with haphazard intents,
mischief is made,
trepidation is mistaken as
raw with ennui.

There it all goes...
This too shall pass...
Giving the barbaric wind
a safe place to play,
with words like To and Fro
and don't forget, Let Go-
Blowing away
my uprooted mind
freed from knowing
how heavy
we should have been
bolted down.

Image of painting by John William Waterhouse [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...