Showing posts with label definition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label definition. Show all posts

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Explain yourself

The words were all too long,
became easily tangled and how I kept
pulling at what I thought was an end,
pulling, pulling, pulling, and
thereby taking too much
out of me
the body became barren.

What was understood as a major shift
of power, in direction or by time constraints,
was the anticipated and alternating current
as in that way
opposition acts by force.
Listen, it was my fate,
or decision
to do or not to do.

Small acts, even one
may be a miracle,
after all
this, one thought, one

the risks were all there, caution was
issued too. Accuse, dismiss and relish
the sound of ones voice,
and how it comes out, represents
the avatar or holographic image
taken at the ideal angle
or time.

We were all Free
to walk around and not utter a word,
or like me, never give thoughts away with
to light, to mind, to mouth, to hand
and inevitably, words were dying.
The Words
were writhing and gasping for shape,
despite the hand that rushed

Definitions, unlike synonyms
carry want and need, unable to
extract and dilute the difference
I am and I was.

Painting By Yamashita Shintarō (29 August 1881 to 11 April 1966) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Alpha-betting on-Omega

All whole words are concocted symbols
lines scrawled to convey meaning
not unlike painting,
sweeping strokes of generalities
whet form into abstract impressions
desist and seize definition.

A collector of rare words
admires antiquated articulations
and such-and so forth
forms thought into projections
as aroma refuses to go unnoticed
inoculating ideas, contagion cures.

To say the words aloud, incant
taste the tone on the tongue, palatable
digesting the dreams of others
does wonders.
Look (it) up.

It is alchemy really.
If you have dined around
the periodic table, you know
letters combine
to become more than themselves,
explosive elixirs
of ionic interpretations.

I get the Impressionism
and I objectivist
for surrealism, cubed.
Post-pop abstracted
Neo-classical characters,
re-defined and framed
a sentence for Life.

Image of artwork By Coles Phillips [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Look it up

Label and Libel
are one i away from the
same definition.

published 1/9/16.
Image Warpath tobacco label, c. 1885 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Simpatico (Syn.)

By 'association' (Miriam Websters Thesaurus)
                          -to assume-ah-to make an-
No-it says next: -to seize, to snatch (and grab)
-I presume my position-
Resume my judgement
             my angle, view, slant
Take        (it for what it is)  It=Is
standable (under-un)
get it?
Believe you me!
You would not believe me if I told you-
what's Next?
It could happen.
What is It?
What does It mean?
By definition, used to refer
Chaos by Random, Assoc.

Image By Lewis Hine [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Boy Studying 1924.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...