Showing posts with label point. Show all posts
Showing posts with label point. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Amy never finished her wine

It was in the dregs,
like literal coffee grounds
where the future could be red
and read
as follows;

Two sides
are always connected
somewhere in between
heads and tails,
his and hers,
love and hate
and living and dying
is your Prophecy.

When picking sides
it is safe to presume
that both are sharp enough
to draw blood

and switchblades
thrust open
hearts of flesh and palms
close into fist balls
tossed at those within arms reach.

A residue that stains,
the names of things,
the unswallowable future,
the absence of anything
consumable, the thirst
for pain is a craving
for love and hate.

of our own destruction
is still desire,
making it
never makes anything smaller.
Having it all
is the same as not imagining

It all becomes the same
sharp point,
*"this is how you switch the blade,
you always hurt the ones you love,"
perhaps passion points us
toward the pain
of never knowing
when we are finished.

*Lyric written by Amy Winehouse

Painting by Jan Davidsz. de Heem (1606-1683), 'Still life with fruit and wine' c. 1642 in Public domain.

Thursday, October 17, 2019


She said to me the strangest thing,

I want to smell her alone-
away from the others
out of the masked scent
of deer and leaves-

The muse has her motives.

I am still
for you to pick up
the web-line
and feel me
for you
to find me

I must warn you,
to not go too far or listen in too deep for
the Metaphor man who
speaks with more than his tongue.

It takes a second.

Imagine how he looks
being a target is merely
one point to shoot for.

Painting by J. Alden Weir, 'Hunter and dogs' c. 1912 in [Public domain].

Sunday, November 12, 2017


The point was never to be asked
as to why or where
for it was only an aim
as if trying may turn
chance into favor.

We looked together
at the same art on the same page,
seeing two very different
before us in this self-portrait and
agreed only how much it resembled 
us, individually. 

Another reason to dig deeper
and to not avoid the back-breaking 
work or big fear,
is discovering 
that the work worked perfectly
for making castles with dirt
or other temporary shelters for our

Painting by Colin Campbell Cooper, 1921 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, October 29, 2016


This it is how it is done
Most important, remember to breathe
quiet hands, 
               as in decent golfers and honest horsemen
then confidence is key-
                                             the only one that fits, actually.
First, you must penetrate the first layer without severing any of the connecting 
                    or start over.
Next, to get deeper you must first see trust,
                                                            like fat.
You don't need a lot to proceed.
Moving along, use your tools wisely,
logic is too dull.
The point must be sharp enough to travel through the body.
Make no bones about it, be deliberate, don't deliberate.
The marrow may quiver ever so slightly,
this is good-you have come this far.
                                                            You don't need me 

for Directions nor
                         the beat of your heart
                         the heat of your pulse
                         the meat of the matter
                         the flood of blood
on the ashen page
in the first draft stage. 

Painting by George Goodwin Kilburne (1839-1924), Penning a Letter, [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, September 3, 2016


Fractals, for example,
are the most simplified demonstration,
of why we Science
and by social connectivity via
organic growth
by presenting pixelated predictability
and also string theory
we try to collect the dots.

Overlapping these
is closer to any
one point
in Reality
or limited by spatio-temporal 

I agree, conceptually, anyway.
It is wise to fantasize
about things like
algorithmic altruism
and kosmic-karmic-knowing-ness.

                        Besides, it feels good to stretch
and probe those idle lobes
and reach with our soul, consider, ponder, wonder
and flex our potential realities
Into conceptual theories or infectious ideas
ad infinitum.
Wouldn’t you concur-

Nothing is better than momentum. 

Animation image by By Biajojo (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...