Showing posts with label chance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chance. Show all posts

Monday, May 27, 2024

Or deal

Memories are

Pick a card, any card,

except you do not choose


we all carry a card or two

up a sleeve, lain

on the table

hence playing with

A full deck 

is rare

52 weeks

shuffle like thrown-up

cards, now the 

Five of clubs

Demands your decision.

Go fish for 


Hand read them

like palm lines

to call or stay

this time around

Krazy 8's and wild

Jokers interrupt as 

I shuffle through

these days,

Solitaire and surprised

at the random nature 

making a game

Of dealing with it.

Painting by Juan_Gris, 'Damier et cartes à jouer'  (Checkerboard and playing cards) c. 1915, Google Art Project in Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons. 

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Social security

Unless you were born
a boy
with silky chestnut hair
shaped like a perfect bowl of soft wound thread
nested as in a kitten ball
atop an angelic head dappled with
a sole magic dimple under the high arched
cheekbone amidst
perfectly placed and sized features,
jawlines of a steed,
eyes of witches hazel,
long indulgent black lashes,
long limber legs, strong steel shoulders
broad aspirations
long ago,
you will not be chosen
as the one that was
a man for all ages
a perfect fit,
the right breed,
hand(y)some or skillful.

The rest shall be

Painting by Benjamin Haydon [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, November 12, 2017


The point was never to be asked
as to why or where
for it was only an aim
as if trying may turn
chance into favor.

We looked together
at the same art on the same page,
seeing two very different
before us in this self-portrait and
agreed only how much it resembled 
us, individually. 

Another reason to dig deeper
and to not avoid the back-breaking 
work or big fear,
is discovering 
that the work worked perfectly
for making castles with dirt
or other temporary shelters for our

Painting by Colin Campbell Cooper, 1921 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, February 3, 2017

super-natural and extra-ordinary

Most mistake
miracles for
just coincidence,
which is ironic

as a rule,
coincidence is when
the obstacle is dissolved entirely
just solutions remain

concentrated ad-mixtures
of luck and faith, a coupling
tangled making waves
turbid in the wake

that cannot count stars
that doubts itself
clear enough

for the common kind
of man to consume
as pure prophecy
by numbers.

It is possible,
it was more than probable
that this kind
was a miracle
of just willful

Painting by Jean-François Millet [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, August 18, 2016


He wrote the same book
no ones' words he took.
She sang the same song,
with the lyrics all wrong.
They were called the same thing-
in a new context.
The same color was never used
twice, naturally-
charmed by the third time,
we finally got it
before we forget
how it all fit...
Some-thing gives...
Some-one takes a chance
risking no-thing
new a-gain.

Painting by Albert Edelfelt, At the Door (1901) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Just take a chance

The games we play
occupy our attention,
give us chance,
to entertain and refrain us
from certainties. We gamble
to participate in our fate
in the end, the outcome,
the odds
on us, against loss.

We leverage the inevitable,
predict the unfathomable
and recognize our own home range,
gait in the headlong stride
of the dark horse.

-just to see-

We dance with destiny
then trip on our own shod
limbs that lead to
breaking those lucky legs
and just chalk it up to the chance

we lost.

Image is of a wood engraving by W.L. Sheppard (drawn by W.B. Meyers), Harpers Weekly October 1870, Betting on the Favorite.

Monday, January 4, 2016

The sound of falling stars

How does happenstance
Does the light fall
thru (by accident)
or intrude only where
there are openings?
Even chance
offers probabilities, (unless) useless,
I guess, all is risk
listening for a serenade
out There, 
in the near future called
Hope or Wishupon.
After all,
whose to say it
(was) all was lined up 
that way,
and this was going (all) ways
going to (all) happen
any (which) way
the circumstance of chance

Image By NASA/Bill Ingalls [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Perseid Meteor shower 8/2015.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...