Showing posts with label UCSD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UCSD. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Sans compunction

No point. No point at the end.
How do you know you are there-
At the end, I don’t.

And is it Close or Close? Close.
As meta for unraveling also ravels.
Breathe. I forgot what inspired me.
If used, it still possesses zero dimensions:

Does it matter if there
Or here, or Not? I appreciate the white
                                               Space(s) left by you...
As in, moving targets that spin
seem still, hazy-but fuzzy was her favorite.
How do you know when it is done,
Or the piece is a settled preposition?
Just to suppose, juxtapose those positions,
what if feathers deny making a Pound
is the Emperor Penguin still Dressed (Up)?
They were all thought experiments. I thought they were poems.
A poet cannot leave re-normalization-alone.
I came pre-traumatized, I sat subserviently
and listened for the equi-valence on this side,
punctuated by give and take.
The man said most don't know. As a physicist, he fishes.
His curiosity overflowing banks and boxed cats
and asks the layman to believe in nothing proven safe for consumption.

The stomach still drops in
conceptual elevators
labeled Science and Art
                                   "Going Down"

                                    (rabbit holes).

This poem was composed of notes I took while at an event hosted by the Arthur C. Clark Center for Imagination featuring Rae Armantrout and her condensed chapbook titled "Entanglements" (pub.d by Wesleyan) on April 13th, 2017 (also her birthday). 

Sunday, June 18, 2017


The Dalai Lama traveled to talk
at the University, and it was good
to hear it was no celebrity.
He spoke of "dialogue"
let me repeat-
He spoke of "dialogue"

Not many of us wonder
or need to know
our full thoughts

The way we treat
could be better-granted
territories are gone-
None go out of their way or think
of crossing invisible lines

Surprised to see none like me-
not unique-just unanimously rejected
for some thoughts of me
I didn't see
coming or going

Not knowing our position
we listen to Others
who guide us to Do Unto Others
as if we knew the same treatment
worked wonders on Others.

speaking drowns out listening,
when we worry about what we will say
when it is our turn

The Dalai Lama was dripping like a wet sponge
in the high humidity here.
He was not yet acclimated to hear
his humid reception,
and the excessive
precipitation of June gloom.

Painting by Peder Balke (1864) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...