Showing posts with label circles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label circles. Show all posts

Friday, June 18, 2021








lost love



        spaces squeezes


One plus One

is Nothing 

if one is taken away.

When divided 

           remains one

Doesn't matter 


holders or containers

for counting

in circles

and talking 

more or less

one share

of the pi.  

As soon as 


can be drawn

like conclusions,

no connections

could be made


the pull, repulsion,



dark matters

held whole and balanced

         by the space


then and Now. 

Image info:

English: About 1,600 light-years away, in a binary star system fondly known as J0806, two dense white dwarf stars orbit each other once every 321 seconds. Interpreting x-ray data from the Chandra Observatory astronomers argue that the stars' already impressively short orbital period is steadily getting shorter as the stars spiral closer together. Even though they are separated by about 80,000 kilometers (the Earth-Moon distance is 400,000 kilometers) the two stars are therefore destined to merge. Depicted in this artist's vision, the death spiral of the remarkable J0806 system is a consequence of Einstein's theory of General Relativity that predicts the white dwarf stars will lose their orbital energy by generating gravity waves. In fact, J0806 could be one of the brightest sources of gravitational waves in our galaxy, directly detectable by future space-based gravity wave instruments.

Dated June 2005

Credit: Tod Strohmayer (GSFC), CXC, NASA - Illustration: Dana Berry (CXC)

Saturday, November 4, 2017


The moon was the same this morn,
the sun did come around,
the hourglasses agreed with the sky
for once
what was needed was more
some moonrock,
and salt water.

All these things were sought
outside of day and night
in a blur of grey
it was just bright enough to find
the soundness, the source
which would not part
with the wind.

And it came down to all hours.
All Hail-
the spin master, mixing
time with light,
blind to the difference of circles

Artwork by Peder Balke, 1864 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Buteo jamaicensis (red-tailed hawk)

or common pigeon raptor,
an immigrant in suburbia,
your callused talons, prone to thievery
bone protruding shoulders, penetrate the blues
excess in feathers weighs one down.
Perch and peer,
wedged between a wishbone branch,
hurling her duck observations in high notes
as if swan songs were her only repertoire. 

Tenacious she, 
returns three days crooked, famished with
foresight, laser vision, and perspective-poised, 
she waits, she sees green, she feels envy.
The fluffy housecat chases his tail 
to satisfy his urges
the hawk launches
and draws his keen ellipse together.

Photo credit By U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters (Red-tailed hawk  Uploaded by Dolovis) [CC BY 2.0 ( or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

When in Still(ness)...

They also called it an Empire,
and it was empirical by nature, 
such vast open space.
Larger than life, holier than thou, cliché ridden and
doctrine infested-martyred and named Rome.

But what else could they do
but try to live most-ly
in the little time they lived,
in their little worlds they called homes
making cities, breeding atrocities, too close to comfort
any one or another.

Some chose other-wise;
the exile, the recluse, the slave
those submitting to suicide,
and Then death was revered, a danse macabre.  

Otherwise, it all seems similar-ly
tied to one another by Now and Then.

A full revolution must be given time
to come full circle. Whose to say we could see it move
around so little.

Anyway, it could happen again.
And it could be that we, lately,
have been simply spinning much faster
From the top
All looks still…
The people were all in tumultuous states
of vertigo-
But none said a thing to one another.

Watch they way they talk-
It was all in circles;
Copernicus to Dante, Socrates and the wheel,
and assorted likewise misappropriated
little narratives.

Later on, we read about the fall of Rome,
too easily condemning this ignorance
of inertia, or how our standing under
the weight of air, held us down
to inevitable endings with variable speeds.

It is hard to hear the words Here
with all the rubble in between the teeth
and wind inside the ears,
or see how much time can change so little.

Here we are,hoping the All’s wishing well has an end
in good being, every thing-
although at times
it feels as though we were falling

a little faster
but we could not know
having never felt vertigo.  

Painting by Josephus Laurentius Dyckmans (1845) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The i in Pi

I have a crazy suspicion of around about way roles surround spherical notions selfishly His or Her property keep wholes by center spin the one circular you is located pivotally inside-

I feel a round curiously as animal sense may guide somebody celestial towards strangers who as man alienate body spirit or tether into web for twisting not to confuse rebellion light.

a word a thing numerical or figure taken for whole concepts revealing secrets contained but to say measured with theory or method make from any one diabolic can be trapped centrally askew.

*Each word length occupies the same corresponding digit in this abbreviated representation of pi, or the area of a circle  (Ex: First word ‘See’=3 letters, ‘I’=1, ‘have’=4, etc.). The next number in sequence is (0) making this the end point.

Feature image of: 'Study of Circles on Black' (1921) By Wassily Kandinsky [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

A-round A-gain

It was only natural,
the moon mattered more &
the stars too trivial to twinkle.
It was as expected,
as time unfolds memory,ensues, 
enframes and borders the view.
It was
more than the medium
or the membrane, the skin sheds and mind
stretches     out for much       more.
It  matters,
Even when it is all the same-
when forever ended time and again, a perfect moment
stolen in a last sunrise-
for Good.

It was only natural
light, reaches the furthest corners and bounces
On a curve,  
photons careen in corners,
          sovereign circles can spin spirals…
Dross traces of dark matter will devour all the same,
sanding the edges

for the first Time. 

Painting by Wassily Kandinsky, Heavy Circles 1927 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Circles of influence

As with Death and Being
(in love),
you only know it when it comes
close enough to smell-it gone.
This doesn't help us.

It is curious to wonder
why we still get dizzy
(in tight circles we spin)
when this has always been
the Prime Mover
of things that (are like) matter.

It is earthshaking to think all of us
know something
(is speaking directly to us)…

As with Kodiak bears and Great White sharks
act Bigger and be LOUD-pretend you are more than you are.
We don't dare admit
this is not enough.
Survival is still

just our luck.

Painting by Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Title: Ulysses Fleeing the Cave of Polyphemus

“Eckersberg spent 1811 to 1812 in the studio of David, practicing life drawing and history painting. One of a series of subjects from the Odyssey, this is perhaps the most compelling. The giant Polyphe­mus in his cave looms over a sheep, searching for Ulysses and his companions, who blinded the one-eyed monster. The men have escaped beneath the bellies of the flock; Ulysses, at the end, prepares to join his companions. The Mediterranean light is dazzling. We viewers remain imprisoned in the tenebrous foreground as Ulysses slips away. Eckersberg’s study of the eloquent contours of Greek vase painting is put to good use here.”

Thursday, February 4, 2016


According to the variables,
the rules were elongated.
Black time flowed fast
on an interrupted smooth plane.
There were too many similar pieces
in play and the moved spaces
never progressed wayward
along the spherical borderline
overlapping soul and self,
Venn inside, categorically
trapped, unable to trace the way
to break the line that labels, rates
and places apart flat out
otherness, the other coin side
limited by a the double dimension
of peopled perception, angle of the arc
along the rim of the never ending
line that flows back into itself.
It's your turn to spin.


I walk beside myself Not another parallel path but obtusely, a shadow of a self. I should have become colored, defined, dimensional instead ...