Showing posts with label images. Show all posts
Showing posts with label images. Show all posts

Sunday, November 12, 2017


The point was never to be asked
as to why or where
for it was only an aim
as if trying may turn
chance into favor.

We looked together
at the same art on the same page,
seeing two very different
before us in this self-portrait and
agreed only how much it resembled 
us, individually. 

Another reason to dig deeper
and to not avoid the back-breaking 
work or big fear,
is discovering 
that the work worked perfectly
for making castles with dirt
or other temporary shelters for our

Painting by Colin Campbell Cooper, 1921 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Marsupial Mavens

Ninety percent of All humanity
live North of the equator
I sit in California in the sun
at thirty-three degrees or so
it is sixty-six and blustery-
(May gray has not arrived)
I read the latest Poetry issue,
origami ideas sent on paper planes
just out from Australia-al-
though printed in Chicago-
we pro-prose a die-a-log
through belles lettres.

After reading up on down under
I wondered-This Issue-
why more pictures than poetry-
Not really-but all I see, in imagery are
posing for poetry
Is it the mirror effect; akin to the water,
that made the artists smiles up-side-down-
And those scowls, sneers, poor-trait(s),
of some smirks where the mysterious
pretends to con-de-ceive perceptions
about Aussie affability.

Mutually masterful,
silence at the end, asks
for reciprocation, promotion,
looking for-word-one way to say
likeness, not-like-us, writer-ly
soft and polished up, be-spectacled
and dis-taught by degrees-
A-B-original-not left out back
in voluminous r-evolution.

Feature image art by Peter Purves Smith, Kangaroo hunt c. 1938 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. 

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...