Showing posts with label duty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label duty. Show all posts

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Civic Duties

-Sit in a courtroom and observe a trial for two hours (ask an official which one is most interesting
you’ll find that everyone knows the schedule) Dress nicely and smile.
-Sit in the ER and read, only listen, do not make eye contact, do not touch the arms of the chair. 
Dress poorly. Do not smile.
-Wait in any lobby for someone-as if they were coming for you.
-Eat alone.
-Go to a cinema alone and take in a film alone. 
-Travel alone. Pack lightly. Smile small when you feel stupid and sorry and don’t know what to say.
-Drive to the DMV. Don’t get out of your car, just put it in Park (if available), idle and make some notes, reasons, identities, and etceteras
(Patience is guaranteed to be in no place. Like an ounce of gold in a ton of dirt. Don’t give any away to strangers handling hot pans.)

Wait with Will. Watch with wariness. Write with wonder.
Make the present interesting.
Active Membership dues are paid in Participation points,
The verbiage puts us in our places-

Your lines are next to appear, to  laugh or to frown
We are all just nouns waiting to be called adjectively. 

Artwork by George Romney [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, c. 1734-1802, 
Yale Center for British Art. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Courthouse, North County Division

Under the gravity of the situation,
somber faces and the grey sky were suitable.
Walls were also reliable in their place,
one could depend on the sole purpose
of holding up-standards
and keeping apart-reactions.

The cement colored building stands unphased
and stained with gutter rain streaks
as if the structure shed a tear and smeared its makeup.
The four-hundred and eighty-four small square window panes
allow white graph paper light, tinged with green edges spill into the
Security Checkpoint.

The cage presents itself guarded.
Red hands enter through the back,
while white hairs breed in single file lines.
This is where we are all turned in, (the gates
are not pearl) they scan for sharp objects 
with invisible laser fingers.

The grey walls watch over all the pleading people,
mallets mark ballots like bass drums
with skin stretched tight over the top.
Heartbeats happen to match beads of rain on glass.
Indoors, behind dividing walls, we are all dry and
held for safekeeping in the big grey house.

Image credit by Carol M. Highsmith (Monroe, Louisianna) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...