Showing posts with label routine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label routine. Show all posts

Sunday, November 3, 2024

And then...


Change is like that strong smell

of cut grass or chopped wood

that stops you still.

Patterns, a symbol can be

an illegible sign, 

at first glance.

Or a certain light at sunset, 

or dark that whispers

Where am I coming from?

You are always going


Next to nothing seems impossible.

I am next.

Painting by Orazio Gentileschi, 'Portrait of a Young Woman as a Sibyl' (c. 1620-1626) from Google Art Project via Wikimedia Commons in Public Domain. 

Monday, November 27, 2017

Round the bend

At this time
change felt like the fog rolling in
and when driving into the road mirage
and not hitting a thing-

in a blur that stranges the familiar,
stretches out time a little
like a band,
rubber or air-the change

lingered heavier than mist,
more solid than virga,
icy in all the same clear ways that
when you try to cut it out

from what was always
called Now I am-
like routine and rut,
running along the edges fray,
more than decor, drapery, or flax
like flux, anticipated
or a natural change
of season.

It could have been
Only that-

At this time,
comforts naked shoulder
cooled in the exposure,

where same,
felt somehow strange
like never before.

Image credit By U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Our Lady Alexandria

What feels like Now is never heavy enough
to last longer than a Sunday.
Idle times like June, we tend to wander too far,
it takes august
to bring us back to routine.
Presently, reading.
Presently writing
Then and Now lying in front of me,
blurred by biography autonomously-
     whose voice is lost in the amplified volume
of imposition
     whose own prosaic tome is never true or tight enough
to carry the note all the way,
to cut the final folio, to fill the flyleaves.

More memory appalls dead weight
          one will carry to the cemetery, nary a soul should know  
Those things, flammable flashbacks attack hard back, unhinged

in carnation
in damnation
in citation,
My cover slowly singing, smoldering as I am oldering,
Now (transparent)
on paper backs.

Painting By Juan de Echevarría (Bilbao, Spain, 1875 - Madrid, 1931) Born in Bilbao, Spain. Dead in Madrid. Details of artist on Google Art Project [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Ritually Custom

'Tis a sensuous tribute to Time
that we caress the Moment,
knowing it curves and gestures
that sink into warm familiar coves,
sucking in all its nectar
as newly brewed.
Again, more, and a gain!
Let us do the steps-
in orderly,
walk with me, mirroring see,
strut through it
then and again
like it is your old house.
Right now, 
exactly like it was
when you remembered what
you came here for.

Tho never was it
the same, all most

Like last Time
bittersweet lingers not long 
Like seasons and seconds,
more tradition and Time
to do the same.
Plump predictions and ripe fruitions
bursting with Now
smelling like Then
we recognize This
as the Rite Time
to harvest
a gain.

Image By Mennonite Church USA Archives (1975 St Catherines Tradition Poster) [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...