“A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds.” -Percy Bysshe Shelley
Showing posts with label Italo Calvino. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Italo Calvino. Show all posts
Monday, December 11, 2017
Green stone fruit
If you eat an avocado in Italy,
it is a relative of a Calvino.
Italo's father brought the stone fruit
to the region first.
I have driven the California coastline
more times than I have had birthdays
and often I like to pretend I am somewhere else
among the rolling vineyards, to pasture with the
grazing livestock, and edged in by jagged cliffs that
plummet into the cold sea,
like somewhere in Italy,
right now I know
it could even be me,
eating avocados off the tree.
Image credit by Googsey at English Wikipedia (Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Friday, November 17, 2017
It was never about the invention and the potential
Lives it would save,
It was about who would be written into History as the Hero.
Humphry Davey tried to hide his poetry but stole the lamp.
All for naught, while I sat in the reader's circle, stitching
around Cat’s Cradle-the Dissertation,
and getting into mining
text instead of ice-nine, we found something like
and it is spreading.
They were all over the place, Vietnam, Silicon Valley,
East and west coasts, away from the story
and as Vonnegut said,
Disappearing up its own-
The kids are still mining for cobalt in the Congo.
No, no, no better. In any language
even with repetition. When does practice make
better-off schadenfreude
Karma is driven toward the one who hit my car
and drove away.
The grandma laughs at the puke from her grandson.
That makes her son puke too,
and she gets her just desserts
in between the seats.
We both like the smell of horse manure.
Italo is easily distracted at first, every day, I should stop
feeling “death hath undone so many”*.
“In headaches and in worry,
Vaguely life leaks away
And Time will have his fancy
To-morrow or to-day”**, as Auden would say.
Of course, the dryer refused to spin,
the bills keep pouring in, and there are two-thousand
nine-hundred synonyms for drunk, but sober I remain
loaded on the sole adjective, waiting on the verb
of Time.
Meanwhile, inspiration is found in flying buttresses,
among the changing sky, ribbed vaults and pointed arches
that withstood thirty percent more stress.
Oh yes, it was time again
to act as if one never knows
how things come together.
*T.S. Eliot and **W.H. Auden
Painting by Frank Dobson, 1944 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Cosmicomics mesostics
he with the papers blaCk and white
way space was when the galaxies were fOrmed and
Space was then through the point Space
undeniable in the glow whereas events coMe
flowIng down without
being pOured
coluMn next to the other
the other seperated by blaCk
and incogruouS headlines
unconscIous is
of the unsayabLe
Of what
land of language removed as a result of anCient prohibitions
he wAs carried away by that mania
of the storytelLer
who neVer
knows whIch stories are more beautiful the
oNes thay really
happened and the evOcation of which recalls a whole flow of past
the pages of the space was wen galaxIes were being formed
space was Then with
corpuscles by emptiness contAining no
destination or meaning and how beautifuL
then thrOugh that to
draw lines parabolas pick out the preCise point the intersection
spAce and
time where the event wouLd spring
undeniable the prominenence of whereas now eVents
come wIthout
like cemeNt being
pOured column next to other one within other
industrial revOlution
unlike the firSt does not present us
with such crushing iMages as
rollIng mills and molten steel but with bits
in a flow of information traveling along Circuits
in the form Of
electronic iMpulses the
Still exist but they obey the order of bits.
The stanzas above were created using the Mesostic Poem Generator and quotes by Italo Calvino who adamatly denied being a any sort of a poet. For formatting alignment this poem is best read on full screen.
Image by Frank R. Paul, A jagged beam of flame (1932) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Collecting words from the bone pile
The Three Oddest Words
By Wislawa Szymborska
When I pronounce the word Future,
the first syllable already belongs to the past.
When I pronounce the word Silence,
I destroy it.
When I pronounce the word Nothing,
I make something no non-being can hold.
the first syllable already belongs to the past.
When I pronounce the word Silence,
I destroy it.
When I pronounce the word Nothing,
I make something no non-being can hold.
Translated by S. Baranczak & C. Cavanagh
Copyright © Wislawa Szymborska, S. Baranczak & C. Cavanagh,
Copyright © Wislawa Szymborska, S. Baranczak & C. Cavanagh,
Italo Calvino on Quickness-
"Words, words that make me think. Because I am not devoted to aimless wandering, I'd rather say that I prefer to entrust myself to the straight line, in the hope that the line will continue into infinity, making me unreachable. I prefer to calculate at length the trajectory of my flight, expecting that I will be able to launch myself like an arrow and disappear over the horizon. Or else, if too many obstacles bar my way, to calculate the series of rectilinear segments that will lead me out of the labyrinth as quickly as possible."
Imagine words being
from their inky chambers
in confinement
of a stroke on whim
Words set free from
the constriction
of definition
by convictions
Language as folk lore
posing as apparitions
opaque and outside
a resemblance
While we wrestle with gravity
Words are grappling with reality
Set against
the woven fabric canvas
of our chance encounters
in perpetuity
strokes on a whim
I get the impression
of vibrant color on a white day
either way
A container to store ecstasy
dripping down
and running
to meaning
we para phrase
artfully appraise
Concentrate as you read
these words you may need
inside your head
with your minds i
while standing beside
maniacal mana
Leaning on clouds
we rely
on coming to a compromise
in order to see
shapes as symbols, like these
thirsty for more
than thin air
An impression
a sense
of being
with words
we try to share
invoking and provoking
a sense of continuity
An encyclopedic
selfsame essence
Words are the
people pith
that make-up
our masterful myth.
Image by Gerard de Lairesse, 1690 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
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Doom and Bloom
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