Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Famished (i am)

Drink as though you've dreamt
in cool streams of aqua vita.
Devour what you crave
under red flame and red raw.
Indulge in your ingenious ideas,
swoon in the sweet murmurs
of language and lingering lyric,
encouraging and nourishing.
Listen to those.
Ingest for pleasure,
erupt with contagion
-for that I came-
-thou art that-
but You.
Just Now
There is nothing more.

-for that I came- is from the poem What I Do Is Me-For That I Came by Ray Bradbury and -thou art that- is used often by Aldous Huxley (I am certain the all other words have also been used before by someone somewhere sometime somehow in some(other)way as well).

Image of painting by Ramon Casas i Carbó [Public domain],c. 1892 via Wikimedia Commons.

Thin air

The clouds kept 
getting sucked up
in tall towers,
weaving spindles
of cotton wands.
It makes
it makes
it caused pause
to feel for my feet,
small as they seemed
from up there.

Image By GAURAV MAROO (MY DIGI CAM) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Rime on the windows

Excuses? A few...
I denied-
I plied,
I tried, I lied
I tried to hide,
I cried,
I sighed and then
tried to clarify
I might (not)
write more tonight,
despite the slightly dim light,
(not) quite bright
and (not) the (right) stuff
I could do
instead of (not) facing you...

And I steer clear
when I fear you are near
my space, in my place
if you hear a tear,
while fiction is lurking
my dear,
it was just sincerely
Wrestling with
preservation, conservation,
constriction, restriction to never do-
well- do not tell all
that has made me unwell...I wont
and dont.
When I go to melt the frost,
I am lost,
my fingertips won't melt the ice...
why a window if it wont show
the way out? I doubt you know,
since the rime grows on itself,
and swallowed the last word.

composed 3/29/16

Image By Hydraulicsuperman (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

To Whom this Invocation May Concern

How am little i,
oh wisest one,
to beg, plead, ask of you-
To whom do I direct this to?
i've been patiently holding it in,
awaiting your silent reply,
yet I regret to inform,
i'm grasping
at air-
missing you there,
-will come when you're ready,
pending by suspension,
willing my belief.
Just know,
as anticipating listener,
my tongue is in your hands.
i banish my own banter,
drowning your voice,
gurgling from my inner ear.
No More! Silence!
i remain fixed, devoted
and listening to every
syllable you may say,
chomping at all your
crisp wafer clues
not knowing how to
thank you.
when you come and go
abruptly as you
leaving me hanging
dead before the echoes back
because I never caught your name...

Composed 11/6/15

Image of painting by Sophie Gengembre Anderson, Portrait of a Young Girl [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

You're breaking up

Spoken word poet-
try: talking to ones soul a
loud-can you hear It?

Image of painting By Angelica Kauffmann (1741-1807) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Eminent Domain

Be cause
we have hands,
we take things with us,
carry our burden bags around
and tote our tiny things
call them tailor-made
and hope they are flattering.

Be cause
this land we said was ours
dirt we move around
while space remains unsettled
humanity as a clod has agreed,
since we cannot yet steal stars
all is all
of ours.

Be cause
eminence is an amalgamation
man-made and molded.
Be cause
domain has been appropriated
not by Volume.
We are empty
and entertained
with things
we thought
were matter.

Be cause
we do not have
Be cause
dark matter
expands exponentially
Love is the only thing
light enough
to keep.

Image By Internet Archive Book Images [No restrictions], Light and Life Woman, via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Lesson 1: Nature and the Soupman

Travel back to your first lesson
taught by Mother Nature.
When you learned
your parents were not the only
nor the best
about life.

We went camping,
my parents, their friends, Hercules-the dog.
We'd go to the Russian River
where there were no campsites-
you sight your spot and camp-
if you like.

They would drink and fish,
and drink like fish,
and more-it was the eighties.
Their friend, 
a man called Kevin Soupman
was fishing near me
when he caught a rainbow

He held it across both his hands,
it was shiny, slimy and squirmy-
the things kids like.
Moments later,
he said he had something for me.
He told me to hold out the palm
of my hand.
I did, eagerly.

In it,
he placed a crimson pebble.
It rolled a moment
as I tried to see it more closely
then it settled in the evening sun-
throbbing and beating its inner drum.
Nature and the Soupman
taught me
all I needed to know
about heartlessness.

Image By Ken Hammond / USDACornischong at lb.wikipedia [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Things were going along swell
rolling back and forth,
forth and back...
All is stimulating, titillating, and conversating
smoothly sailing the syllabic sea,
until suddenly-
I am slapped across the face (!)
with an open backhand,
knuckled under the weight of the word-
As though fired from an ex-husband,
who knows me better than me-
says he. Like a master I've never served,
who insists on digging up old dilemmas
from dank old trunks,
prying through and poking around
for the finest, sharpest, loftiest bone to pick.
Tossing ancient history at me like china darts
through fragile names like
-Racism and Sexism-
pointed accusations
hurled only by
an immaculate him,
who wants to deflect, deter, stall, divert, and exert
his preeminent preferences of him-
threats to masculinity.
Never to be

Image of Betty Ford's travel trunk, By n/a (Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Whose in the way of whom

What does it matter
if water may hollow stone,
it also melts ice,
and is able to absorb
its likeness
to become more of itself.

Who can blame the wind 
for putting pressure
on structures we've built
opposing its whims,
where we erect our wants;
which is why we tremble.

Unlike the stone
that is grounded
lays low, erodes slowly
and goes nowhere fast.

Water I care
emote a dust in the wind?
Amidst stone cold silence,
I heard the wind whisper
and the water splattered back.

This poem was inspired by the poem Wind, Water, Stone by Octavio Paz.

Photo credit By Sequeira, Paul, Photographer (NARA record: 8464471) (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Description: Homeowners lined a lake beach with cars in order to prevent erosion threatening their dwelling residences. 

Silly Chilly

Write hot?
I think not.
I should be composing in the cool air.
I should be writing in the frigidaire.
I just can't figure out how to fit quite yet-
but I bet
my ideas would last longer
my prose may sound stronger
it would increase my freshness-
although, no one has tested this.

But I have been told
when you work in the cold
it increases the racing speed
of the firing synapses I need.

The icebox stocks
are actually quite empty-
some left-over spaghetti,
some moldy cheese and condiments
some things growing antioxidants...
(ahh, the minimal groceries
of writers salaries)
While it is conceivable,
working in there still doesn't seem feasible.
Does anyone writing from an igloo
know if this is true?

Image By jean-lucien guillaume (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Remember it so

By now,
neurologists all know
we lie
and believe what
is so
vivid enough to make
it so-
in our alternate reality,
what we call memory.

Who was there to witness
it so-
they can testify the truth
as it happened by view
they say-
it is,
so we believe it.

Duality seems determined
by a parallelogram sent
from another timeline
started forever ago,
we think we know
it so-
Infinite possibilities
project our stories,
our memories,
our-one time-
gone another way.

So tell it all ways, build
it so
intricate and elaborate, that
it is
simply the best story
only you know
by now.

Image of painting by John White Alexander [No restrictions or Public domain], Memories (1903) via Wikimedia Commons.

Fear Fiends

If every single one of us
stopped right Now-
pointing aim and angle-
no longer letting out the line
tightening the drag
on those baiting fear
would schools be safe?

If every personhood
could forget they ever saw terror
we could forget its name and
claim for attention and mention.

If we remained strangers
violence would be candy
that decays our good taste.

If all of our hands were clean
we could touch without harm,
and move without touch
yet the lines are long
and gloved with grime.

If we knew how to weild love
without fear of rejection
violence would be in vain.

This stress has made a bloody mess
of bones to pick and bodies to bury.
We have come weak with atrophy
choosing wealth over value,
terrified by the tought of loss.

The fear we put here
as bearers of terrors
we make
hearts ache.

Image By Popular Publications (Scanned cover of pulp magazine) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Lips for licking words
sweet and sour said to taste, tongue
buds roses and thorns.

Image of painting by Władysław Czachórski [Public domain], First Roses (1891) via Wikimedia Commons.

Keeping it Inside Out (There)

Between you and I
You've seen parts
none cared
for, but me.

You see,
remember that time
you knew
I was lying
or the time
you knew truth
was hiding right there
and both times
you thought,
why not?

Or of a poet-
that needs words
that hold places for
that are not known
but shown
In between
poetry shared
else may
and keep
with me.

Image by Julia Margaret Cameron [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Pro Crastinator

When it finally all came out
and was nowhere near right,
I tried again.

And it was worse.
So I started over
with countless scratches and
don't sniff around-
it stinks!

Well, all I could do
was begin anew
way of coming at it-

Quit is not a possibility,
Failure is my reality
and I see,
this jutting angle
enmeshed in the rest
will work,
once I throw it out
the window.
There's always tomorrow.

Image of painting By Anton Laupheimer (1848–1927) (Auktionshaus Zeller) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, March 21, 2016

The Poet's Dream-by P.B. Shelley

The Poet's Dream 
by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)

On a poet's lips I slept
Dreaming like a love adept
In the sound his breathing kept;
Nor seeks nor finds he mortal blisses,
But feeds on the aerial kisses,
Of shapes that haunt thoughts wildernesses. 
He will watch from dawn to gloom
The lake reflected sun illume
The yellow bees in the ivy-bloom
Nor heed nor see, what things they be;
But from these create he can
Forms more real than living man,
Nurslings of immortality!
One of these awakened me,
And I sped to succour thee.

Image of painting by Jozef Israëls [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

The missing lyrics

When I do not say
                           it is not that-
I made this mask
                          this way.
You can see its guts
                         through the eyes...
The cogs and fogs.

When I listen
                         I welcome news
from outside.
To share a smile
                         is a welcome view,
a radiant defiance of conservation.
When I hear
                         music in the mundane,
I take it out
                        of context
and am moved by its song.

When spoken
                        I regret empty words,
that fulfill
                        nothing perfectly.
All the non-existent ways-
                        I said nothing
In so many days-
                        it has all been said.
I am done telling
when I do not say.

Image of painting by Vittorio Matteo Corcos (1892), [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons.

Prescription: Just two a day

Ever since doctor
Williams stole a cold plum- (yum!)
I take more than one.

Image By Nishimura Goun (1877 - 1938) (Japanese) (Painter, Details of artist on Google Art Project) [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

You again

Why would you be
looking here
when you should be
somewhere else

There you go again
but furthermore
and curiosity does not
have nine chances
to land on a point
where you find

stop wasting another line
It will always be here
than at its worst
a waste of-
a treasure of-
private epiphany
helium to some.

Anyway, today is the day
you stop.
And now
it is an insult
to see you watching these words
fly away-
don't check-
they lie
unrecognizable by eyes
other than yours

How you can see
not all the words are empty-
but half full-
of themselves,
it is beyond further explanation.
You know what I would say.

Image By Internet Archive Book Images, described as Life of James McNeill [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

A chain linked fence

Galvanized tendons twist
to form diamonds uncut
Roughly transparent in
semipermeable static lines,
electrified when more than it
Keep in the bad,
holy cells skewed of
graphed locking turns,
sideways squares that we see
Holding red cup circles,
as a symbol that means
heart pushing thru
crimson aura.
A link between sides
that were never a
Kept inside shapes,
diamonds tilted sideways squares
holding red circle cups there
to share a cold heart, locked,
barbed bivalve and by block-
nearly far enough to-

Image By Evan-Amos (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Lunar Landing

Thē clouds cleared
a hole to see
a place behind beckoning thee

She stares up there
at thē crescent moon
hung on beams
like a porch swing
an empty place
to sit and reflect

on thē
storms that pass over
We see
a new way

Thē night will not last
it is already a part of the past

thē lunar light illuminates
All of her shrouded secrets
before it dawns
on us
all the while
we slept
we wept
the moon was reflecting

over thee.

Image By NASA of Crescent Earth from our moon in the foreground (http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Only a child

An Only Child
sounds like
the First Lady
or entitled like
the Prodigal Son.
These are American
moniker things-
names with rings.

sounds so simpatico
but No-
As you know,
they do not fit
in one
two syllable word
like peas in a pod
and odd numbers.

Two many people
Tango too close
to call it
they still dance away,
as though they were center stage
and a child is
their understudy.

The Only Child
has a stunt doubles chance
in hell,
They are the fall guy,
which is why
sisters are nuns with a habit and
brothers are bros with a swagger.

Individually sold,
they are marked down
and mislabeled
which happens

Image of painting called Siblings2 (1930) by Paul Klee [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Castle: A fortress for thought

There is a monumental metaphor
Castle, it is called.
Fortified by its brick wall,
im-mortal and un-mortared-bits
rectangled pixels and adobe loaves
Stacked smooth and asymmetrical
hump, bump, stump, rumples
a little in the middle
It's shadowed likeness 
stands subversively
asserting its compacted artillery
under pressure, balanced between
weight and state, rectangle for
past the wall
A book 
A meta for
its frontispiece
Building Blocks by Blake
A fortress for thought. 

This poem was composed with the image of the art exhibit created by Jorge Mendez Blake called 'Castle' where a wall of bricks visually demonstrates the effect of a single book, in this piece the book utilized was of course, Castle by F. Kafka.

Image By Otoomet, Alūksne Castle, remains of the eastern wall of the convent building, from inside. (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Where I have been
Distracted, reactive, cantankerous, aloof
or Icy
I am stuck-hear-the-dis-jointed-inter-up-
ted propositions, twisted and wrenched
all wrong
re-flective, remembering, re-mind-ing
all the while pointing
I have seen
and simply tried to copy-carbon-to smoky
fractured sensical seeking more meaning
where I
conserve which is absorb
nothing and all mergers of mass
swallowed hole,
spinning in-
ward In
at the core
until semblance is no more
protracted, re-fracted-de-
where I am lost
This is only a distant memory.

Image By X-Ray (blue): NASA / CXC / D. Hudson, T. Reiprich et al. (AIfA); Radio (pink): NRAO / VLA/ NRL (http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap100314.html) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Info: "What's happening in the middle of this massive galaxy? There, two bright sources at the center of this composite x-ray (blue)/radio (pink) image are thought to be co-orbiting supermassive black holes powering the giant radio source 3C 75. Surrounded by multimillion degree x-ray emitting gas, and blasting out jets of relativistic particles the supermassive black holes are separated by 25,000 light-years. At the cores of two merging galaxies in the Abell 400 galaxy cluster they are some 300 million light-years away. Astronomers conclude that these two supermassive black holes are bound together by gravity in a binary system in part because the jets' consistent swept back appearance is most likely due to their common motion as they speed through the hot cluster gas at 1200 kilometers per second. Such spectacular cosmic mergers are thought to be common in crowded galaxy cluster environments in the distant universe. In their final stages the mergers are expected to be intense sources of gravitational waves."Source-Wikimedia above. 

We Sea Trees

Caressing her steam from the trunk
Hugging her clouds from her crown
The heart blood is trapped in sap
Awash in the beams, lasers of light
through veins of amber rings
Slice the pillared shadows
Spraying musk that bursts
bark rust forth,
settling for dew
likewise, hanging on
to every loose end.

She breathes you in
as you pass
A sapling too slight
to care whose airs
of mutual aqueous
evanescence is about them
re-membered reaching
and thirsting for the light
to rein down atop our crowns.

Photo of Redwoods By NPS Photo [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Whaling the Friendly Seas

When it is clear-
                          ly right or wrong
We say it is-
                          black and white
Which means-
                          not both.

How can we be
                         both friend
and enemy
to our life bearing sea-
at the same time-
                          we are not both
but pretend
there's been no crime
                          revenge goes unrequited.

And without captive breeding allowed anymore-
without cetacean sex-what has he to live for?

He thinks,
hope sinks.

Twenty calves sired
and an erect dorsal was all he ever desired.
At just thirty-five years old
a mere half-way, we're told
he's tired of sharing our air,
letting humans stare,
and dining on dead fish fare.
He's had enough-
living in a bathtub is rough.

Infected lungs with fatal bacterial growth
-we gave him both.
A souvenir
of our mortal fear.

It is black and white,
he has no friends or reason to fight.
Tilikum will die wrongly for our right
to take
and make
slaves of threats
(whales are not pets).
The killing goes both ways
until the last dying blows of Tilikum's days.

Orca playing with an iceball, Photo by Robert L. Pitman [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Top image By Allen Shimada NOAA/NMFS/OST/AMD (NOAA Photolib Library) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

"With a name meaning friend in Chinook, killer whale Tilikum was captured near Iceland in November 1983 at around two years of age. By Martin Evans. 9:41AM GMT 26 Feb 2010. At 22 feet 6 inches long and weighing in at 12,300 pounds he is the largest orca in captivity."Feb 26, 2010

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

A musical mosaic of lyrical landscapes

If you ask a sound painter
to drawn you a rhyme,
he will enchant you
not by the tone or the line:
but with an audible harmony,
a scenic serendipity,
a symbiosis in the sound
of quietude...
Lost in the paragon of verisimilitude 

With his wand weaves colors that blend 
images that transcend
before your nacreous eyes
here art lies
behind smoke and mirrors
is the image of the looker

You see
all is not fantasy.
You see
if you get a chance 
to harken a glance
you will see 
a song of poetry. 

Image of painting by Christen Købke of the Danish landscape painter Frederik Sødring[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Ms.(under) Stood

Stood did not see things from the same angle
Stood  saw it skewed,
Stood pursued things from another way
Stood  knew not how to say
Stood  that nothing was not the same
Stood  as everything negative was positively

Stood  stood out, and despite the overwhelming doubt
It turns out,
Stood  was right
To: Be
Taken for Luna-see…

Image by Félix Vallotton [Public domain], (1903) via Wikimedia Commons.

The most Prolific Poet I know

Prolific is not the same 
as being called Profound
And despite how Proud
and Pretentious many P words
(such as these four) sound,
the difference 
is in the detonation.

I propose the pretension
that I am the most 
(horrific) terrific
(pretending) poet I know-
yet notably remain unfound.
The prose does not resound
which goes to show-
Err Go
I have not a smatter-
of the latter. 

Image of painting by Umberto Boccioni, (1912) Horizontal volumes [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Finders Keepers

I steal everything.
Every thing I find
interesting I keep.
And I confess,
it is crowded and cluttered
but I am still collecting
all the things I like.
That stuff that was already here
when I got here,
all the stuff
and all the stuff in the stuff
is never enough
I still want more...
For I am warning you
to guard what you show me,
I might (definitely) steal a glance
and there is a more than (likely) chance
that I have stolen all these words-
certainly someone has found them,
used them,
thought them
before me.
Before me, it was all ready there
waiting to be found
and unforgotten
lying around like antique truths
until some one
like me
re-members them,
and re-collects them.
Paraphrased for portability,
praised for poetic quiddity,
too, you know-
nothing you do is new
everything you say
has been said another way
and in brief
I am a thief
but on that note,
don't (Ms.) quote me
with words I never wrote.

Image of painting by Charles Joseph Grips [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, entitled 'Opportunity makes a thief', (1875).

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Meet Me (half ray)

De re,
My alias is my radius.
Since we were never given a choice
and were named
thus before we could voice
our pick or preference
to see it if sticks and since
most of us think our given name
carries a ring of lame-
already entitled to impress,
like Princess Di
I'd like to say
I think my name should have regally been
I'd sing it all day
and sometimes I would spell it Ray
and other days I'd write it Rae
for a boy or girl, either way,
like a vector connector
a reflector, or deflector
of either
I think
I'm a pink
beaming scumble
tumbling toward
another's fame
various name games
that all sound the same.
A nom de plume,
a ready-made costume,
whose narrow lines
were all mine,
just a sign
to say
I am Rey
just for today.

Image By NASA, DOE, International Fermi LAT Collaboration [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Description details:Exploring the cosmos at extreme energies, the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope orbits planet Earth every 95 minutes. By design, it rocks to the north and then to the south on alternate orbits in order to survey the sky with its Large Area Telescope (LAT). The spacecraft also rolls so that solar panels are kept pointed at the Sun for power, and the axis of its orbit precesses like a top, making a complete rotation once every 54 days. As a result of these multiple cycles the paths of gamma-ray sources trace out complex patterns from the spacecraft's perspective, like this mesmerizing plot of the path of the Vela Pulsar. Centered on the LAT instrument's field of view, the plot spans 180 degrees and follows Vela's position from August 2008 through August 2010. The concentration near the center shows that Vela was in the sensitive region of the LAT field during much of that period. Born in the death explosion of a massive star within our Milky Waygalaxy, the Vela Pulsar is a neutron star spinning 11 times a second, seen as the brightest persistent source in the gamma-ray sky.

Welcome Home Space Cadet

After 520 days of being away things change.
After more than a year away
one cannot expect things to remain
the same.

It's not like we didn't know you were gone.
We were watching from home base,
safely and with sound (waves).
We celebrated and we waited
for your safe return
and now you're back
we've learned.

Well sir, welcome home to Earth
 you now have a million twitter followers
for what it's worth.

Imagine the mail, the mess waiting
for him upon return-
and how his eyes and ears must burn!
I imagine our hopeful sunrises are dim,
slim and nowhere near as bright
here comparatively.
When watched from exosphere
perspective where the altered subjective,
figuratively rises either way, for another day
some where
and the effect of green flash last
until at least until tomorrow
I don't know
you held on for six
reloads, but with your body double
down here,
we hope to better understand your year
in space, at least physically, for history
sake, the emotional toll will remain a mystery.

Mr. Kelly, you said sleep was hard up
there, there is no rest,
and that was all just part
of the nightmarish tests
to see if you'd keep your head on
without gravity
or a leg to stand on.

So how does one acclimate
to a constant limbo state?
Is fate suspended,
karma expended elsewhere?
Will he ever remember
how to be a heavy human member?
Perhaps he will take more leaps
after he sleeps
for a long

NASA noted
the newly made progress toward
the next giant leap for that kind of man.
Nearer are we, said the space agency
to getting 'boots on Mars'
which sounds warily like warfare jargon.
I dare say, it should be worded another way,
perhaps NASA should ask the ESA...

But NASA's not so concerned with tact,
and rathering to collect all the facts
from more than four hundred
experiments performed,
data they've been dying
for, they said
a benefit to all humanity.

Hopefully Mr. Kelly kept his souvenir
in sanity.
We are glad to have you back,
let's start you off with some Prozac.
The weight of the world is rather heavy.

Image By NASA ([1]) of Scott Kelly (left) and Mikhail Kornienko on the ISS 2015[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...