Showing posts with label redwood tree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label redwood tree. Show all posts

Thursday, March 10, 2016

We Sea Trees

Caressing her steam from the trunk
Hugging her clouds from her crown
The heart blood is trapped in sap
Awash in the beams, lasers of light
through veins of amber rings
Slice the pillared shadows
Spraying musk that bursts
bark rust forth,
settling for dew
likewise, hanging on
to every loose end.

She breathes you in
as you pass
A sapling too slight
to care whose airs
of mutual aqueous
evanescence is about them
re-membered reaching
and thirsting for the light
to rein down atop our crowns.

Photo of Redwoods By NPS Photo [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Bonsai Sequoia

'Foghorn Leghorn' approximately 10 years old, 2 feet tall

A proud hopeful twig,
A mighty little sprig,
reaches, stretches, grasping for sky-light,
drinking the coastal fog and dew from overnight.

Wise wee wooded sapling,
on your branches birds will sing,
and you will carry their tune,
on timber and echoes-yet not so soon.

Longevity like oozes sap, as the blood in ones vein;
through aortic roots, a statuesque feign-
except for the unmistakable air,
climbing higher than one could dare.

Rings notching decades like days,
breathless moments and canopy sways,
fall like whispers, awe around your burly base,
bursting to the Heavens, you continue to race.

Already you have your bark
eager and preparing to make your mark.
You have been called “Giants among Men
forests and wilderness from way back when…

Thousands of years, all that you've seen,
optimistically each year peeling virgin green.
A giant sequoia, a prehistoric tree,
Sempre virens, stoically notching eternity.

One day little tree, you will go in the ground,
in a place I’ll make sure is safe and sound.
But for now-
I wish I could say how,
I want you to get really BIG-
and show you are no longer a twig!

I do love watching you grow, forgetting how slow;
and despite the fact that I will never really know,
get to breathe your nectar air-or live to see,

just how big you'll really be.
Photo By Ngresonance at en.wikipedia [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...