Showing posts with label hear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hear. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2019

Pray, Prey

"Praying is asking; meditation is listening"

At what point-if any-does saintly
become so sacrificial
that death is its ultimate end?

When, if ever, does the heart of an angel,
hit with its own dart,
concede this too
must be divine?

Whence and why does Spirit
move energy so intensely
it reverberates into the material

Maybe the middle is maddening
to mock me
for the time
I put into making such massive

I have studied for this test.
All of the questions cannot be known
I have learned
only enough to get by
and yet I try
I can
to pass-
to move on
to the next question.

Painting by Margaritis Georgios, 'Sappho praying to Aphrodite' before 1843 [Public domain].

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Leave a message at the tone

The universe has a way of hearing the things we say,
aloud, Eliot knew this too.
No matter whom we direct it to, sound waves ripple
the atmosphere which hears this 
into speech tones, a whistle from the kettle of
the thermoshpere or body-cavity.
The rising sound, or the Doppler effect teaches us
the source
is closer than it appears,
It absorbs  itself and replies
as a twinge, wave or spasm, clenched
in the sinking feeling of a heavy heart
that beats on itself, calling everything an echo
of what was thought, solid enough to move bodies
into empty spaces and fills itself with volume
from heat, or by imagination.
It conceives these shapes and translates them
into words or wishes
which will settle for a collection of particles we
have  heard before
we knew the source. 

Photo By State Library and Archives of Florida (c. 1948), [No restrictions or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, June 2, 2016


Few knew
how little we were
hoping to be noticed

Not that
they wanted more
and less to be seen

Some found
they never heard
(of) the likes of you

Some sought
outside as outcasts
too frigidly

Some stayed
in place and inside
by the fire
alit with artistic rage

Not many
more than we
can handle
without scalding
the tips

And know
none pine
for ringing cedars, pet rocks
or chop words, but quarry
for the echo...

Image of painting By Adolf Mosengel (1837-1885) (Dorotheum) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

The missing lyrics

When I do not say
                           it is not that-
I made this mask
                          this way.
You can see its guts
                         through the eyes...
The cogs and fogs.

When I listen
                         I welcome news
from outside.
To share a smile
                         is a welcome view,
a radiant defiance of conservation.
When I hear
                         music in the mundane,
I take it out
                        of context
and am moved by its song.

When spoken
                        I regret empty words,
that fulfill
                        nothing perfectly.
All the non-existent ways-
                        I said nothing
In so many days-
                        it has all been said.
I am done telling
when I do not say.

Image of painting by Vittorio Matteo Corcos (1892), [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Audio astronomy

The signal came from the southern sky
traveling through pelagic open space,
in intergalactic waters,
way out in the extragalactic sea
where wails with corkscrew tails
sing like wet rings, bottle-tops
humming up a cacophony
politely one point three billion
miles away we heard-
a New drop in Newtons bucket
a ripple we just heard, a chirp,
a slurp of bodily attraction
placed in interactive
angular momentum
just one parsec apart
and the moan, a new word
pronounced audioastronomy
a visual dichotomy
once again,
we were not using our sense(s).
Let's pretend we're dumb
and listen to what space may say
about a billion yesterdays
inaudible ways.

Image By X-ray: NASA/CXC/Curtin University/R. Soria et al., Optical: NASA/STScI/ Middlebury College/F. Winkler et al. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. 
Description in English: An extraordinary outburst produced by a black hole in a nearby galaxy has provided direct evidence for a population of old, volatile stellar black holes. The discovery, made by astronomers using data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, provides new insight into the nature of a mysterious class of black holes that can produce as much energy in X-rays as a million suns radiate at all wavelengths.
A paper describing these results will appear in the May 10, 2012, issue of The Astrophysical Journal.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

All that you cannot Here

The moment had arrived.
The time was Now.
Eyes squeeze closed,
the trigger was pulled,
the knife broke flesh,
the man awoke in a sweat.
The young woman paces, patting her baby's back,
the baby hurts, nobody knows why.
The homeless one eats steaming bread in the alley smiling,
the dog barks rapidly in anxious fear,
the tiny kitten shivers, hungry and heavy
the car impacts the tree, the glass rains,
the deer scatter,
the mountain lion yawns and stretches out,
the owl daydreams.
The fish choke on fumes,
the bees swarm the carcass,
the malaria army invades the ghost town.
The business man carries confidence in his briefcase, clearly leaking vodka,
the roof leaks into buckets of song.
The sky clears in deaf innately.
The mist makes prisms disband.
The humpbacks pick up the chorus,
the child in pigtails plucks a wild daisy,
the birds steal bloody berries.
The King holds the little prince's hand,
the boy buffs a rock on his shirt for his slingshot,
the hikers reach the mountaintop before the echo,
the historic house collapses,
the family laughs to tears,
the old woman shivers, closing the blinds on her last day.
The man and woman embrace each other.
Eyes fall closed tightly loving
all ways and for ever,
a quiescence,
a soundlessness found,
any given Time
we are Here to list in.

Image by Anders Zorn, The Embrace c. 1882-83 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Sense of Commonality

Curious creatures
born with some sense
an uncommon menagerie

Included in these features
are those special moments
reminded by a stimuli-of the sensory

It's all quite clear-unless it blurs
the gift of gab is worth 2 cents
but for you, my friend, this is free

To taste sour grapes
to hear bitter words
to touch a note
or smell a rat
...feeling beautiful

When something smells fishy
our red flags are raised
whispering intuition

a bit o' Irish Banshee
a taste for success unphased
in a buzzing world of commotion

To know is to see
these senses rapture and amaze
an idea is just a nonsense notion

A pure heart will set you free
thoughts will make you crazed
lost in perpetual motion

seeking truth
hiding from reality
throwing caution to the wind
letting ourselves go
and letting ourselves go...

Let's try to be sensible
subdue this striking sensation
lost in sensitive reflection

Senses good and terrible
heightened by emotion
give us invisible detection (upon closer inspection)

When one is weak the other is able
to take charge and overrun
coming to conclusions

Are there really just these five
to remind us we're alive?
There seems much more we can derive

What about a sense of style?
The tact of a genuine smile
An air of calm, nothing for denial
a sense of humor or beguile
uncommon senses are undeniably worthwhile.

Image By Annie Swynnerton ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. "Sense of sight" 1898.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...