Showing posts with label learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label learning. Show all posts

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Relay racing

Pluto is not a planet.
The atom cannot be cut.
The moon is not cheese.
Stars do not fall in order
to make our wishes come true.
Lightning strikes wherever the hell it feels like lashing out.
Tooth fairies are Bone Collectors-specifically
employed by the American Credit Counsel for Est. Wants and Greeds
otherwise, controlling the supply and demand for our Ivory Towers.
And, we all know now that Columbus was lost,
Not just directionally challenged.
Native doesn’t mean ‘Here First’,
it means ‘Grows Wild’.
Weather was never an omen
forecasting results of the battle between
Man and (his) Nature. It just is.
Women are naturally gifted in Sciences such as;
Biology & Psychology.
Men possess many gifts they will be glad to tell you all about.
Men may cry. Women may murder.
The Human Genome Project collapsed
in the storm of clones.
The Brain Maps that intended to carve a path for AI,
got us lost somewhere between the formula and the fractal.
The last one left was the hen.
The race was over
before the starting gun was fired at Heaven
and the sky began raining steel
in sharp scraps of twisted space junk.
Gravity, being the weak force that it is,
cannot uphold Truth
against the atmosphere we have made
it must be okay
to come in last
because we finished

in the first place. 

Painting By Paul Louis Martin des Amoignes (1858–1925) (Bonhams) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Teach her

There was something of a
learning curve
that resembled the arc of an eyebrow
hoisted in intrigue
as though there were more connections
to be made, fine hairs to grow
to bring a-round
complete insight
from the pupils center.

Art by Alphonse Legros c. 1949 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

History v.1,792

What if we learned our lessons backward
instead of ignoring what lies ahead,
would we start at the end and dig ourselves out
from there
or is Here too near to Now to know?

What if we learned language primary by poetry,
as in, taught this way, 
if we made an educated guess 
we would we think more
if we understood less.

And what about what the ocean says, its native 
cetaceans, their migrations…adaptations.
We would find a place 
in their tragic tales, perchance
see ourselves in the eyes on fish tails,
mermaids and white whales.

Yes, hard to translate
some things don't

what if we listened harder to things that seem
do you think we could hear the earth exhale 
say deep in sleep, could we focus then
on the multiverse-
But here we are fracking up.
Waiting for a guide out of some terrestrial curse.
Would it be worse
to know we were too little to hold on?

We have cumulatively uncovered
more historically,
we have yet to discover
we barely understood
what all of this implied-

Time to speculate
about Grand New Beginnings 
By starting at the infinite Endings...

After all, how could History be 
far too long ago and have not nearly enough
relevance or reverence for Us
by glaring reflection,
with Us reminiscing about the great old days
adding and adorning, making the old new.  

We like changing the story as we go,
we can know just enough 
to make it up
to you.

with no good place to start
chaos will return,
before it was missed. 

Our Resilience is rote,
we have witnessed starting over
and elliptical orbits
again and again.
And I insist, as the diluted optimist,
we are still learning
on a curve,
spilling as we spin.  

Shall we take it from the top?

Painting By Joshua Reynolds [Public domain], Fine Arts Museum in Argentina via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, October 14, 2016

It's Who and What you Know (about them)

We know more about people we've never known than ever before.

Before now, you did not know who you did not know,
and who you knew mattered mainly to you 
and only those who knew you
mattered more.

More than ever 
whatever you think is known. 
They know you 
and know what you think, or think they do.
They do know more than ever, 
not about what they know, but about what others think they know.
They think they know something about whatever, 
and whatever they think they know 
is something to think about. 

The ones that now think they know you, you need not think you know, 
even though they think you know you know them.

Think about how we know more now than ever before
about people
and maybe people are still learning.
Maybe learning 
whatever others think isn't knowing anything.
Knowing anything is better than not knowing what you know.
Is that what people think? I don't know.
You know, without knowing anything about you, 
I bet you know more about me than me...
who knows nothing and nobody 
ever more than ever before.

Painting by Abraham Solomon (1854), [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Lesson 1: Nature and the Soupman

Travel back to your first lesson
taught by Mother Nature.
When you learned
your parents were not the only
nor the best
about life.

We went camping,
my parents, their friends, Hercules-the dog.
We'd go to the Russian River
where there were no campsites-
you sight your spot and camp-
if you like.

They would drink and fish,
and drink like fish,
and more-it was the eighties.
Their friend, 
a man called Kevin Soupman
was fishing near me
when he caught a rainbow

He held it across both his hands,
it was shiny, slimy and squirmy-
the things kids like.
Moments later,
he said he had something for me.
He told me to hold out the palm
of my hand.
I did, eagerly.

In it,
he placed a crimson pebble.
It rolled a moment
as I tried to see it more closely
then it settled in the evening sun-
throbbing and beating its inner drum.
Nature and the Soupman
taught me
all I needed to know
about heartlessness.

Image By Ken Hammond / USDACornischong at lb.wikipedia [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The lessons taut

“Surfing with Jesus”
the sign read
in front of the Pilgrim Church
across from the high school.
Not the Mormon one
across the parking lot
on the other street
with the lemonade stand
and portable orange bibles
towering high.
A teenage boy with earbuds
sits at the bus stop
smoking and snarling
waiting insecurely
to be picked up
or to be saved.
The bell has not yet rung.

Image By Hogyn Lleol at English Wikipedia (Self made by Hogyn Lleol) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Published in the 2017 Magee Park Poets Anthology.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Sol Ascent

Learning is a peak, 
an ascending effort to change the view
expansive and panoramic, uncontained
by what is beyond being seen
from where you stand.

Discovery starts as a reaching sapling 
rewarded for breaking through the mire
by having its roots wrenched with envy,
a weed nestled in the woods
for resting, not reminding. 

Education is an island destination,
whose currents carved defenses
guarded by volcanic concepts,
corralling massive schools
in warm biodiverse cesspools.

Knowing is weather, temporal conditions
the subject of changing you, today
being prepared for the unpredictable;
knowledge wields power like a lever,
breaking in or out, the damage is done.

All the while we keep seeking
views we would rather lose,
the forest for its functionality,
learning the leaves, one believes
knowledge is a plucked flower.

All in reliance upon the Sun
whose punctured question 
marks the sky, answering all 
wisdom reaps its reward 
in the warm gift of a lonely smile. 

Image By Hillebrand Steve, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


Half-dozen Mud cakes

Back to wood decks, quarter-size spiders, webs, moss  and creatures stirring in the hollow nights Back to no side-walks and skirting into th...