Showing posts with label remind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label remind. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Famished (i am)

Drink as though you've dreamt
in cool streams of aqua vita.
Devour what you crave
under red flame and red raw.
Indulge in your ingenious ideas,
swoon in the sweet murmurs
of language and lingering lyric,
encouraging and nourishing.
Listen to those.
Ingest for pleasure,
erupt with contagion
-for that I came-
-thou art that-
but You.
Just Now
There is nothing more.

-for that I came- is from the poem What I Do Is Me-For That I Came by Ray Bradbury and -thou art that- is used often by Aldous Huxley (I am certain the all other words have also been used before by someone somewhere sometime somehow in some(other)way as well).

Image of painting by Ramon Casas i Carbó [Public domain],c. 1892 via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


We call them reflections
because they work like mirrors,
you see,
they can only be understood backward.
For your safety these images too-
are closer than they appear.

We also call reflections memories,
because we are re-minded again
of something old we want new again.
The intoxication from nostalgia
so comforting-like an addiction
the last time…

Memory is reflective,
returning its light to insight,
when one remembers to stop and think-
if this has happened before,
mirroring another time, you saw, you see
reflecting upon,

the memory of the old you.

Composed 4/21/15.
Image of painting by Frank Markham Skipworth [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, 1911 'The Mirror'.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...