Showing posts with label listening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label listening. Show all posts

Sunday, April 28, 2019


Green, oh so serene,
            awash in heart
and yellow glow,
            gentle evening strength
And absorb
            the black smoke
and fireballs like shooting stars
             hurled in my direction
             the energy, only-
I scoff-a slip-and then correct
my posture-composure-and breath
                   from inside the top of my
skull, I wait,
for revelation
                    to show
nothing is real
but the indigo
                    I know.

Photo credited by Ross Burgener 2013 [Public domain].

Friday, April 27, 2018

A certain ring

Not only is my smartphone listening
to every word

there is the Universe
(which must receive so many messages
the black box is always full)

of echoes, ripples, whole
motes of dust
in Brownian motion

I mentioned the name as it came to me.
My daughter likes the little names
I give other peoples pets.
                    A name that starts with a B
she says to me-
                    Baxter! The woman calls
yanking the leash,
                    C'mon, she pleads.

Of course much has changed besides
my voice, my tone, my hair, my skin,
and I need to start over-
and I need a wage
a dear old friend calls me out of the
to catch up, to ask a favor, to present
an opportunity.

Meanwhile, my daughter and I attend a lecture,
I worry she will be bored, get lost in the
so I compare thee
Nobel to Oscar
at the Academies

There the man of the hour,
Professor, Author, Scientist, Poet, mentor
mentions the film industry
as an analogy

Have you ever seen a one-man show?

You know
somewhere, someone
is listening
to a podcast, to music, to poetry, to birds,
to the running water
for a sign of life.

The signal dissipates
not hitting any home.

the Universe reads our clouds.

 Painting by Sophie Anderson (1823-1903), 'Birdsong' in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, September 2, 2017


Do I owe an explanation
For the lack of contribution,
A waning flow to trickle to dry
Of petty profundities performed
with choreographed complexities,
chaos and an absence of exuberance 
exploded in
not i.

Where my arms dangled limply, 
bulging and blue-tipped,
there was no more holding on
to words like wind and when
yet with
all loses I have gained
a fine-tuned 

Artwork by Fernand Khnopff, c. 1883 in [Public domain or CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

ReHab Babble Skyrise

Talking over each other, toward-ish not to
but around each other,
                            behind each 
others spinal columns and ghostly
inaction at tiny distances-do nothing near 
                           commons called locales-
Not True?
don’t listen-

when I say,
Enough! I speak for all of us that agree
-could care less about your new shit
or your big problems with your filtering of priorities, 
memory filters, memes, alternative egos and the surplus
Time it took to Kill. Reborn
jabberwocky pixelating phantasm self-orgasming
person robin the hood, savior self from
who you think we think you are. 

None of us want to see what you ate, 
whom you date
yourself by. Don't try to project Person-ality-
when you give backfeed and Forgot how to hear
Keep your mouth shut,
didn’t your mother teach you,
manners as a method.

Of saying ‘crazy’ as different,
like the rest, support group relate share the misery-
Take offense? Sure. 
You take defense-the rope is taut.

Did it ever strike you as hurtful -to those with a soul-
dead dolphins, gunfire and blood pools, horrors inhumane
over and over to cause shock but do not strike targets.
Empty shells, mortality falls without impact, on humane
little bitties in cities, breathing on napes.

The awe-some is missing 
that is the bad (fake) news.
Nobody has good news.Celebration is tinged in green.
Locking ears, locking doors, passwords, scans, investments,
Borders, opportunities, admissions, medical plans, retirement,
Money matters and alchemical altruism,

Like science and solution, we are no closer to Here-ing
answers or pleas
we were not looking for while listening to 
the noise, rabble and hum all the while
making no Art of matters

no sense resonates the virtual landscapes,
people posting photos so image lingers, loiters...
muttered some such muse, so much more was 
found unsound and lost between flashes.

Painting by Richard Caton Woodville, Sr. [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
"During a brief career Woodville produced a number of paintings that serve as key documents of urban life in pre-Civil War America. After training in his native Baltimore, Woodville traveled to Düsseldorf to enroll in the town's renowned art academy. He remained in Germany for six years and then briefly visited Paris and London before his early death at the age of thirty. While an expatriate, Woodville painted small, anecdotal genre scenes recalling life in Baltimore. Portrayed here is a typical scene in mid 19th-century Baltimore as described by Charles Dickens: "[of] all eaters of fish, or flesh, or fowl, in these latitudes, the swallowers of oysters are not gregarious . . . and copying the coyness of the thing they eat, do sit apart in curtained boxes, and consort by twos, not by two hundreds." The humor Woodville usually imparted to his subjects is illustrated in this typical Baltimore scene showing local individuals, seated in the booth of an oyster house, engaged in conversation. This work was executed in Düsseldorf for the Baltimore lawyer John H. B. Latrobe (1803-1891)"

Monday, March 6, 2017

Sense ability

It went away

and now it's black.
It will fill in all white

You still must choose
to adjust your vision
focus wisely.

When you hear the motion light
on the side of the garage
click off-
you are listening near enough
to know
nothing has moved but you
feeling trapped.

This is the only way to know
you or I can be
almost wild again.
Not in fight or flight mode.
Always scanning our environment.
Back to animal dreams

feeling the body's symbiosis
with a man-made mind,
from its Nature.

The cat screams.

Painting by Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoi (1878) in[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Chit for chat

Who are you talking to? or what are you talking about?

Nobody. Everything.

If 'Nobody', then aren't you communicating to no one about Nothing? 
Why waste your precious time? 

It occupies-my (precious) mind-some-times.

Who has Time for all that? reading? writing? listening? to 'Nobody'...

What else is time for?

Work. Some Thing. 

So, writing, and reading and listening-these are all                leisurely-un-activities
-easy would you say? not Work.

Yes. Of course. Everyone knows this. No.

How does Everyone know? Did somebody tell you this?

No, Nobody. I just heard it somewhere. Everything productive is work. Work is a productive thing.

That works...for or some things. I read that nobody listens anymore,
you have proven everybody wrong. Unless I am wrong.

You are right. 

Painting by Károly Ferenczy, Engaged in a conversation (1912) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

The missing lyrics

When I do not say
                           it is not that-
I made this mask
                          this way.
You can see its guts
                         through the eyes...
The cogs and fogs.

When I listen
                         I welcome news
from outside.
To share a smile
                         is a welcome view,
a radiant defiance of conservation.
When I hear
                         music in the mundane,
I take it out
                        of context
and am moved by its song.

When spoken
                        I regret empty words,
that fulfill
                        nothing perfectly.
All the non-existent ways-
                        I said nothing
In so many days-
                        it has all been said.
I am done telling
when I do not say.

Image of painting by Vittorio Matteo Corcos (1892), [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...