Showing posts with label editing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label editing. Show all posts

Friday, March 24, 2017

How the paper crumbles

Tiny tufts of binder paper speckle the ground like bread
crumbs leading to the bulging trash bin.

A blotched tattoo on the outside of the right pinkie,
signal lines filled in and out, a writers stamp.

That far away look is not a place others may go.

Declawed and domesticated, the body observes
and stalks the other.

Taking it all in scraps left over much too much,
nauseated, not needing much more
than nibbles found inside spiral ring cages, 
scratches to self, all
half-fulfilled by my stunted scepter.

Thinking there was more than enough time
to put the ending first, to do the editing in trim tufts,
to say this is my home, this is lace, this belongs
and this is sewn to hold more

to say here is a poem
and poof, it is flown away.

Image By Anonymous [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, October 29, 2016


This it is how it is done
Most important, remember to breathe
quiet hands, 
               as in decent golfers and honest horsemen
then confidence is key-
                                             the only one that fits, actually.
First, you must penetrate the first layer without severing any of the connecting 
                    or start over.
Next, to get deeper you must first see trust,
                                                            like fat.
You don't need a lot to proceed.
Moving along, use your tools wisely,
logic is too dull.
The point must be sharp enough to travel through the body.
Make no bones about it, be deliberate, don't deliberate.
The marrow may quiver ever so slightly,
this is good-you have come this far.
                                                            You don't need me 

for Directions nor
                         the beat of your heart
                         the heat of your pulse
                         the meat of the matter
                         the flood of blood
on the ashen page
in the first draft stage. 

Painting by George Goodwin Kilburne (1839-1924), Penning a Letter, [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Pro Crastinator

When it finally all came out
and was nowhere near right,
I tried again.

And it was worse.
So I started over
with countless scratches and
don't sniff around-
it stinks!

Well, all I could do
was begin anew
way of coming at it-

Quit is not a possibility,
Failure is my reality
and I see,
this jutting angle
enmeshed in the rest
will work,
once I throw it out
the window.
There's always tomorrow.

Image of painting By Anton Laupheimer (1848–1927) (Auktionshaus Zeller) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...