Wednesday, March 9, 2016

A musical mosaic of lyrical landscapes

If you ask a sound painter
to drawn you a rhyme,
he will enchant you
not by the tone or the line:
but with an audible harmony,
a scenic serendipity,
a symbiosis in the sound
of quietude...
Lost in the paragon of verisimilitude 

With his wand weaves colors that blend 
images that transcend
before your nacreous eyes
here art lies
behind smoke and mirrors
is the image of the looker

You see
all is not fantasy.
You see
if you get a chance 
to harken a glance
you will see 
a song of poetry. 

Image of painting by Christen Købke of the Danish landscape painter Frederik Sødring[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

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