Showing posts with label hiding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hiding. Show all posts

Monday, April 6, 2020


An open invitation,
gilt in possibility
lures the timid beast from its musty cavern

The cacophy of air rushing around the
least resistant, matters are pushed and pulled upon
Certainties, tossed about


The sudden hail defies the timid pleas
to unfold and stretch into
a solid lain beam of radiant heat

How could the mortal help himself anymore:
Gather, hunt, peck and reorder survival skills
Such as Love and Hate

Coming down

In various degrees of murder and rebirth
Springs forth
Colorful codes saturated with noise
and clashing heads with tails

The now bleeding ink pools
and blurs your name
craddled under ashen light,
limp and holding onto remorse
absorbed into pulp and grain limbs.

The sky showed no where
these evolutions
without debate thy will has been

Spring inflates its toll
on the feral sheltered soul
Whose i's have been gouged out in disbelief,
and now blinded by the most elemental

The beast grows
weary and anxious
trying to stand upright
under these conditions,
dissuasion and doom
overshadows the occasion
to fear or be feared.

Artwork by William Blake, 'The great red dragon and the beast from the Sea' c. 1805 in Public Domain. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Duck, duck, & Goose

I see you ducking & hiding
as if this could keep you safe

of course, most enjoy a good game
of hide & seek-

except when there is no-
body looking

for you
the pain sets in,

nesting in the corners
where you have stashed secrets.

Fleeing from danger
is both fight & flight

instead of planting ones
self in the belief of growth & resilience

where you are
is never where you choose to be

there is disregard
for the hidden

wanting to be found
under a shroud of a woven

textiles you gathered,
that felt like encryption,

yet your secrets strobe across
all of our four heads

illuminating the dark valleys
spreading across your scape. 

Painting by Carel Fabritius, 'Hera hiding during the battle between the gods and the giants' c. 1643 in [Public domain].

Sunday, November 18, 2018


So they go on, doing the deeds,
rolling the ball they tossed
as if it were not obvious
they were following
where their eyes aimed.

Like an animal behind a tree,
they think I don't see,
and I am partly to blame
for this charade,
a willing blindness,
suspension of attention,

there is a stench,
as overturned dirt
insists on being known
thereby making its presence
the heaviest air in the room.

And like the elephant Ganesha,
she leans in, the earth tilts,
her trunk drops
an apple at my feet.

It is my choice
to open mouth
desirous of a tree,
or keep the seeds inside...

Photo credit by safaritravelplus [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Shadow lands

The poem cowered
in the dark corner
as does an animal behind a tree
feeling hidden
and safe
in error.

In the open, there was everything
that had been muttered
and nothing more could be said
in translation
of such inspirations
outlined in full color.

Grey and subdued
reflected in the blinded panes
so struck silent was the poet
when words
couldn't convince any body-
lighter was ever better.

Painting by Gwen John [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Silent H

If I tried to hide something from you,
would you know?
Would you become suspicious,
or let it go?
If I no longer listened to your voice-
don't you think it would be by choice?
If I argued with everything you said,
wouldn't this make our conversations dead?
If I began sneaking around,
would you begin peaking around?
If I were stockpiling and recycling secrets-
would it whet your whistle to relax your own rules-
pretend we are still fools...
If I keep playing the oblivious game,
would you keep dealing villainous blame
Nothing is fair in love and truces;
someone's got to give
and someone's going to live

Painting by Delphin Enjolras [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Keeping it Inside Out (There)

Between you and I
You've seen parts
none cared
for, but me.

You see,
remember that time
you knew
I was lying
or the time
you knew truth
was hiding right there
and both times
you thought,
why not?

Or of a poet-
that needs words
that hold places for
that are not known
but shown
In between
poetry shared
else may
and keep
with me.

Image by Julia Margaret Cameron [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...