Showing posts with label magic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label magic. Show all posts

Sunday, November 3, 2024

And then...


Change is like that strong smell

of cut grass or chopped wood

that stops you still.

Patterns, a symbol can be

an illegible sign, 

at first glance.

Or a certain light at sunset, 

or dark that whispers

Where am I coming from?

You are always going


Next to nothing seems impossible.

I am next.

Painting by Orazio Gentileschi, 'Portrait of a Young Woman as a Sibyl' (c. 1620-1626) from Google Art Project via Wikimedia Commons in Public Domain. 

Monday, February 3, 2020

Weather Fact or Friction

Thunderstorms can generate wind that is capable of developing additional thunderstorms up to 100 miles away.
Ants carry greater weight upon the fate of the planet than all of the elephants.
There is only one cheetah, genetically. They are all copycats.
All tortoiseshell cats are female.
A tortoise is a turtle, but a turtle is not a tortoise.
All mammals have hair, including marine mammals.
If a butterfly lands on you, like a kiss it has a lingering effect.
Kissing is a form of devouring one another.
Eating your words causes indigestion.
Our narrow color spectrum is a coded labeling system,
nevermind the claims of reds or whites or
fermentation of green and browns,
we eagerly ingest our poisons like medicines. Only death is harmless.
So many are starving but none are taking a place at the table or saying
a word of Grace.
Escape and Utopia are not the equivalents of Apathy and Atlantis.
Artificial Intelligence demonstrates that competence can be performed without comprehension.
When we tried playing God, saving the Earth, selling one-way tickets to Heaven and the Moon,
Time traveling, age rewinding, and portraying ourselves to be all-powerful we found ourselves-weak to resist, irresistible, gullible, and addicted to more than just the levers and
Not knowing Best, but collecting alternate facts and delegating the feelings
of incompetence to all Others, we have been told two Truths and a Lie.
Fires spread in the mess-hall, millions of cooks vacated the kitchen, all of their pants aflame,
an acrid vapor left in the wake of Epochs echoing on wax-filled ears.
From the top-down, the ice spreads, plates are stacked and we are still spinning.
The soul never stays in one spot. Heat, like religion, is always seeking converts.
We are all preoccupied, we were born busy and off-balance, running to stay up-
Our big three-pound brains burn 33o calories per day.
The brain does not recover the same way other muscles do.
Magic is the ten days it takes for a flesh wound to heal. The Big Bang is still happening.
Hindsight is too far behind current, foresight is double vision doubled, the current is always moving, perspective is in every angle, adjective.
It was short and sweet.

Artwork by Edward Penfield (1866-1925), Calendar cover c. 1896 in Public Domain. 

Thursday, September 19, 2019


Nobody practices
Magic anymore,
Other than for

We are losing
our skills while being
focused on
what went wrong.

Who knows better.
We know.
We do not like taking medicine.

All doctors begin
that all of our inoculants,
all cures were right here,
waiting to be
spelled out
on the tips our of tongues.

There is a familiar smell
growing stronger
Outside of the lab.

It was always Life or Death.
This time
A muse meant
Some words are harder to swallow.

Artwork by Paul Klee, 'Fish Magic' c. 1925 in the Philadelphia Museum of Art [Public domain].

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Mercury’s Handmaid

In the second law of thermodynamics;
The poem as a made-thing is the
“Spontaneous emergence of self-organization”.

Besides this, in Science,
“The word magic means order”
So the symbol for Nothing
became shaped like the mouth in meditation,
in the midst of making more space
for Observation.

The numeral for the Universe,
One world, 1, as in Everything
Man-o-theistic made more calculating
layers encoded in an algorithm
to become binary bipeds seeking symbiosis,
or the meaning of Miracle. Walk the Talk.
Ecstasy is merely our abandonment
of a timeline.
Silence sought chaos,
letting letters separate from self in sound.
The tonality resonated
making all things
moving disappear

with (1) velocity (0)
without (0) reason (1).

We try to transcend our current state
if only for a half-life
chemical moment. Methodically mad.
there were bells to be rung,
the sentence was both a rule

and regret. 

Painting by Jules Lefebvre [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Under influences

Because we are
Self Aware Beings
we wonder like amnesiacs,
how we got here
and desperate for colors
we believe almost anything fantastic
as though we are all diamond fragments
of stars or angels displaced
from heaven or space.

I mean, magic is making new matter from nothing,
magic means we matter, we made this matter.
If we make-this-matter is magic made, elementary
with rock and metal.

This is simply us discovering
alchemy and fire and calling out surges, reactions,
such as desire and emulsify
concluding for every x
there is a why.

Of course, we are all-chemical beings
and we play with this, naturally
moving letters about
being creators and more concoctors,
self-prescribing physicians by our own
curious volition to flux of powers,
that make New (again).

We often curse our many selves for attempting
escape, a wait-less trip would be idyll...
on Holiday from everyday...
This must be common.

What is pressure but awareness of mortality,
destiny maybe an attempt to fly
is a stab at free will
that gets too thick and close
to the heart and mouth
for sobriety to say-

How many times must Death come knocking
before you hand him the key?

Painting by Andrei Ryabushkin [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, December 2, 2016

The rise of casuality

Because we are the effects, not the primes
as in Primates,
we are moved,
as in affected.

Because we breed
maladies and machinations
we create
as in Creatures
more than was there before Us, 
as in BC (Blind Carbon).

We infer our differences 
in grand designs and poor planning
or preferences and likenesses
as reflections of self-expression
and omit the other view
to simplify.

Why do we need to know
as though living without question
helps with this affliction of mortality
or enlightens eternity...

Shall we give up and let it go, as though
we influence more than our mind 
-do not answer that-
Instead, let's suppose 
the conclusion 
need only a new name 
or learned skill for our adaptable
Fin de siècle
or inability to sit

We move On
and are moved ever more,
for even though in an odd way
the Word made it the first 
to day. 

Image credit By Strobridge Litho. Co., Cincinnati & New York [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


It is magic
and you cannot stop me
from saving myself
from a worn out hex
bestowed onto to me.

It is energy (also chi)
and used methodically
to end this mean curse
in-heir-antly placed
I may live
by breaking.

It is healing,
helping myself,
or magic.

It is not about you.

It makes
me better.

It is the art
of magic.

Artwork credit By Internet Archive Book Images, Ladies Home Journal 1948 [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Titilating Entitlement

       All we have are letters.
We have made many names with these,
not to confuse utility with title.

When I say
This chosen wisely,
You have started to build-

What is in a Name?
Impressionism in colors.
Blend and bleed by disagreement.

I do not regret leading you on
down the stream, naming and pointing
at amphibious synonyms, 
like crayfish holding their feathered gills.

As only bends and boulders can dictate 
in a white water fury, insurgency in translation,
an explanation of how all minerals find their way
to greater meaning than assembly 

or Magic. Deception has its angle.
Words like water most transparent
when calmly collected. 

Dropping names sink
Ideas float
Titles tell This. 

Image By Romaine (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

A round of a pause

Magic elixir, quick fixer,
there is no cure.
It is fatal, even tragic,
there is no real magic
in metallurgy,
by standard,
gold gets warm to the touch, silver reflects
soft and such-
Just ignore
those that keep score with trinkets

As alchemists insist upon
what is made is nevermore
than before
enduring and manipulating
the use
while passing through,
by hand.
The philosophers’ stone

Mostly taken for granite.

Painting by Luis Ricardo Falero, Study of a Witch (19th century), [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016


It is an ordinary thing:
a baby looking over the shoulder,
a child transfixed,
because they sense mother-ness or homeliness
I guess.

Then the cats,
the felines that follow
nearly silently,
like the prowling puma in the wilderness
they all watch back from the bush-
paw prints have proven this-
And then the ways skittish strays
remembering how to purr...

Nary a soul sees the magic in these,
the extraordinary poet
who thinks one blink, and it could all

Photo Credit © CEphoto, Uwe Aranas / ,via Wikimedia Commons at (

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Weightlifting words

There is not enough silence
or white in the world.

There seems to be enough water,
when you look around
the circumference of the globe-
                 have you noticed
how long
we have been wrong
about power and drainage-

As magnets naturally defy resistance
or make magic with retrograde,
nothing else matters
but shine...

                   And distraction, interruption, and
become utilized and oxidized
to fill in the surrounding blanks
with loud, explosive air
we refer to this as
                  white noise
and we are sinking in.

Sketch by Lorenz Frølich [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Scanned by Haukur from a reprint in the illustrated 2002 Prose Edda edition by Gudrun. Originally published in Gjøgleriet i Utgard (1872).

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The possibilities of a fractal

The way I see it-
art contains real magic.
Like blinking, or like an automaton,-always on.
Projecting its wizardry when no one’s there to see it.

A child is a miracle-
of busy blurred lines.
Making it difficult for others to focus on them directly,
blinded by their angelic buzz of innate electricity.

Art is the grandchild of God-
or whatever grand-father you Believe in.
It’s immaculate conception and delivery are born proof,
of a source, the straw that was pulled, the ignition point.

We are the ghosts of our grandchildren.
We have to pave the way, clearing our Karmic path
to Here.

Art arrests shape-
holds it captive-
to represent-

Our family tree,
rooted in our orchards of History,
bears ripe fruit of juicy inspiration,

tastes like sweet familiar childhood in the shape of a fractal.

Image By Randomness (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons, 'Fractal face of Beauty, 2008'.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...