Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

Saturday, April 20, 2019

which explains the silence...

The monkey and the muse
were in the
waiting for one
to speak-

The muse sat,
arms crossed
across the locked up chest
and the monkey just
in wild attempts
to aggravate
a predicted response-

two arms finally fell like pillars
allowing a plumage of smile to seep out
of the rubble-

You don't need a hand-
were the only words
I heard
I struggled
to recognize the voice.

While trying to listen in
I lost sight of where I stood
and then the den was silent
while the world
was deafening,

when I could not
but find focus
there seemed only one-

source of the sound,
and only
one shadow

Painting by Janis Rozentals, 'The Princess and the monkey' c. 1913 in the Latvian National Museum of Art [Public domain].

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Another time

could you tell
occupation was else-
by, I mean, analogous to
investment, banking into
listening with the right ear-
I always knew
it was not wrong-
which explains why
I haven't given
much voice,
by choice
to what is left

this way
I can hear who said it best
and decide omissions,
sadly some adverbs snuck in
the cracks,

the poet recites
from fissures
showing the weak spots
matching voices,
what could have been
an echo
asked again,
could you repeat that?

Painting by Giovanni Segantini, 1892 in [Public domain].

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Summary of a shadowed moon

Struck with a new Idea,
I held onto it like a treasure map,
rolled up,
with the lines inside.

I carried it around
so long, wrinkles
were inevitable,
weathering and what not
made it fade.

After revisiting this place
I am lost a little,
afraid to start
I fear it will not become
as I thought I remembered...

No mark would be made,
no footstep
anywhere I begin becomes
a starting point
that vanishes...

which made it obvious
to fill the space,
flooding it in white
so I could build it
by taking away.

Photograph credited by Jon Sullivan [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Miss Agnes Martin

And Agnes spoke.
After all she had seen 
                            and failed to portray accurately
“It seems to me, I am a greater destroyer than creator.”
The inspiration more reverent in potential than intellect
She suffered it seems.

The quiet part 
from the living with her art.

Agnes assembled some reason,
with color and line, like us, listening for the tone.
A message was delivered via postage stamp imagery, 
she found this in the box with the red flag
                                           too tiny to see.
So she was required to extrapolate 
and re-scale 
to make larger
than the letter
addressed to Resident.

Perfection, as though always made the same-
This one template mistranslated 
                                                 in the corners.

The migration from idea to ideal,
lost in most blending, space, silence, room, makes too much
semblance, geometrically so much more than medium.

All that
depends upon a nail, a red wheelbarrow and leaf capacity and
a multiplicity of task or cause.

Yes, Agnes knew her arithmetic.
And Agnes tried to forget rules, axioms, theorems
and the half charged radii she never saw as encompassing.

Less can be greater than
too much inspiration.

Agnes said the envelope was empty
but she received the message.
I know, I sent it. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

The sound of light

What do you want from me?
                                                                                               I want to ask-
                                                                                               but don't want to hear
                                                                                               a reply
This is my friend bearing gifts-
                                                                                               she won't stop offering,
I cannot accept-                                                                      is she senile?
Is it the same thing over and over again?
                                                                                                That would be nagging.
No, I don't know where you're from
and cannot tell by your accent                                                If I could guess,
                                                                                                I'd say Light-
I'd be a slight right.

In the dark you're so loud!
                                                                                                There's more room to stretch,
                                                                                                 and stand out.

Will it ever stop?                                                                     Brightly, 
                                                                                                                I hope not.

Image By Love Krittaya (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The possibilities of a fractal

The way I see it-
art contains real magic.
Like blinking, or like an automaton,-always on.
Projecting its wizardry when no one’s there to see it.

A child is a miracle-
of busy blurred lines.
Making it difficult for others to focus on them directly,
blinded by their angelic buzz of innate electricity.

Art is the grandchild of God-
or whatever grand-father you Believe in.
It’s immaculate conception and delivery are born proof,
of a source, the straw that was pulled, the ignition point.

We are the ghosts of our grandchildren.
We have to pave the way, clearing our Karmic path
to Here.

Art arrests shape-
holds it captive-
to represent-

Our family tree,
rooted in our orchards of History,
bears ripe fruit of juicy inspiration,

tastes like sweet familiar childhood in the shape of a fractal.

Image By Randomness (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons, 'Fractal face of Beauty, 2008'.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Ambient light

Are we hard-wired to be afraid of the dark
to imagine ugly things in indistinct corners
lurking and watching
light-less-ness amplifying every sound
in stereo
our world spins on wires
acrobatic static
a puppet in space
Yay! We made electricity
to conquer and fill the empty void 
with our brilliant vibrant light
enhancing our sight
penetrating every nook and cranny
slaying the black matter with our gamma rays 
with the force of direct and alternating currents
knobs, buttons, censors, trackers
we've become all thumbs
coded languages, levers, tactile sight
and its own glaring response
on the fritz is something to fear
unplugged no more, we're wireless anyway
signal shields
afraid of the dark
fear and trembling is 
to know Life all depends 
on a spark
for our mechanical animal things
and as heavenly human beings
still afraid of the darkness
where the light cannot hide. 

Image of painting (oil) Joseph Wright of Derby [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, 1769 'A Philosopher by Lamplight'.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Suffering in Silence

By Antonio da Fabriano II (Italian, active 1451-1489) (Walters Art Museum:  Home page  Info about artwork) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Shhh! I'm straining to hear
(I must admit, to you
this is my greatest fear)
thundering, rolling silence
boulders unwedged
cracking from a dry spell
not able to find the words to tell
nor a drop in the hollow inkwell
a writers ramblings
that chokingly clutter
floods of thoughts, ideas,
those clever lines I mutter
all taken for granted!
Perhaps there's just nothing
more needing to be said,
(it never before
felt like such a chore)
It used to come
like a heartbeats drum
Absent, broken, chaotic ideas
now dam
and make me look dumb!
A river of words flows by,
a waterfall of passion spills out,
taken by the current inspiration
that usually carries me
Dry and jammed
lodged with self-immolated Styx,
a busy beavers idle work,
where idleness eddies may lurk
I am told not to worry
it will be back and come in torrent
Can you hear the watery voice?
Comprehend its murky messages?
Now, I should confess
I am responsible for this lazy mess
(it's not as though I haven't tried
"I wrote a little today," I lied.)
Instead sterile white paper mirroring thoughts
Letters, symbols, pixels,
words that don’t go anywhere
stuck in virtuous silence
waiting for the stream to come...

Composed 8/22/14.

Tres (trace)

Water Today, warm raindrops glass blurs, the blurry glassy, sharp sparkles sugar. Behind Evening, it was good. Leaves all turned into shadow...