Showing posts with label BC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BC. Show all posts

Friday, December 2, 2016

The rise of casuality

Because we are the effects, not the primes
as in Primates,
we are moved,
as in affected.

Because we breed
maladies and machinations
we create
as in Creatures
more than was there before Us, 
as in BC (Blind Carbon).

We infer our differences 
in grand designs and poor planning
or preferences and likenesses
as reflections of self-expression
and omit the other view
to simplify.

Why do we need to know
as though living without question
helps with this affliction of mortality
or enlightens eternity...

Shall we give up and let it go, as though
we influence more than our mind 
-do not answer that-
Instead, let's suppose 
the conclusion 
need only a new name 
or learned skill for our adaptable
Fin de siècle
or inability to sit

We move On
and are moved ever more,
for even though in an odd way
the Word made it the first 
to day. 

Image credit By Strobridge Litho. Co., Cincinnati & New York [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


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