Showing posts with label curse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label curse. Show all posts

Monday, February 20, 2023

Natural selection

The way 
Blessings pretend-
disguise themselves 
as heavy and foreboding 

Such a gift-
Good riddance 
feels, say-from divorce,
sweet endings and 

Life is only choices,
the pathways and doors
Present all themselves
as such
choosing persists
and curiosity is 

After all,
Giving up
may be 
weight or wings
such things 
open and close 

Artwork by Emperor Huizong of Song, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, March 29, 2020


The tower of Babel crumbled
close to Heavens Gate
under the weight of words
being tossed across
crooked beams of Meaning,
colliding with brute force
like wrecking balls or
oblong Egos
characters fell
one by one.

The virus spread viciously
devouring breathless bodies
whose lungs collapsed
in fevered white surrender
making trespassers doubt
Perhaps by taking flight,
the wingless mammals
mistook their own shadows for
of Mercy.

Maybe, like Icharus
we flew too close to the sun
singeing and singing our victory
songs. Hymns and hers
breaking the speed of light.
He resurfaces atop the rubble
of Babel
only spread his sickly self destructive
wings around the globe
suffocating us with immortal
whims and wicked winds.

None would dare say
it sounded like
a curse
or zero in zero chance
our earthly eyes
would adjust to this light.

Artwork by Sergey Solomko (1855-1928) 'Icarus' Dream' in Public Domain. 

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The beaten path

lain across footfalls
the marked path

Treacherous crags
protrude guilty edges
into skin
under brittle nails

The way weather exposes
the external
and tries to wash away
shine with light

Circling eternally,
erosions never cease
such as this
degradation of morality.

The darkest parts
are tethered to these heavy

for fugitive
methods of moving gifts.

A body spent is
a blessing saved
for another way.
High noon

obscured only our difference
by degrees,

illusory of our self-images,
and how much distance

must be made
to be come
one with a same

Too late
to take back

Any other way
could not have been
more direct.

Photo credit: Carol Highsmith, taken 2015 in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA. 

Friday, September 13, 2019


Like seat assignments and maximum capacities,
for safety and simplicity sake,
there must be reasonable accommodations made
so there is sufficient room
for growth
hitting the ceiling, too soon, bursting through
and considered too metamorphic
to remain in your designated space.

It is a default
mode of ours
to do first
we did anything
that could be our fault.
So we don't...

There is no way to go back or over
without losing something in front of you.

Stay in line. Stay home. Go online.
Pretend to be anonymous and famous.
Pretend is what we do before we know
how to be.

If you move around too much it scares people,
they will call you a gypsy,
as if they could catch that curse.

Freedom never is
and always costs more
than we carry with us.

Painting by Louis-Marie Baader, c. 1885 in [Public domain].

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Reconciliation: Numerical Solutions

What could be done
with off and on, yes or no
and one and none

became endless...

In two
given the same gift,

neither desired nor deserved
and each put it away
for as long as possible.

By laws of conservation
and arts of distraction
feats of nature and the
zen of (un)

the present hovered over them

one never looked up,
the other

inside, the same
blue blood rushes upstream
unseen in the light of day.

One would begin to spin
and find equilibrium in this direction,
while none could take it in
without wobbling
off kilter

bi-polarity divided into each other,
choice by reckoning

Balance with Being

excepting no gifts
without a creator.

Photo credit By Brian W. Schaller (Own work) Acadia National Park [FAL], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Hex-ameter in cent-imeters

The spoken curse at last 
resonance on red lips 
from dripping fingertips-
May you live in interesting 
Times (chorus again).
Thy will be done -Here-
at all costs
Will be done.

Painting by Charles Bird King [CC0 or CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


It is magic
and you cannot stop me
from saving myself
from a worn out hex
bestowed onto to me.

It is energy (also chi)
and used methodically
to end this mean curse
in-heir-antly placed
I may live
by breaking.

It is healing,
helping myself,
or magic.

It is not about you.

It makes
me better.

It is the art
of magic.

Artwork credit By Internet Archive Book Images, Ladies Home Journal 1948 [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Deaf, dumb and mute (me)

If you ask me Today
I'd undoubtedly admit
I was built this way,
it is my arch-i-texture
If you ask the same Tonight-
I might not answer,
despite having something nice to say.

Either way, those questions get slightly worse
all the time
So I'd rather not ask, it is not my task,
I consider this a gift,
I try to listen louder
than anyone can Here.

Painting by Fernand Khnopff, Silence (1890), [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...