Showing posts with label cliches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cliches. Show all posts

Monday, February 3, 2020

Weather Fact or Friction

Thunderstorms can generate wind that is capable of developing additional thunderstorms up to 100 miles away.
Ants carry greater weight upon the fate of the planet than all of the elephants.
There is only one cheetah, genetically. They are all copycats.
All tortoiseshell cats are female.
A tortoise is a turtle, but a turtle is not a tortoise.
All mammals have hair, including marine mammals.
If a butterfly lands on you, like a kiss it has a lingering effect.
Kissing is a form of devouring one another.
Eating your words causes indigestion.
Our narrow color spectrum is a coded labeling system,
nevermind the claims of reds or whites or
fermentation of green and browns,
we eagerly ingest our poisons like medicines. Only death is harmless.
So many are starving but none are taking a place at the table or saying
a word of Grace.
Escape and Utopia are not the equivalents of Apathy and Atlantis.
Artificial Intelligence demonstrates that competence can be performed without comprehension.
When we tried playing God, saving the Earth, selling one-way tickets to Heaven and the Moon,
Time traveling, age rewinding, and portraying ourselves to be all-powerful we found ourselves-weak to resist, irresistible, gullible, and addicted to more than just the levers and
Not knowing Best, but collecting alternate facts and delegating the feelings
of incompetence to all Others, we have been told two Truths and a Lie.
Fires spread in the mess-hall, millions of cooks vacated the kitchen, all of their pants aflame,
an acrid vapor left in the wake of Epochs echoing on wax-filled ears.
From the top-down, the ice spreads, plates are stacked and we are still spinning.
The soul never stays in one spot. Heat, like religion, is always seeking converts.
We are all preoccupied, we were born busy and off-balance, running to stay up-
Our big three-pound brains burn 33o calories per day.
The brain does not recover the same way other muscles do.
Magic is the ten days it takes for a flesh wound to heal. The Big Bang is still happening.
Hindsight is too far behind current, foresight is double vision doubled, the current is always moving, perspective is in every angle, adjective.
It was short and sweet.

Artwork by Edward Penfield (1866-1925), Calendar cover c. 1896 in Public Domain. 

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Net wait

A blessing comes with a curse,
wait and good things will appear,
like whale spouts and comet tails bursting forth,
you will see-eventually.
And chances are 
choices awaiting a verb,
like the other side of the coin
what is tossed in the air,
must plummet to its lowest nadir.

We have seen this played out. Likewise,
such sweeping statements, proverbs and prophecies,
do little for everything-in-all-times, 
yet consistently, this movement tends to
strew the smallest fragments more widely 
distributed across the floor and
atop all the lowest planes, building up-

just as the feather duster spreads its wings,
the timepiece propels one to practice 
gathering oneself more
and in doing so, magnetism must assert 
its basic properties are acuter 
than our elemental bodies
behaving and obeying the laws.

Well, we can only collect our thoughts 
and arrange them in an orderly fashion 
so that they may be 
making more room to move around and since 
wisdom was a woman, things, like elimination, 
we tend to find 
liberating in corners.

Everything here, in a sense shows, 
entropy was a mirror image of 
this empty room, piling up with dunes of dust.
While waiting for change,
chaos was creating 
lines in the sand and
when the wind broke in for one last sweep,
there was nothing to weigh any of us down.

The holes served their purpose. 

Image By A Stieglitz, c. 1899 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, March 12, 2017


Moving forward, at the end of the day, and these clichés
were left to remind us what sounds about right,
in-sight-fully (don't look back).

As though we could help it, we were not made
this way, a head, not eating tails of our time.

Before you ask-did I know about this
I have said this before, a little bit of chaos
does so much more for creation, inflation
and more. There is (much) more,

After all, 'A few people laughed, a few people cried',
I hope you lived in an interesting time-
Most were silent and simply watched the wax melt
down the ink dark sky making white caps on mountains.

It is best to listen for the ring mascons make,
since echoes don't travel well without gravity’s hold.
Calling your attention to small matters like the moon
making our weight
neon light, a flashing Open sign.

By NASA/ESA/JHU/R.Sankrit & W.Blair [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. 
"On October 9, 1604, sky watchers -- including astronomer Johannes Kepler, spotted a "new star" in the western sky, rivaling the brilliance of nearby planets. "Kepler's supernova" was the last exploding supernova seen in our Milky Way galaxy. Observers used only their eyes to study it, because the telescope had not yet been invented. Now, astronomers have utilized NASA's three Great Observatories to analyze the supernova remnant in infrared, optical and X-ray light."

Friday, January 13, 2017

Add ages

Don't let them tell you
You had just one job,
they always expected more.
They say, Just be yourself,
as though given a choice.
Stand up for yourself.
Don't believe enough is ever enough,
it is only enough.
The first bird and the last owl
are equal aviators
afflicted with (chronic) fomo-curious-itosis.
Silver bullets and linings should help save us
before things change anymore.
We have nothing better to do
than keep busy, make haste and donate
to causes
we make no effect on reason
such as why the wherewithall has
deteriorated and became dilapidated into
three-wheeling metallic adages.
Don't ask. Don't listen. Don’t look Back.
Don't do them.
Reason is revived with hind-
sight. You will see later.
The Truth
will set you free
to follow your heart,
to do what you love,
to be mindful,
to forgive and forget
and rest in peace
lying down.
Take it.
Your Time

is up.

Painting by Édouard Manet [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...