Showing posts with label karma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label karma. Show all posts

Sunday, February 16, 2025


I walk beside myself

Not another parallel path

but obtusely, a shadow of a self.

I should have become

colored, defined, dimensional

instead of this plane person.

It all worked out for the best

I lived to see some 

karmic occurrences.

It was all just that-

for a time.

Evolution favors the fittest-

for now. 

We are still in the Goldilocks zone.

I thrive, though I know

the Precipice and the Fall

one step away.

I chose the 

Right foot

and move forward

knowing it is my best. 

I should be-

come satisfied

if nothing else. 

Artwork credit: Brush and black ink and gray wash, with graphite, on cream-wove paper 'Statue of the Madonna in the Mountains' c. 1804 by Caspar David Friedrich, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons in Public Domain. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

(Bone pile)

My lips are sealed with 

The caulk of deaf ears.

Born for this.

Lessons to be learned as chapters


Over, like how to read our bodies

Instructions, building muscle

Memories such as

Tools we must learn how to use

Who speaks and who listens

Goes on and off 

As breath and tides, rhythm and

Numbers like thoughts sequence

And past tense

Lie in a moment

Between notes.

Painting by Wassily :Kandinsky - 'Silent, 1926' in Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons. 

Saturday, May 18, 2019


Vengeance makes a map
old wives tails and medicine
man show now how X
crosses paths never worn away.

Image Title "After the battle Company G 32nd United States Infantry' c. 1898 in [Public domain].

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Sea minor

The day you were born
It would never be the same
as it ever was.

This day, at that time
started this life
                       from lives past-
Passed through you to you
creating something
from some things that were before
you arrived as you.

This time and time again

many things came first
many more things will come to pass
none have counted you
in years
             -as the last

-pushing through, pulling you-

The only time you
were you,
we met
            through others
matters were made

any day now we will change
into strangers, fate carried vessels
pulling our chords,
                              the other way.

Painting by Ivan Aivazovsky [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. 

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Act your aim

When we stay in line
like good little pixels
stacking up our boxes
edge to edge
we may notice
the oval, all circularity
is pointed, adjacently
and saved, if needed.

Connections and karma
are just
arrows attempting to be

Hunters and gatherers,
acting in accord
with the right angles,
took shape, called it chalice,
and carried it with us

beginning and ending with "Fire"
-there was nothing-
to hold us together but the sphere.

1st(Top) Painting by Douglas Volk, 'The boy with the arrow' (1903) in [Public domain or CC BY-SA 2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

2nd Image Info: John Gower in a portrait from a book with his Vox Clamantis and Chronica Tripertita in Glasgow Univ. Lib., MS Hunter 59 (T.2.17) folio 6v. This is from a revised edition of the book published c. 1400 (before Gower's death). Gower is depicted as an archer with a bow and arrow. Gower prepares to shoot the world, a sphere with compartments representing earth, air, and water.
Text on the above image in one version of the Vox Clamantis reads "I throw my darts and shoot my arrows at the world. But where there is a righteous man, no arrow strikes. But I wound those who live wickedly. Therefore let him who recognizes himself there look to himself." 

Thursday, January 5, 2017

gains & drains & when it rains

If I had a grand
I'd call back that 
paralegal named Gabriel
and retain his professional services 
and following his advice, proceed to 
take out my hammer and
nail that lying selfish bastard to the wall.

He knows
most of the gist already.
It wouldn't take long to catch that Gabriel
up to date
nothing has changed.
He knew this would happen. 

I have waited impatiently.
I am working on this.
I want justice.
I want to feel it is fair for us two,
minus ethos and numerology.

Wrong or right 
redemption is truant. AWOL. 
-cognito err go some-
The Karma 
must have broken down 
in the median 
hazards on, hood up,
awaiting a ride on my back,
again. Help. A tow. 
I am Lost en route.

And although not generally a vindictive
Entity, myself, 
I'd really like to make 
it hurt, permanently.
I'd prefer to take more 
than that idiot has
left from his gambols and gains,
that would be a nice Rebate. 

At least a little freedom, breathing room
sometime somewhere soon...
I know space and air is expensive.
There is no room of my own,
I can only afford to share.

He is taking too much
for himself, 
except accepting 
any responsibility what-so-never.
It could be just me, broken 
without any money. 

If I had a grand 
I should want to take that Stanford class
instead of making such poor investments
with my free time. 
Yet we both know
grand ideas, worthless pennies,
are all I have thought

Painting by Juan de Flandes [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.


Saturday, November 26, 2016

Her voluptuous parabolas

who have seen her
swear they have never seen her
happier, lately
while she laughs, letting crickets go.

Her curves always know
how to smooth things out
and the way she walks begs forgiveness
as her karma rounds
every corner.

Softness was her style
to say it supply-

it could stem from her blooming chest,
crimson raw cheeks, her velvet bleeding lips
or lilac silvery strands

her glare goes right through any apparitions and by
body, somehow she knows the bright angles
to the long equations...

At night she paints
the smudged sky on her arms.
Before sunrise she weaves weak
words stained black. They don't smear-
she won't use them-in the light by day
she tends to others angles
in her smooth parabolic way.

It seems she just sashays away,
her every day face
acting as the fulcrum for all others
a round nowhere to stick

Painting by Edgar Degas, After the Bath, in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

What's the Matter

I am an unstable lepton seeking opposition.
I had a chance to be an undiscovered pentaquark.
And, like you, I prefer symmetry in my fractals.
And am particularly attracted to magnets.
What's the matter then?
Gravity bums me out.
It’s constantly micromanaging, like Time itself-
read on the face, I've seen the circle of life,
but I prefer triangles.
I think wealth should be calculated
by Karmic Score divided by Faith.
The way it looks,
I will get to watch
two Haley's comets pass, elapse
(in my little blinking life).
I used to live at the seashore,
where there are 1,440 waves
that break every single day.
And even though I move around,
(often in circles)
and am not there to see the crash,
I know those waves are still
(without me).
Nobody can remember what it is to be an American anymore.
America isn't even 500.
Didn’t we manufacture ancient history (yet)?
Monsters make earthquakes.
Geologists think about flatware.
Their i's bigger than their plates-
the I in inertia, that is.
And anthropologists are making strides,
measuring footprints in lieu of the gait.
I never want to grow out of my imagination,
I'm waiting for flood pants to be back in style.
I've accepted my death is nothing personal.
I am not sorry,


Saturday, April 25, 2015

The possibilities of a fractal

The way I see it-
art contains real magic.
Like blinking, or like an automaton,-always on.
Projecting its wizardry when no one’s there to see it.

A child is a miracle-
of busy blurred lines.
Making it difficult for others to focus on them directly,
blinded by their angelic buzz of innate electricity.

Art is the grandchild of God-
or whatever grand-father you Believe in.
It’s immaculate conception and delivery are born proof,
of a source, the straw that was pulled, the ignition point.

We are the ghosts of our grandchildren.
We have to pave the way, clearing our Karmic path
to Here.

Art arrests shape-
holds it captive-
to represent-

Our family tree,
rooted in our orchards of History,
bears ripe fruit of juicy inspiration,

tastes like sweet familiar childhood in the shape of a fractal.

Image By Randomness (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons, 'Fractal face of Beauty, 2008'.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...