Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Grief is the thing without feathers

Keep going

an hour longer than you think you can...


is not how heavy the load

or capacity 

to measure up

against the weary

whose Joy

dwells in Nothing-

of want

Everything back,

as though undo was a direction

from undone.

When Lost;

the Way, the Hope, the Time,

the trust

the will, the want, the why-

The sun rises its warm cheek 

lighting the low flame

of a fresh poppy 

bursting through the winter mud.

Anyway the next step,

the next moment

finds me

empty and lighter and

unable to grasp ahold

of any-thing-any-body-any-way

right or left

or stay 

strong long enough

to make sense

of Beauty. 

Painting by Auguste AllongĂ© (1833-1898), 'A Walk in the Forest' c. 1873 in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, September 19, 2019


Nobody practices
Magic anymore,
Other than for

We are losing
our skills while being
focused on
what went wrong.

Who knows better.
We know.
We do not like taking medicine.

All doctors begin
that all of our inoculants,
all cures were right here,
waiting to be
spelled out
on the tips our of tongues.

There is a familiar smell
growing stronger
Outside of the lab.

It was always Life or Death.
This time
A muse meant
Some words are harder to swallow.

Artwork by Paul Klee, 'Fish Magic' c. 1925 in the Philadelphia Museum of Art [Public domain].

Saturday, June 8, 2019

A turning of the Blind I

It would be
an act of empathy
if only
we were able to turn a blind eye
when feeling
our way around
soft dirt
and sharp diamonds
with only our bare hands.

We focus
on bettering ourselves
instead of making ourselves

From the first mud pie
we are taught to make
to the first brick of the fortresses
we build around our heart
to keep out
more than intended
the eager makers we have made
to be-


wage battles,
venturing outside our dwellings
for a time
feeling our way
the perimeter
tempted to go
as far as the I
can see.

we arrive with new visions
without any tangible evidence
of our travels.

Painting by Paula Modersohn-Becker, 'Self-portrait with hat and veilt' c. 1906-07 in [Public domain].

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Mann kind

“The diaries of opium-eaters record how, during the brief period of ecstasy, the drugged person’s dreams have a temporal scope of ten, thirty, sometimes sixty years or even surpass all limits of man’s ability to experience time-dreams, that is, with images thronging past so swiftly that, as one hashish-smoker puts it, the intoxicated user’s brain seems “to have had something removed, like the mainspring from a watch.”
-Thomas Mann (The Magic Mountain)

Should I have sweat through those provocative dreams
Since time is running out
And shall I have watched, disturbed and overcome with infatuation,
Pleasure, intent on the scene, all its folded lines hung out,
The mosaic scene, the spackled tiles of moments to keep
Float over the surface of settled matters.
Transience penetrates us to move on and on.
This minuscule thought that writhes its way under
Eyelids-between us, selves. We are
Something small, private, intrusive, edgy and loose.
The Splinter severed from the smooth grain
Pierces its way deeper into our softness, 
past the seventh gate, writhing in quicksand
Only to break off the relationship,
Leaving a white fleshy hole with dead skin
light floods inside singing delicate motors
Before it can draw an arc, or a
furrow atop the brow with vapor and sweat
and feel the tickle from
blood running down wrists and pouring out nostrils.
Resilience needs rest and a sense, a little air and darkness,
solitude in a moment to hold on despite the vertiginous spin
We are in this together, that you remember 
That this horrific nightmare
Has occurred to me before, many times, before
I woke. 

Painting by Ivan Aivazovsky, 'Pushkin at Ai-Petri during sunrise' 1899 in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Draining the tank

Forced to shut it down,
I could blame the mind
and its tangents, divergents,
detours and erratic rays-

It was required, however,
silence inside,
the volume became unbearable
under the waiting 
behind healing.

Glances stolen by cocked arrows shot
straight from shoulder blades,
and daggers drawn across the word
arched with pain in glass sand
esses like snakes smolder

And some vacancy was needed, 
a clear horizon line-
some bleach, for feelings.

Yes, White-
Angels swallow song-
birds, as I sing along sharply
the poetry written in the sky.

Artwork By James Yunge-Bateman, c. 1943 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


It is magic
and you cannot stop me
from saving myself
from a worn out hex
bestowed onto to me.

It is energy (also chi)
and used methodically
to end this mean curse
in-heir-antly placed
I may live
by breaking.

It is healing,
helping myself,
or magic.

It is not about you.

It makes
me better.

It is the art
of magic.

Artwork credit By Internet Archive Book Images, Ladies Home Journal 1948 [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Lamp of love

My Sun: Embrace me light of day,

Your golden hallowed rays
kiss my skin with freckles
Your eternal optimism
is what we need, every day.

Steelier than others
the nights frost still stabs
You relieve the stars
from their grand spectacle.

I can feel your pulse
when I am held under you
It is reassuring, like a baby's
breath, in a mirror.

Leave me a smile
before you set
your sights
on another day

for healing a shot in the dark.

Image By Menke Dave, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Snow geese at sunrise.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...