Showing posts with label trust. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trust. Show all posts

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Obviously hidden

The treasure chest is locked

of course

I cannot find the key.

Losing it


was self-defense.

And of course

someone asked about its


Privacy excluded,

they meant no offense

to my memory.

But of course

certain things cannot be trusted

with others

Or oneself, really.

That is why

it is safer to hide


Painting by Edward Mason Eggleston (1882-1941), 'Princess of the Treasure Isle' in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

My Valentine

I keep looking for something
that isn't there
right now, at least-
I feel strongly
compulsive. I still seek signs
first thing in the morning
like that one unforgettable
uncovered by footprint,
a betrayal disguised
as an innocent amble
an estrangement you
desired irrisitably
and unregrettably.

Now that I have seen
deleted texts sent and received
more than dirty fingerprints,
this is DNA,
a wound
Spring inside the rib cage
re-tearing old wounds
the clicking like rage
in my ear

and I see how naturally
this discovery
reveals a new PTSD
in me-

a bomb exploded
my heart imploded
screams held back
my blood ran out

but I stayed, trembling at times
to face the enemy
when he
finally turns around
and notices me-

clutching a lit grenade
with the same gripping fear
that has kept me here
holding on
for too long.

Painting by John Collier (1850-1934), ;The fallen idol; c. 1913 in Public domain.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Should've asked first...

We were connected
to each others gaze
and more
deeply, once
we wished would last for-

with me
conversations, deeply
endless opportunity
together only-

I know
that was then,
but I do not know
when this
more endings.

True, I only speak
honestly in poetry.
Saying more
than I could other-

I only ask
now, how we changed

Don't answer,
I won't repeat.

The blue-lit face,
red cheeks, empty windows
and presence-
elsewhere, I try to focus
on something
as intangible and
deeply infinite,
as sky only to resist
the falling atmosphere.

It is my fault.
I should've asked
you if you think
we get what we deserve

Painting by Philip Hermogenes Calderon (1833-1898), 'Her eyes are with her heart' c. 1881, in Pubic Domain. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Electra en route

The skydiver sits with legs dangling
over some hazy sepia city, where white boulders
are really single-family houses.

The words in the sky-
The only open space-
mention the management of
Trust and Risk.

From the profile
I recognize the Roman nose and swollen lower jaw,
puffed up bottom lip.
The head is tucked in a leather helmet or bonnet
and thick black gloves meant for big jobs such as 
holding on. The figure is slumped over, looks down.

I note how long it has been yet despite the gap 
easily identified as the Pioneer Amelia Earhart;

whose good fortune in men and time
required no planning of retirement,

whose fate turned ill at forty-one,

whose security was not welded to stocks or
bonded to breed,

whose figure seems compatible
in that alien atmosphere,

who was never buried

whose sealed lips, stony gaze,
Pause one to wonder what she sees
in the shadowtrees painted below,
does this sky have depth perception,
or recognize
the Miss Appropriation, the mixed media,
the teetering between jump and fall,
I tear out
the full page newspaper advertisement
and fold it back into a paper plane. 

"You haven't seen a tree until you have seen its shadow from the sky."-Amelia Earhart

Amelia Mary Earhart was born on July 24th in 1897, she disappeared in her plane Electra and was declared dead on January 5th, 1939. 

1st photo of Amelia and her husband George Putnam taken 1931, By International News Photos (eBay front back) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
2nd photo By San Diego Air & Space Museum Archives [No restrictions or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Two gather a world

They were sloppy and all over the place
But you said they were neat and saw where they were going

Instead of seeing white as work to do,
You saw the space as everything
in a corner of infinite potential

You saw the all books pile up you cared not to read,
you knew there were poems being written you wouldn’t like,
but listened to all the summaries intently
as though these beamings held up the roof.

Needing you to say, I like this view, you did.
And on the Future we stood atop,
not under, Trust
and knew it to be seaworthy,
come a flood,
having sailed and proven so
in worse storms than before.

This is why they call ships She
sails catching wind, why the butterfly
has nothing better to do but change into more,

We can pitch caution
And roll on, we were on track ,
you said this time
let us be wreckless and lucky
like you little lady. 

Painting by Arnold Böcklin, Villa by the Sea (c. 1871-1874) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

A round of a pause

Magic elixir, quick fixer,
there is no cure.
It is fatal, even tragic,
there is no real magic
in metallurgy,
by standard,
gold gets warm to the touch, silver reflects
soft and such-
Just ignore
those that keep score with trinkets

As alchemists insist upon
what is made is nevermore
than before
enduring and manipulating
the use
while passing through,
by hand.
The philosophers’ stone

Mostly taken for granite.

Painting by Luis Ricardo Falero, Study of a Witch (19th century), [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Holey Trinity: Lie, Cheat & Steal

I have heard
Every word (not said)

Calling your bluff
Hasn't happened (yet)
Each day, more regret
And yet-you continue
To think I don't know

Stolen moments, my
Trust taken for a ride, Dead
Await a new pure white
Little lie (by immaculate Mary's men).

Image of painting by Georges de La Tour [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. The Cheat with the Ace of Clubs, 1630-1634.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...