Showing posts with label make. Show all posts
Showing posts with label make. Show all posts

Monday, February 20, 2023


Creation is the opposite of


I wave my hand

in a certain direction

and create

Havoc or Hope

it makes

sense further away...

As far as I could see,

All that can be


was never meant to remain

the same


for Us


what is Done. 

Painting by Edvard Munch (1863-1944), 'Woman in White Sitting on a Bench' c. 1906-1907, in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, January 27, 2019


One would easily conclude
that she was in fact,
a witch.

It was not the time,
nor her spelling,
she did not wield a broom
or don a pointed
and yet
we forget
the difference between legend
and lore
we pretend not to see
so we may forget
why we hide
(this information)
or face

The insolent one stays inside the lines,
obeys or Believes
that there is a difference between magic
and living, despite
the few that knew
what they have seen or felt
and hid their skeletons
behind the cross.

The witch files her nails
and emits wisps of smoke,
she ruffles through the leaves
for a recipe to reverse
the ingested poison
and faith
found her
scratching the margins,
filling the white space
with letters
to correspond with method
and madness,

she blends in
like a mother.

Painting by János Rombauer [Public domain].

Friday, September 29, 2017

Making magma

I’d like to draw a map of you
for perspective,
for options,
for borders, both imaginary &

Your vellum,
I now know like the belly of my palm.
And our lines converge, overlap, and seal off
familiar territories, provincial islands of natives,
like Us where
there is a sense of belonging,
lining up and finding places 
specific to our likeness and 
locale is in a sense
relative to distance to each other
within our limited spheres
flattened as Atlas can get
and remain.

Two souls collide Here, two bodies melt,
there two souls trapped, 
surrounded bodies of turbid water 
that become brackish by exchange.

This is all I can do 
with nothing else to make
but more magma
in these uncharted lands
and move on. 

Painting by D. Howard Hitchcock (1914) 'Moon and stars over Diamond Head' in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

A genda

Today, I will write,
Paint, read, make marks in space(s)
Empty of purpose ( ). 

Painting by Nicolas Henri Jeaurat de Bertry (1777) in [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Post Art-i-fact-o

What happened in here?
They All asked
they made Art
with what they found

with new found Purpose
They said
let us try to Make
something of This

you See more than many
Depth, behind or beyond Being inside
your Time

What happened was-All reaction,
I’s further upon reflection,
absorb color theory, insistent as Form,
stole shape of an idea and Acts upon it.

It happens.
not all see it.
that way more for us
to take in and make out. 

Painting by Władysław Malecki (1883) ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, December 2, 2016

The rise of casuality

Because we are the effects, not the primes
as in Primates,
we are moved,
as in affected.

Because we breed
maladies and machinations
we create
as in Creatures
more than was there before Us, 
as in BC (Blind Carbon).

We infer our differences 
in grand designs and poor planning
or preferences and likenesses
as reflections of self-expression
and omit the other view
to simplify.

Why do we need to know
as though living without question
helps with this affliction of mortality
or enlightens eternity...

Shall we give up and let it go, as though
we influence more than our mind 
-do not answer that-
Instead, let's suppose 
the conclusion 
need only a new name 
or learned skill for our adaptable
Fin de siècle
or inability to sit

We move On
and are moved ever more,
for even though in an odd way
the Word made it the first 
to day. 

Image credit By Strobridge Litho. Co., Cincinnati & New York [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Poetry Athiest

Through This
I have met wonderful words
Via verse
I have become Estranged
By thinking
This way
I have situated
and I have
sat while yours waited
Saturated myself in vocabulary
languished and lingered
seeking how to mean
but saying it wrong
and left you hanging
bifurcating and circumventing
all crystal-clear communication.

Through This
I have seen wonderous worlds
I have molded and manipulated
matter, made grey,
so I could see both
Art and Science
and failed
to Make sense
Density, I have done
I reason
and found None.

Image credit-By 'Not given' [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, c. 1920.

Friday, April 8, 2016

After All Art (Tanka)

Make haste with your art
Make it say what you cannot
utter, honestly
hurry-I worry we won't
make it-we won't, after all.

Image of painting by József Borsos,The Dissatisfied Painter (Crisis in the Life of a Painter), 1852 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Building the Doozer Adobe Dome

Ground has been broken.
It is coming along with callused hands,
bloody knuckles, slimy elbows
and the shoulders
of Atlas.
                                                                Making progress?
Making is a process,
even when done
this way before-
there is a rhythm
in the rhyme.
                                                                To each his own to find.
The ones near the top
are fools gold
bodies that steal the sun.
                                                                You'll need to dig deeper.
When it all caves in
you can hear a faint echo
where labor lost love.
And as you go down,
ear to the earth, grumbles;
but from above, glistening.
Erecting glass towers,
prisms with poise,
                                                                one stone away
                                                                from crystallography.
Yes, we may get buried
Yet, we must continue
on schedule,
with slotted setbacks
                                                                spaced out.
Rock.              Water.                Bone.
Not to worry,
it all comes out right
when done.
Once all fine points                                 (grains)
                                                                              are settled,
resistance quelled,
the dirt goes back
where it flows
                                                                 in order
to rest in peace,
on this sight                                              we will make

Image By Yoav Dothan (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...