Showing posts with label questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label questions. Show all posts

Monday, May 30, 2022

Scar Tissue


What are you doing with this body

The soul asked the mind

To and from bounced as echoes 

Evade their sources


You want to know


You are

Now, is past

Then, next I plan

On finding 

A voice

hat Does 

instead of making sound waves

with air

Going to and from

Self and I 

just to know


Is true

Is false


where questions

make marks

like clouds,


the blue.

Artwork by Konrad Krzyżanowski, 'Clouds' c. 1906, in Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Capital T

It was coincidence that
Truth hit the margin so hard
it made the big

The answers were always,
just lying there. True or False.
The truth was filed away,
in the oven,
on ice,
just beyond the horizon,
outside of our reach,
out in front of us and
most visible on our fore-
heads. Indicators of attention

Granted, little u's
the q's so well,
as if wedded to one another.
Infinitesimally too quantum
to separate
from the microclimate
too minuscule
to divide or conquer
or entitle affectionately
Grand Fallacy.

So the tee's were crossed and
the eyes forgot
where to aim
the sentence.

Painting by Henry Stacy Marks [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

In questionable fashion

Who told you how to live?
Let me begin by acknowledging our equal need for oxygen,
and then amend, 
nitrogen is what we primarily take in,
albeit we all agree to say 
it is only Oh-two that is our necessity-
in stability and in security.

Is this all you need? The rest must be greed...
              Upon a star watch all wishes come true.
Did you get the images from the made for reality tv
program, project runaway
fed by pity luck, out of stock-on back-order-by-
and catapults.

How can you just stand by, casually 
wanting the same not enough to go around?
You're losing it,  ground you never gained, receding
by the grains of sand you planned your foundations 
upon return to all unfull-filled wishes and keep 
coming back to what looks better but never is
Yours Truly

Silly sap, you don't need all that crap
to distract your focus, diffuse your feelings,
numb your neurons, echo those morons
and blend in to grey-scale wet ware
you won't want to wear
later-or For Ever
enough stuff 
holds you back
by gross weight.

It seems all other dreams
end well...but how would you know...
sleeping like they do
makes it better for you
by breath or in death, 
                gasping for argon
until it is all gone.

Image By Fox Film Corporation (Heritage Auction Gallery) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Define Y

Why did you have me
when all you wanted was to give me away?

Why did you take me
when all you could do was give up on me?

Why did I try-so hard
to get nowhere new?

Why did i bother the universe
trying to make matter more real, make real matter more...

Why did you stand behind me,
only to run away?

Why did we come together
only to divide
and reduce ourselves
to the lowest

Why did I believe in Love
after all i have seen, after what has been?

When did all of We
become only (m)e?

Why should we try
to solve

Painting by By Germán Gedovius (en es) [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Pond(ering) growth

If I am doing it wrong
how does anything change?
If I don't have what it takes-
what do I have?
If I fail
how will I know?
If it was supposed to go this way-
who made the agenda?
If it was all for
bowel movements and humor,
should I have laughed more?
If letting go takes practice,
why fall in love?
If I could never be good enough,
should I be becoming
increasingly imperfect?
If I need more
I should be content with less.
If I am to be trusted-
it must be said this way.
If I am wrong
which is the write way...

Painting by Monet (1877) Pond at Montgeron, [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Curiosity killed the Question Mark

Attempt to ask questions all day?
How am I supposed to do that?
Without sounding like I'm two?
Why is the sky blue?
I thought you knew?
Would it be prying?
Am I mocking you?
What did you just say?
Am I mocking you?
Am I not catching on?
Am I deaf?
Losing you?

What if I know the answer?
Do I keep it to myself?
What should I do if I am as lost as you?
Should I be asking you?
Who cares?
Who knows?
Where is this going?
Do you have directions?
Do you enjoy making the decisions?
Why do I ask?
I thought you knew, was I wrong?
Can't you see?

Indefinitely, (rhetorically)
this questionable method
offers no direct answers.

Image By PookieFugglestein (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia CommonsShort-eared Owl Asio flammeus on fence post, Lexington Kentucky.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Beyond Reason

Tell me please,
if you have seen,
what lies between the magnet
and the object of its pursuit?
It's a pull, yes. Explainable;
quite easily, right-?
But can you touch the chord;
pull it like a string, strum it, interrupt it?
Of course.
But where is it from-
beyond attraction...

So, gravity has the same modus operandi.
As nondiscriminatory, as flexible, per se, so one says.
It's a Law of Physics too-one can be sure.
While we break it every day, obsessed by
Air Anarchy, in our endless tries to defy
flights of fancy, let’s do levitation, zero gee.
Not explaining the monkey on our shoulders,
elephants squatting on chests, legs like lead,
and arms that mysteriously float
after being constrained, contained, compressed-
beyond extraction…

Okay, now what is that smell, and why, or how does it work?
The innate swoon of a baby’s head,
making a maternal perfume; loves incense;
coconut oil melting in the sun, beads rest on sandy shards,
smoky wood in campfire rings, popping on a summer's night,
warm cinnamon...
The crook of your neck, just behind your left ear lobe
crackly new books,
squeaky clean skin-
beyond satisfaction…

I won't bother asking, from where or what,
is this thing, so refuted by scholars, called intuition-
since it is beyond my simple human erudition-
but is scientifically, senselessly, purely poetic,

beyond literal abstraction…

Image of painting (oil) by Jacob Philipp Hackert, 'Fisher Family at nighttime campfire with turbulent sea', 1778. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...