Showing posts with label crystal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crystal. Show all posts

Friday, May 15, 2020

Upon further refraction

The dark parts are never totally absent
but make counter balance
while the wave-
lengths of light
lure us to the edges
of our material domains.

And tenacious as
we are, discover
how pointed
the arrow of time
must be-in order
to pierce the shield
we forge between
then and now,

observations become skewed
and miss their tiny targets
more often
than not.

All the while,
the incessant beating
heart, clock, hands only
amplify this glaring
temptation to shatter
our own gently built
crystalline structures

aligned and angled
just so-

objects prevent the light
from penetration
into the facets
that make us so

In retrospect,
the gradient
is held dependent
to a degree,
only to consider its own color
cast on the walls
and splashed across the floor
in the time it takes
to name
something never

Photo credited by Kelvinsong / CC0, 'Prism tribeam' taken 2012 in Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons. 

Friday, January 18, 2019


The storm was done
and so it fell
into a fine mist

of crystals spent
in shards or more

The after taste
of iron
smells like the steel sky
blowing by

or coming
from my mouth
in thin whispers...

Painting by Arthur Partin (1842-1914), 'Misty Morning off the Coast of Maine', c. 1865-67, in Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons. 

Sunday, February 26, 2017


We mind rarified
elementary considerations such as
helium and hope that just
stream out the o-zone.

While we worry about coal gluttons
and electric vampires,
the signal still comes
in crystal glints,
colors are just

The most resourceful
were generous
making love-
concurrently, we are

sucked in
shiny silicon i's.
Unwound and seriously
needing respooling.

Image credit Hugo Gerhard Ströhl [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Decorating mud cakes

Apathy spreads so easily,
thriving amongst any localized

Ears sprout in fields from yellow seas
of mono-cropping. The wind grinds down
our meals into muted mush, nourish us,
the sun glows, chicken,
adapting itself in ambiance to the best
propagation of pessimism and
immunology in world-wide webs.

Saturation is more suitable for delusional
desires by dreamers who water down rainbows
as casualty.

There is no wonder

Where does the marrow go
when our spines shrivel...

Clouds cure any silly thoughts of happy
or stupid glee, i.e. beauty. Muddy skies slog unmixed 
clods and none bother asking why
Life continues this way.

Over our heads. 
We would never see any reason
for it coming
in all shades of brown and grey.
We wont look up. 

Painting By Rogers, Gilbert (MBE) [Public domain], c. 1919 via Wikimedia Commons.

tiny affirmations

I said, opening the door.
In he came with a crooked smile
his eyes down cast-
my feet-
and stood
I facing him.

with first blinks and a rub of my eyes-
Don't-said he-quickly-his hand
fingering the silky nude rose
pink petals, curled tips and
composed in the tiny crystal vase.

Get up-See-'Tis better to Dream-Always.
Says he, with a warm flannel smile
(around me).

I slept a while-
yes, it felt so good.
I don't know if I dreamt
or what it meant that my
pillow smelt so sweet and pink
like tiny crystals, maybe leaves...

was the first word
And It was good.

Image of painting by Frederic Leighton [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Flaming June (1895).

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Fragmentary figures

crystal eyes
Dis guys
thin and Lethe
soak and sponge
pour us
poor us
aqua vita
vita nuova
amor fati
mere our

mere our
amor fati
vita nuova
poor us
pour us
soak and sponge
thin and Lethe
Dis guys
crystal eyes.

Image of painting by Paul Klee [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Crystal Gradation, 1921.

Doom and Bloom

And we wake up  to a new day, the world crumbling around us. We try to put the pieces together, nothing makes sense- or fits- and yet everyt...